3 in, 3 out & 3 upgrades


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Let's say that you get to bring three characters back to Salem but you have to excise 3 current characters.

The hard limit is three - we're trying to stick to the Marland rules here as much as possible.

Whom would you send packing, and how?

And who would return, and why?

Edited to Add thanks to some great ideas: Let's expand the topic to add 3 characters you'd keep and the new story you'd give them!
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I would send away Alex Kiriakis (funny cuz I wanted him on the show for so long). After finding out he's not really Victor's son, he leaves town in disgrace to run a subsidiary of Titan in Alaska.

I'd kill off Ava but I'd do it non-violently, like Buffy's mom on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She passes away in her sleep from natural causes. No violence, no revenge. Tripp can be sad for a day, and then angry that as a doctor he couldn't prevent it. This will carry over into his work as he sometimes pushes too hard for his patients, running him afoul of the chief of staff, and alerting his coworkers to some nepotism in the hospital.

Lastly, I'd ship Eric off to Africa again. He'd leave urgently after learning that he had a few illegitimate kids over there. Nicole would be heartbroken to learn he'd cheated on her, and then filled with anger at his (surprising only to her) sanctimonious hypocrisy. This leaves her in tenuous position with EJ (who of course in my head is really Jude's biological dad).

Carly Manning. She'd come to Salem to teach graduate-level Biology and Chemistry at Salem University, and also advise the forensic team of the Salem PD when the occasion calls for it. This will allow her to interact with the new younglings (Tate and Holly, who should be in college any week now) as well as their parents and step-parents, and the police, including Rafe, with whom she's been friendly in the past. Jada will be jealous but realise it's not about them, but her own past of abuse.

Melissa Horton. Mickey's oldest will return to the roost and open a music studio. She'll play heavily in the story of the third return, and will get involved with Chad DiMera in business and pleasure. We'll see a new side of Sarah as we learn about their years away from Salem.

Claire Brady. Now a viral singing sensation on YewToob, Claire comes to town to record at her cousin's studio. She has sworn off love. Xander hires her to record commercials for the Spectator, and she also teaches voicework to Holly, who has decided she wants to be a singer (a favourite goal of Salemites).

This allows a new cohort of younglings Tate/Holly's age to come to town and interact with a variety of characters.
Can I swap in different actors for established characters?

I'd bring back Wayne Northrop (original recipe Roman) to play Roman again, which frees up Josh Taylor to step back into Chris Kositchek's shoes. Chris can return to Salem to practice law (since he left Salem as a lawyer). He can actually be a good lawyer who knows what the blazes he's doing.

Charlotte Ross could return as Eve Donovan, along with True O'Brien as a newly resurrected Paige. I hate that they killed Shane's grandchild.

I'd ditch Sloaney-Baloney, who'd go to prison for kidnapping Jude.

Have Abe regain his memory and decide Maxine was his true love, so he and Paulina would divorce and she'd go back to wherever she came from.

And I'd have Clyde die in a shootout with the ISA when they tried to recapture him from this latest prison escape.

Kristen in some horribly violent fashion that ensures we really never see her again.

Ava just realizes no one actually likes her and she packs up and moves to a place with no cell service.

Chad goes to jail when it's revealed that he's the one who killed Abigail after she found out he was running a human trafficking ring. This of course was uncovered by...


Rory who's now working with the US Marshals. The loveable stoner met someone in a functioning police department who set him on the road to righteousness.

Anne returns to run HR at the hospital because they realize they have no specialists and she also has to figure out why a girl in a coma for two days has to be sent out of the country for services. While she figures out that mess she becomes a source and friend to Leo. She also looks into why Holly needed two weird hospital like dressers to go with her hospital bed at the mansion.

Maxine returns and takes on Paulina for her man Abe. She tells Abe that something is obviously up with the Price family and he agrees when they discover the bakery is really just that table in the square and Tamara, Paulina, Lani and Chanel were just running a tax break scheme.
I hate Kristen Alex and Eric but they annoy rather than bore me, so I'd get rid of Tripp, Wendy and Paulina.

I'd love original Eve back, and if we had Charlotte Ross (original Eve) I'd revive Nick Corelli so she could be reunited with the one guy who put her first. And I'd bring back Jack to help save the paper as I figure Everett is probably not too productive as editor these days.
There are more than 3 out and in for me.......but perhaps better writing/storyline would solve a lot of problems. Some writers don't seem able to write for more than 2-3 actors in a storyline, some seem to have a hard time inventing a storyline, period. And of course, at times, they have to deal with the absence of an actor, one they particularly wanted in a certain storyline.

Behind the scenes, heck....budget, health, costs, extras, scenery, dialogue, blah, blah, blah. It goes on and on, not easy at all. I don't think they have the same number of backstage co-ordinators they used to have some years ago. And then there are the backstage politics....whereby a friend is treated special, and if director, producer, gets ticked at an actor, you may not see that one for a bit. After all, actors usually know their characters and feel they know how to play a scene, but the producer or director may see it a whole different way. Bless them all, not easy at all.
I want Kristen and Paulina permanently gone!! I was going to add EJ to this list, but think he could serve a purpose if written differently. So, let's add Sloan as my 3rd choice gone.

