3/5/2024 - Donuts and a cuppa


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
It's a dark gloomy day..... it's supposed to end up sunny and cool.... but now after watching an absolutely terrible episode of Days.... I'm sitting enjoying a nice cup of broth.....
It's Doggie Day care day so when the broth is done, the dusting and vacuuming with begin..... then trips to Target (my meds) and Costco (HB's meds) will take place followed by assorted shops and stores that we need to visit....

For those who live in Super Tuesday States.... I hope your commercials and mail boxes get a rest for now.....

Happy Tuesday to all....
A river runs through it...again. Flooding rains all day, chilly 45.

Robin: Enjoy your busy day.

rfsexton and Poirot: I hope your power is restored very soon and you back online.

Despite the gloomy weather many of us are experiencing, let's try to make the most of the first Tuesday in March.

Happy that FB returned. Was afraid I was going to have to be productive for awhile.

70s yesterday and it's already 71 at noon. Rainy later this week/weekend with highs in 40s.

No plans for today. Had my last scheduled doc appt. yesterday until early April. Should have a follow-up for my procedure almost 2 weeks ago, but haven't heard anything yet. Doc did stop by while in recovery and said he removed 4 polyps but saw no signs of a tumor or cancer. I'm sure he'd have let me known if he was suspicious of something, but haven't gotten an "official" report yet. Gonna go with the no news is good news.

Enjoy your day!
Good afternoon everyone. It is warm here with sunshine. I had a beautiful morning to drive down the country interstate to today's school. Just finished repacking the car for the next 2 days...kindergarten registration / wellness days at my local elementary. The PTA will also provide lunch so I just need to take my thermos of tea.

Nameless - Prayers that no news is good news.

Wilde Woman - Thankfully the first round of rain missed here, but the next storm is to hit here around dinner time. Then rain until snow Saturday night.

rf and Poirot - My Verizon internet was out before I left for work this morning. I hope it came back while I've been gone.

robinsnest - Boy, switching the car registration over to Kansas sure has been a pain in the you know where. Good luck with your errands today.
This morning I woke up with a thunderstorm watch. I heard thunder in the distance at breakfast, but the rain and storms
went south of me. It's partly cloudy and in the 70s now. Cooler end of week.

I bought the next season Broadway show tickets for my area today. I had to call twice since they were so busy. I had to take
Fenix out so I hung up phone. I'll be going out now to finish raking the backyard. I picked up three cans of leaves Mon.
There shouldn't be so much today. Then on to the front yard to rake leaves.

Summary is posted. I wanted to post earlier, but things happen.

rs, it's nice the PTA gives you lunch.

robin, I hope doing errands today went better than getting the van registered.

Wilde Woman, I hope you won't get flooding.

Nameless, I hope you get a good report from the doctor.

I hope everyone has a fun rest of the day.
Thought we would be cloudy all day, but the sun did show up, tho we only got into the 40s. But so far, mild breeze, so won't complain. Had to call in repair man, as noticed washer hose was leaking (and for weeks, evidently) just very slightly, but the wall back of washer all black from the wet turning moldy. He had to tighten a couple of metal pipes, keeping fingers crossed.
Am unable to receive e-mail, keeps asking for passwords, then saying they are invalid! Holding off calling repair person because of the internet problems in many areas.....and know they are not fixed yet. Want to laugh, the program is going to send me a code to enter so I can get my mail, and access a couple sites.........but........with no mail coming thru......Keep getting mesage there are no messages to download.
Well, tomorrow is another day.......we will see.
When I worked for the OVERLORDS, I was sent out to a district site to work. I get to my hotel room late Sunday night, go to bed so I can get to the office first thing Monday morning. Over the weekend the underlords of the IT department did a big ole upgrade on the email servers. IF, you connected through the office you were fine, if you were on the road like I was they emailed you directions on how to change the settings on your computer. Which as you've gathered I couldn't get to because the settings hadn't been changed. Could they send them to my personal email address, No No NO... that would be a breach of security. Well, folks I'm scheduled to be on the road for the next 13 days so suggestions? Beyond checking my email for updates they were not helpful. They wouldn't even try to walk me through the changes verbally. I notified my boss of my problems and she found someone in our local office IT who called to walk me through it on the phone.....
We currently run into the problem as HB has changed emails and folks with the old email, send the code to it instead of the new one. The old email company went belly up the week of our move, no notice nothing, his entire address book years worth of emails all gone.... it is a nightmare I keep hoping we are out of.....

Sun is out and it's in the low 60's now.... it would be a perfect day if I didn't have to vacuum....
86 feels like 88
AC on fan on too
Debating the merits of a nap