4/10/24 - Donuts and More Rain


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Yep, more rain here. It has been off and on since thunderstorms began around 7:30 last night. A huge thunder clap sounded just as I was sitting down in the rocking chair on my front porch. Got up, and went right back in the house.

Poirot, someone had to have put in your modem password....yep, that long string of letters and numbers on the modem....or your other computers never would've connected to the internet.
Morning..... our internet and cable spent the better part of yesterday not working.... that was fun..... in a not enjoyable way......Hoping for more connectivity today....
Not much planned.... HB got his second shingles vax yesterday so he's kinda puny.....not bad.... just not as chipper..... Vinnie got a shot yesterday so he's now current and he's resting comfortably on the couch.....

Poirot if you haven't fixed the connection issue and your cell phone has a camera take a picture of the tag/information so you can look at it as you try to type in the long string of characters..... I use my cell camera for all sorts of vision assistance.....really who can read that tiny font????

Happy Wednesday to all....
Good morning

Robin, we were to take Watson for his yearly shots and tick pill this Friday BUT we just had a plumber here to fix one of our kitchen sinks and have postponed Watson's shot for a few weeks due to the cost of the plumbers bill. Yeeesh, I need to learn some basic plumbing skills to avoid a $450 bill.

RS, send some of that rain this way. We have over 45 fires burning in my province and summer hasn't even started yet.

What is the price for gas in your areas? I'm curious....I live in an oil and gas rich province yet despite this our price per litre today is $1.62 CAD/LITRE which, with the dollar and measurement conversion equates to $4.49 USD/GALLON. Thoughts? I think we will be having staycations this summer.
Oh, wow, Muzza.........I thought it bad here.......In the U.S., the price varies depending on the area, the state, with varying factors in the final cost. Up here, northern WI gas is $3.49.9 American. Further north, up in Duluth, MN......it is between $.20-$.30 cheaper......No idea why. Depends I guess on how far away it has to travel to get to the stations. :)
No rain this morning. Rain expected late this afternoon on the way home from PT. It
shouldn't rain all night.

Nothing much going on today since Bible study morning. I got home and took Fenix
out right away. At PT today, I get tested again.

Gas in my area $3.19 or above. I got lucky a week ago and bought gas $3.09.

Poirot, I have a piece of paper on my compute with the password. Taking a picture with your
phone is good idea to make numbers bigger.

robin, I hope you can have restful day since the guys are.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
We have a gas station in town where premium is $2.84 a gallon, regular is $3.09, so the Subaru is living life large.....

Today was mowing day and I forgot..... I think they've left and my patio is a cut grass mess.... maybe they are just having a lunch break..... the gate isn't relatched, they opened it drove the mower in shot grass everywhere out the side blower then the weed whacker guy came in and weed whacked and left..... grrrr......

Tomorrow's the big day the tooth gets extracted and HB can start thinking about new foods...... I know it needs to heal and that will take a while but at least the broken tooth won't be ripping holes in his mouth anymore......

Vinnie saw one vet for shots, and exam and then another vet for blood work and heartworm shot and the day with the two office exams was near $350..... the heartworm shot was $120..... the same cost for a year's cost of pills he hates. but he is worth every penny.....
Oh my goodness, you pet owners, I think it's more expensive to take care of pets than to raise livestock! (Only half kidding. Animal for animal, it may be true). But yeah, in both cases it's worth it. Just seems more shocking to hear costs for small animals, pets.

Robin, I wish HB the best with his tooth removal tomorrow. At least you now know you're moving in the right direction. The mowers ought to be ashamed of themselves to leave a mess. Who am I kidding? So many people these days have no concept of responsibilities or concepts. Just getting somebody to come do anything at all is a major accomplishment!

Muzz, my last deaiings with a plumber and what they charged almost broke me of even trying to get any kind of work done. From what I've been seeing and hearing, this is likely to get worse before it gets better. There are several factors but for years now learning trades was not encouraged. Now that there's a shortage, prices have gone up, while wait time has also gotten longer. It seems more are beginning to catch on to the fact that there's more money to be made in trade skills than in many college degrees so maybe there's hope for those of us who need their services, which includes just about everybody.

Kat, hope you test good on the PT and don't get any rain tonight.

Poirot, it seems strange that gas prices would be lower up north of you.

