3/29/19 - Donuts and lots more rain


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Dec 29, 2012
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Goldie and I got soaked this morning. I didn't realize until it got daylight how much it
rained last night. The ditch yesterday had water, but not as much as the other day.
This morning, it's overflowing again. Rain in forecast for rest of week and most of
next week. I might have a chance to get out in flowerbed Friday afternoon.

I hope everyone has the best day they possibly can.
Good morning everyone.

kat, I think we're caught in the same gigantic weather system. It is still raining here, and is supposed to continue through next week . We're to have a few snowflakes mixed in this weekend. The fog is very very thick today. The weather folks are telling people to stay home if possible.

OC - I just saw your question from the other day. My town is classified as a third class city, and we're 1 hour away from both Pittsburgh, PA, and Cleveland, OH. It was a township until we got our own zip code in the 1980's. The population is around 16,000 now, but we have more cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, llamas, alpacas, and bison than we do people. Most of our 30 square miles city is rural with one large business and medical district. My 9 acres of heavily wooded property is almost on the division where rural and urban meet.
Good Morning.

We are officially hitting 90F today and Easter weekend will be 92F plus going forward. I am already sick of the sun, heat, weeds, and dusty air. Oh, well.

Hubs is home, in pain but recovering. My daughter does have the flu, version 2 with bacterial infection and is fairly miserable, but cooperative. My son still struggles with classmates hitting him, spitting on him, knocking him down and calling him names because he is a Christian. Talking with his Dad helped a great deal and I think his guilt [for being angry when kicked/hit on ground that spurred him to fight back] is slowly fading. I decided to take the today off as I was already approved for Easter Friday-Sunday off. My family needs me, and we all need each other.

Kat: your area is certainly drenched often. Sorry you & Goldie were not only cold, but wet on your morning walk. Hoping your day improves by leaps and bounds.

Squirrel: 9 acres of wooded land is heaven, congrats! A little nature, peace, quiet, beauty and privacy. Sounds just perfect to me!

Hoping everyone prepping to travel for Easter weekend, or receive family at your home, is somewhat on schedule. For those of you cancelling plans, like me, due to family needs, I still wish you a lovely long weekend of peace and joy.
Noel, did the classmates that started the fight get suspended from school?
Does the school have an anti bullying policy?

I hope your daughter feels better soon. I just saw on the internet that flu B is going
around the US now.

Take care of yourself and your family.
Kat: yes, my daughter has flu B plus a bacterial secondary infection. I am concerned we will all be next as we were exposed before/during fever symptoms.

The school does not have an anti-bullying policy, yet. They have been meeting to write one for over a year but parents argue with the committee and nothing seems to get done. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Like Congress.

JS and Kat: We did have a meeting at school with the boys' parents who started the fight. They insisted their sons were innocent. Then they complained about Christians being responsible for Trump winning the election and most of the country's problems to date. I finally took my son and left the meeting as the principal agreed there was no "proof" but the word of other children witnessing the incident and my son.

Thanks for thinking of us Kat.
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Morning Everyone,

Not sure what I've caught, but whatever germs decided to hit me stole most of my voice. Praying that it's back for my choir's Tenebra cantata for tomorrow night and the Hallelujah Chorus for Sunday. Currently drinking lemon tea with honey to try to help.

Noel - I'm so angry at the fact that the school is doing nothing about the attack on your son, I don't blame you one bit for walking out of that meeting. What a pile of upload_2018-3-29_9-8-59.png. Praying that everyone at your house is feeling better soon.

Kat - sorry you're getting drenched. We sure could use the rain here. We've had drought conditions for most of the month.

RS - I'd love a big woods for a backyard. We don't even have 1 tree in our yard.

Hope you all have a good day.
Noel, that is ridiculous what is happening to your son. Seriously, what school nowadays doesn't have an anti-bullying policy?? I'm sorry your son is being bullied and glad he stood up to them. I hope things work out but it's not going to get any better until the school gets on board with anti-bullying and then get the staff on side too. I guess like everywhere in the world, there are always going to be areas that just won't progress and just do what's right. Sad.

Feel better to all those who are sick.

I'm on day one of vacation and about to get out of bed and do some cleaning, then picking up my Buddy's mother who is visiting from Montreal and go on a drive or take shopping this afternoon. After that, dinner at our place which i stayed up and got ready last night.

Have a good day everyone.
Muzza: your afternoon and evening sound like great fun. Enjoy. And thanks for your thoughts and words. The parents of the offending boys believe their sons, and I understand that response and emotions. The district still has no anti-bullying policy also but insist it will be completed by summer.

JS: yes I agree. While I believe in supporting girls/women who bring sexual abuse to the forefront, it is not fair to assume the boy/man is guilty or overreact to a compassionate action. In America it is "innocent until PROVEN guilty" but that seems to be lost int he confusion now.