Bring back Chloe. I would also like to see a long lost Horton. Maybe a child or grandchild of Sandy Horton. [How old would Sandy be now?] And I fully agree with JS about Roman and Chris portrayed by Wayne Northrup and Josh Taylor.
Always thought Nancy & Craig were a good couple, different than the usual way the show pairs couples. They could own/run an inn in town, very personable people. Always loved Chloe, but we'd want her to sing at times, and that costs extra money, which it seems the show doesn't have.

One of the biggest problems in trying to bring back a character & it's original portrayer is .......so many of the actors no longer live in the L.A. area. They moved to mid-America, for whatever reason. Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Wyoming, Carolinas, Indiana....Traveling back and forth is expensive, so when they are coming to the area, they let the show know they will be available for those 2 or 3 weeks, in the event the show might want to use them then. But it also means Days is not able to bring anyone back "just like that".

I do agree would love to see Rory, Maxine, & Anne Milbauer back in Salem for a while. I do think, tho, that establishing the children of the vets is paramount to having Days continue. That seems to work better than entire new families. Most of all, though, it all goes back to the writing.
I really like the idea of un-casting some of the characters, but I've been watching Wayne Northrop Roman clips lately from the 1980s, and he was yucky. The actor is good but the character as written back then...meh. (I do recall liking his 1990 return, though.)

I love the ideas presented here! Let's expand the topic to add 3 remaining characters and the story you'd give them!
[How old would Sandy be now?]
Between 10 and 90.
Jason's absolutely correct! But since Roman recently said (via newly created history) he and Sandy grew up together as kids, we have to imagine she's his age, so she could have kids, grandkids and great-grandkids, too.
Kristen gone, dead and her body run through a wood chipper

Ejerk, ditto to Kristen

Clyde, same as above

Sloan in jail

Keep Lucas and bring back Sami and give us them as a couple.

Keep Nicole and reunite her with Eric and prove that Jude is THEIR son.
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Kristen - send her to a long-term psych ward

Alex - unnecessary and aimless Alex can go run a Kiriakis office in Kuala Lumpur

Clyde - bullet to the head, falls backward into some machinery, dismembered and ground into bits, eaten by Smith Island raccoons


Mike Horton - preferably original dark-haired Mike, the show is light on Hortons, many would work, but I pick Mike

Brandon Walker - Nicole needs some family besides her kids, I’d like to see more of Abe’s family in town

Arianna Hernandez - yes, the one who got hit by a car, just Dr. Rolf her and bring her back, give Brady a different relationship to recycle and expand the Hernandez fam again
Michael T Weiss is the adult Mike I remember vs Roark Critchlow, the most recent blond Mike.

Forgot three I’d keep:

Stefan - scrap this dumb story where he’s acting like he’s not a powerful person apart from the DiMera money. Let him split off his own big company and take Gabi Chic with him and have him build his own big mansion

Maggie - turns out she’s been onto Konstanin since Victoria’s kidnapping, let her figure out what he and Theresa did and restore Xander’s inheritance

Nicole - finds out that Jude is hers, she gains custody. She realizes EJ is a slime and leaves him and remembers that it will never work with Eric. Stays single for an entire year while living with her brother and her kids at Brandon’s house and gets therapy for love addiction from Marlena.
Clyde - bullet to the head, falls backward into some machinery, dismembered and ground into bits, eaten by Smith Island raccoons
Tina Y., are you trying to give the poor raccoons food poisoning?

In my case, three plus three doesn’t begin to cover things.

Paulina can leave and take Lani and Chanel with her.

Let’s clean house at the DiMansion — goodbye Stefan Zero, Kritter Kristen, and poor, dull Chad.

A shake-up at the police station — dirty, deluded Goldman is gone and can take angry Jada with her. Rafe takes back Shawn who’s unemployable elsewhere.

Over at the paper it would be good-bye to Everett and his beard and Stephanie and welcome back Jack.

At the courthouse, baby-stealing Sloan is gone (disbarred) and Aiden is back (at least he had an office), as well as Belle who’s not much of a lawyer, but who’s a Salem fixture.

At state prison, Clyde gets the death penalty and Gus gets parole (Vivian has been lost without him).

At the hospital, Trippy leaves along with Haley and Maxine returns to provide leadership and fill the hole in Abe’s love life.

Generally, Alex can take his huge supply of condoms and leave town, while Anne Milbauer, Rory, JJ, Percy (greetings!) are back as recurring characters. Charlie Dale comes back as his identical cousin Harley who serves as Titan CEO Xander’s executive assistant.

Finally, Chloe returns to give Brady a decent love interest and sings songs not covered by copyright