3/28/17 - Donuts and Birthday cake


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Dec 29, 2012
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rs, I hope you have a great birthday

Good morning all, the sun is shining, the skies are blue,no wind, just lovely, even if only 33. Hope this day is just as pretty for our birthday girl (though we have rain due to come...no signs yet, so that is even better)
Good morning, good morning, good morning everyone!! WOW!! What a morning I've already had. Something really cool just happened and not that unexpected either, but: I just received a call from our Queen Elizabeth II who has, by royal decree declared that no man, woman or child in the U.K. and Canada, because she can't just speak for the world, shall not let today pass without taking a moment to salute and extend your warmest birthday wishes to Salem Spectator's @redsquirrel.

The Queen regrets she could be deliver this in person but she has her Corgis to walk today and Prince Philip is getting out of line and well she's 90 and needs a nap or two. At any rate, Happy Birthday RS. Hope you have a great day.

Ahhh, thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes. The cakes are GORGEOUS! Plus some of my favorite things...squirrels , Steelers, and the baby giraffe.

Muzza, you're just too sweet. You better believe that I'm going to lord that over my friends and co-workers.

The weather is not cooperating today, and the rain is still coming down. My friends brought sunshine to the morning with gourmet filled cupcakes, balloons, and birthday cards. (There's nothing like a sugar high at 7:00 AM ! ) They're also taking me out to dinner after work.
Happy Birthday to our favorite squirrel. I'm glad several of you were able to come up with perfect cakes. It always surprises me to see how you do that. And Muzz, you had me going, there for a minute. That was a good one! Squirrel, I hope most of all that you are feeling better and getting over the pneumonia. Glad your friends are treating you with all kinds of celebrations today.

I've been outside moving some things around, in anticipation of possible severe thunderstorms later today and tonight. Hope it doesn't come to that but the possibility exists and the sky looks eerie. Glad I got my going done yesterday.
Happy birthday, Red Squirrel. Have good one.

On the subject of real squirrels, the family across the street has/had them in their attic. The exterminator truck has been here the past two days trying to evict them. Also in a follow-up, all TV news trucks were on the block the other day because the flashing detective was apprehended by the local police on the corner that's only a few houses away from us. Finally, the weather here couldn't be worse -- damp, grey, and rainy -- the kind of weather that's never seen in Salem where umbrellas (and winter clothes) are rarely seen.
Happy birthday RS. I love all these creative birthday cakes these folks have created for you!!!!! Such imaginations! I hope your day is going well.

I had to hop across the water to "America" this morning. The water was very choppy . . . set off a few alarms on cars on the Ferry. Medical appointment to get a biopsy done on a nodule on my thyroid. Interesting experience. Will know the results by Friday. I expect all is OK.
Another pretty day here so I was outside in the flowerbed. I found a snake when I
was weeding. I'm glad he was sleeping since I wasn't wearing gloves. Hopefully, he'll
be gone before I go back in the area.

prayers for you Lil0

rs, I'm glad you're having a great birthday with your friends.

OC, I hope the storms you get won't be severe.

I hope everyone has a nice evening.
I wish they were birds and not mice!

Kat, I sure hope your snakes are not poisonous.

Lil0, I'm wishing you the best on your thyroid. I had a nodule removed nearly 40 years ago.

So far, so good on the storms. First round missed us as it dropped golf to baseball size hail on a town across the river. We have another string of storms arriving soon. I'm going to bed though.
Good evening everyone, and Happy Birthday RS! Hope it was amazing!

OC, I'm shuddering at your story of the mice! YUCK!!!

I know I haven't been posting in a while. Been SUPER busy! Weather has been back and forth--sunny and mild one day, cold and rainy the next! But our daffodils are in full bloom, along with the forsythias. Some azalea bushes and cherry blossom trees are in the early stages of bloom. I expect in a week or two they'll be all out! Grass is getting really green, too, from all the rain and (mostly melted) snow.

Hope all of you have a nice night.