Poirot: how is your son with the flu? It must be so difficult for him to recover without any help, or someone to run errands for prescriptions or food items. I think of him daily and hope he is improving.
Morning all.

Just a quick note before heading off to work. Blech.

Working from home today so I will try to sneak out and play with my new trees. I have planned the weekend to repot everything that I got, as the soil they are in just won't work in this rather warm climate.

I hope all who are feeling poorly start to feel better soon.
Noel, it's disgusting that the school is weak on bullying. If you feel forced to change schools, I would consider that attorney time.

I guess I should be ashamed of myself, but a fleeting image of someone wiping a Kleenex on the perps' locker handles flew through my mind. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Locally, schools have some custodial function on the way to, and from home. At least they did at one time.

Thoughts and prayers for you, and yours!
AGuy: hope you are feeling fine today and life is treating you very well.

I was considering home-schooling, but how do you prepare kids for this kind of incident? We talk to him, listen, and try to teach him respect for others. But, honestly, if I was laying on the sidewalk and someone was kicking/hitting me I would be angry and scared too. We are thinking and praying over what our next actions should be so we protect, educate, and help our children learn to socialize in all situations. A bit overwhelming today.
Thanks, Squirrel. I am trying to prevent the situation from escalating for my son who is nervous about returning to school. But that may be the next step if it happens again. The boys parents believe their sons and are defensive about their being 'falsely accused'. I am hoping their defensive position will shift to a more positive problem solving one in the future.
Good afternoon to all, and a belated happy birthday to redsquirrel (our Internet connection was out for most of yesterday). If I had started this thread, it would have been "Donuts and Organized Chaos." We're getting the house ready to put on the market and for the past few days, the floor refinishers were here, meaning everything from the den was stuffed into the living room and all the furniture from the master bedroom was parked in the other second floor rooms. Over the weekend, my son was here filling a dumpster, and twice in the past few weeks it was painters in the aforementioned den and bedroom, as well as the bathroom and the basement. Finally, I was sorry to hear about the bullying situation. Two of my pet peeves are weak school administrators and parents who think that their precious child can do no wrong. Back in the days of President Eisenhower, when I was in grade school, getting sent to the principal's office was a fate worse than death, and getting in trouble at school meant even worse trouble at home.
Given all the requirements to file bullying events at schools, it does seem odd that the school doesn't have a policy in place. And your son was suspended but the others weren't? Wow. But then again I worked at a school where a student threatened me and another teacher, IN FRONT of the class, when I called to have her arrested on making a terroristic threat against a school official, the principal overrode me and the darling's mother threatened to sue me for false arrest.

But the "I know where you live and you won't make it till next week" sure sounded like a violent threat to me. And she did know where I lived because her house was on the other block. I walked the dog by her house daily on the way to the park.

So I've snuck out and loved on my trees. Heee heee. I will put them together and get a picture for you Most are just wild with no actual bonsai yet. And I purchased a viewing stone that I LOVE. Now to get a stand made for it.
DrBaker: how wonderful to be moving closer to your grandchildren! That must be one of the joys of retirement. Plus Annapolis is a beautiful area. How exciting for you and the Super Beagel. Just think of all he can explore with his superb tracking nose and gait!

Robin: thanks for sharing your experience with bullying. I am sorry you had to go through this not once, but twice. Lovin on your trees is like medicine to your soul, I think. Being in nature does the same for me. Enjoy!
Mrs Finch has been staying in the hanging flower planter. She flies away everytime
the front door opens. Maybe I'll be seeing baby birds later.

Busy day at school today. Book fair this week. School closed tomorrow for Good
Friday and librarian not sure if she'll get her sales quota in this time. But today
Kindergarten had Easter egg hunt and Easter party. Parents came and several
came in to the book fair with younger kids. Hopefully, enough parents come
today to make up for no sales tomorrow.

Noel, thanks for the explanation. I hope you're keeping track of what's going on at
school and who with. It's sad that the principal isn't doing enough to protect all
the children at school.

DrBakerFan, good luck on selling your house and move.

manda, I hope you'll feel better for the cantata tomorrow. I'm going out tomorrow
evening with my neighbor friend. Her dad's choir is coming to church in town to
sing. He lives an hour away in a retirement community.

robin, I'm glad you're enjoying your work day at home.
Kat: your holiday weekend sounds like it will be wonderful. Hope it is more wonderful than you imagine. Maybe Mrs Finch will warm up to you once the rain stops!

And yes, I am notating all these events by date, time, persons involved etc.
Noel, I commend you for staying on top of your son's situation. I was bullied from grammar school through high school. I was small for my age, shy, and wore glasses. I guess that made me an easy target. No one believed me or cared (1960s to 1970s), not even my own mother. Put on your Mama Bear persona! I sure could have used that!