4/10/21 - Donuts and Big Wind


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Last night before bed, the wind started howling. I was on my computer when it started.
I checked the radar and a storm was coming. My area didn't have any storm warnings.
I got the cat in and turned off the computer. I stayed up a little bit under the storm

We didn't have a lot of rain since I don't have any pools in the yard. Most of the
petals on the tulips are gone. The baby birds are fine.

It's going to be cloudy and only in the 50s today. It got to the 80s yesterday afternoon.
I'm staying in today to get the state tax return done. I mailed the federal last week.

I hope everyone has a marvelous day.
Rained during nite here, still cloudy, overcast, gloomy, just like all week, and it will continue til Thursday next week! Originally Sunday was to be sunny and around 55, not any more. Rain. LOL For the next week we will be in high 40s, low 50s all week. Such fun. See, this is why we do not PLANT anything til Memorial Day. Ha. I even am wearing knee sox. Double Ha. Well, did the shower, got dressed, maybe I can treat me to a cup of coffee.

Hope whatever you were planning for today gets done.
Good morning. We are warm and sunny, a potential cloud will wisp by.

Yesterday the Beast started to return to his normal level of activity. I think he will be ready for his daycare this week.

Today is Sibling's Day, so call your sibling if you have a moment, or drop them an email.
Robin, I'm glad Vinnie is feeling better! I didn't know today is siblings day but it's kinda strange that my sister was on my mind this morning. I was feeling blue, remembering some people who used to come here and visit when we were growing up. Nobody left who remembers them so I was wishing I could talk with my sister.

Poirot, rains seems to be feast or famine, at least here. It's usually so welcome when it comes but then if it hangs around more than a couple of days, it starts to get to me. The temperature highs you're getting now are what we're getting for overnight lows. Hope you got your coffee.

Kat, sorry about your tulips but glad your bird babies are okay. You must have gotten the same storm we did, only we didn't get any rain at all, only wind. It sure was noisy into the night but I see only one small tree branch on the ground. I can't imagine having to do state taxes too. Hope you get all finished today.

Robin, from your post last night about the hunters bagging a gentle buck, that makes me so mad. That's even worse than these places that have exotic game enclosed with tall fencing so people can hunt them. It also disgusts me that hunters on regular property put up feeders, then put their deer stand a short distance from the feeder so they can get a deer when it comes to the feed. They ALL do that! Where's the sportsmanship in that kind of hunting?

Squirrel, I hope you got rested. Yes, it is very tiring for me now to have to go shopping or do other things. Even if I go to the closest town and do only one thing, like bank or drug store, it's going to take an hour and a half, round trip. When I go to the other towns for Walmart, errands, grocery shopping, etc. I'm almost always gone 3-4 hours. My trips become less and less frequent with passing time.

I'm cooking today--the most tiring thing of all. I had several packages of meat thawed out. Long story but I have to use them or lose them.