3/30/24 - Donuts and National Pencil Day


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Feb 19, 2018
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I remember in 1st grade we used those fat carpenter's pencils.
Did anyone else use them?
Good morning and happy Pencil Day..... I enjoy using a sharp #2 pencil.....but I don't remember ever using the carpenter's pencils in school..... as a lefty I did manage to "wear" a lot of my pencil and pen's later on in life..... the school from Kinder on wanted me to use my right hand.... but as a stubborn Italian redhead, I refused.... due to many factors outside my control I can write with either hand but my left is dominate.....

today I need HB to leave the house with the beast for a bit so I can bring out the horrible vacuum..... get the house ready for Easter dinner.....it's been so windy that the floors need to be gone over again.....

we are looking at terrific weather for the rest of this weekend.....

Happy Saturday to all who visit......
Also one for #2 pencils....don't remember fat ones in school.
No wind today, but still lots of snow. LOL
Am trying to deal with a problem.....cannot get on Facebook as don't remember password. Yes I wrote them down, but Facebook keeps saying not valid. Weird, as one day all was fine, and the next I cannot get on. Tried different variations - no luck.
Plus my laptop died, I guess. Won't stay on for than a minute or two. I tried with being plugged in & charging, and with.....makes no difference. I hold the plug in with one hand, that will work for 5 or 6 minutes, but just goes off. So, have to get a new one........ever check prices.......they go from a couple hundred to couple thousand. !! Egads. And I have no idea what the difference is. Ha. I don't use laptop for any work, just on Facebook, or playing solitaire at times. I used to do jigsaws, but have not for a while now.

My desktop is pretty good, but not very cooperative when it comes to getting e-mail. No idea why. Just wish I knew why passwords won't work.
Poirot.... have you checked your keyboard to make sure that you don't have CAPS lock accidentally on? Or if you use numbers in your password like passw0rd, and you have a number pad the number are working? I have that problem a lot, when typing with this laptop go to put the date in and look up to see / / as the "num lock" is off and I'm not typing numbers.

As for the battery connection it could be that the plug isn't actually charging the battery for reasons only known to the computer Gods and if you take it in for an check up they will tell you it will be cheaper to purchase a new one..... HB had that problem he solved it by A. making sure he had the power "brick" plugged into a working socket. B. then the took a big rubber band and banding it in place.... that worked for a while... we won't mention the grumbling when the rubber band rolled over onto the keyboard....

if truly all you do with your laptop is Facebook, and solitaire, check out a Chrome Book, they aren't super powerful, and don't have a lot of bells and whistles, but you should be able to do your email, Facebook and card gaming, solitaire, puzzles, free cell on one. Playing "Grand Theft Auto" or "Call to Duty" not so much....if you do want to play those games, you'd need a different chrome book.

My current laptop came with a touch screen, how useless I thought.... now two years later, HOW did I ever manage without it?? Not helpful when Vinnie uses his nose to close the internet, or change screens. But very helpful for me..... it was an end of year sale and I got a good price on it.
It's partly cloudy this afternoon and in the 70s. Tomorrow the same thing.

I was at the small library. I'll be outside this afternoon and tomorrow.

rf, I remember those pencils.

Poirot, good luck with your laptop. Maybe you're son will come soon to help you out.

robin, good luck getting the house ready for your company. Did you figure out what
to have for dinner tomorrow?

I hope everyone has pleasant afternoon.
Went over to WalMart, checked out the laptops. Wish I knew/understood more about whatever. Heck, went to a class on how to operate a computer, and after 8 weeks it was over, they let us buy the laptops we used if we wanted to, so I did. My desktop was a gift from my son, so I have NO experience or knowledge on what I need, should have, should look for ... blah, blah. (plus that all was a long time ago, glad every thing has held up so well. But my laptop has slid off the table twice now, damage is done I'm sure. Surprised it took so long to show up.It is fully charged, but won't stay on.....not even for 5 full minutes.
I just might go back to ol WalMart tomorrow, (not going anywhere except to church, and no one coming here).

You know, back in the day, I had as much fun hiding eggs for my kids, as they did hunting for them. Miss that. But this year, with all the snow, the eggs can't get hid outside, and hard to do inside. I know there was always an egg hunt put on by one of the organizations here, but not this year! I know Easter is early this year, and after the very mild winter, rather depressing to have such a miserable spring here. Sure hope you all are faring much better. No Easter hats this year up here, lololol.
I've already told Hunny Bunny the HE  will be in an egg hunt with his daughter and or granddaughter....I have only 5 or 6 eggs so it shouldn't be too terribly hard. I have a BUNCH of eggs in a box somewhere.... along with the other Easter decorations.... for all I know my missing can opener is in that box.... ( I doubt it but I'm still missing my can opener and oven hot pads and some kitchen towels....
Am betting many of you are coloring eggs, and those with kids will be hiding them tonight, so the kids can have their Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow. Sure do miss that, but mine are all grown up now. And me.......finally discovered am allergic to eggs......only when cooked by themselves. Fried, boiled, deviled, omelets...whatever. Weird. And I loved them, too bad they did not love me.
But guess what. Even tho am a party of just one, I have my ham for the oven, the mashed potatoes on the menu, even applesauce. LOL
Robin........I sure hope all the boxes you moved have been opened and emptied and there is not one hiding behind or under something or other. Maybe those items never got packed, or if so........never got off the moving van.