Squirrel, I know why prices go up the end of May but why at the end of this month? Nothing like a big clap of thunder to get one out of a rocking chair and back in the house!

Our rain is gone until the first of next week. It rained overnight and a little bit this morning. Altogether I've had an inch over the past couple of days. Glad to get it. The north wind is gusting up around 35 mph today. It was wet and cloudy and cold all morning but the sun is in and out now.

I just want to sleep but it's too late for that. I woke up at 3:00 this morning and spent the next 3 hours trying to get back to sleep, finally gave it up and got up at six something. After a shower, breakfast, and morning chores, I decided to take a nap on the sun porch. Had all the curtains closed. Slept ten minutes before a persistent noise woke me up. I was warm and cozy so kept trying to sleep. Dozed a bit for another 20 minutes and finally gave it up. The racket was too much. I have one of those small feeders with a suction cup that holds it onto the outside of a window. A tiny thing, about 4"x 6", just about right for an average size bird to get inside it. Occasionally I hear one peck the glass window briefly while eating but nothing like this.
I finally got up and went to look. My jaw dropped to see Earl the Squirrel inside that little feeder, wadded up in a knot and struggling to move around. He was packed in there with no room to spare. That didn't stop him from some theatrics though. He'd wiggle around and almost fall out, then somehow grab hold with his hind legs and hang upside down, while putting seeds in his mouth with his front paws. It was pretty comical. By the time I got my phone to take a video he was gone.
I'll never know how he got up there and got in that thing in the first place. The window is about 36"x 64" and is about 40" off the ground. The feeder is in the center of the solid, fixed glass. I'm not sure who is more skilled at getting places they don't need to be--squirrels or raccoons!
Definitely the smartest animals, squirrels & raccoons........dealt with both back at the lake. Gotta say, that now, despite having the forest behind me, with huge stretch of grass........rarely see even a squirrel. Miss them. & the deer, even the bears! LOL
Called the tech company about checking out my new laptop, plus I am unable to get my e-mails since March 21 on the desktop. LOL, they no longer do house calls, wanted me to bring them in. Told them that while the laptop is possible, desktop is not, as means disconnecting all the wires & I know I would have problems putting them back right, plus the modem is a large heavy one,,,,,,,,,I just cannot carry it. The gal was going to ask the guys, as I am right here in town, and close by, will call me tomorrow. Life sure gets complicated at times.
O.C.......I burst out laughing and love that you named your squirrel. That is just too good!
But then I called some of the deer Bambi, lol.
We got about 2 inches of rain last night. I woke up to go potty and noticed the lightning and went back to sleep. This morning, I got a text asking me to come to work. Power got knocked out at schools, so they had to cancel classes. The youth home kids had no school, so I got called in. I showed the kids a card trick. They could not figure out, so I explained it to them. I also asked the boss if we a chess set because 2 of the boys wanted to play. She had to go to the store, so she bought a chess set. The kids enjoyed playing.
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Love reading your comments about working in the schools............yes, I did so, too, but differently, as as was testing vision and hearing in all 52 schools ( and every grade) in the district.
And despite not being a regular at any of the schools, at times, had to fill in......for teachers who had not yet arrived due to weather conditions, who had called in sick and the temp had not arrived. One is totally unprepared for those events, and wish we had some training or advice as to how to deal/proceed. Only once did a teacher from another grade come to deal for just a bit, on a temp basis. Loved she gave sort of homework assignments, which set the kids to working, while she went back to her class. Bless her heart.
Sexton, it sounds like you know how to provide fun things for the kids to do. I always thought chess would be a really hard game to play, but then I've never been a game player.

Poirot, I do hope one of the techs will come to your house. It's a real shame they don't make house calls. You know there are other people like you (and me) who need hands-on help at times. I've even wondered whether there might be some high school kids who would be willing to help people like me. I could call the local high school computer teacher and ask if they have some especially talented students who might be able and willing to do something like that.
Today was my 10th PT session. The head tech person wants me to do 10 more sessions. FYI, I paid more than robin and
Muzzaman pet bills together for my cat Feb & March. I need to find out if my state has pet insurance now.

robin, I hope HB's surgery goes well.

OC, good idea about high school students.

Poirot, you might ask someone at church. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

rf, I'm glad your day went well with the kids.