4/15/19 - Donuts after the storm

Hi everyone!

Manda, glad you had a lot of help with your move. I hope Gena is doing okay with all the changes.

Rs, stay safe with that crazy weather.

Rk, prayers for your dad.

We had a crazy storm roll through at 4 this morning. Lots of wind, rain, and I’m pretty sure hail.

I’m very glad I got my ezpass Saturday. I gladly paid the toll to go through a tunnel to get home instead of sitting in traffic hoping to cross the bridge they should have widened years ago. Of course I thought I was going over a bridge with a toll (I don’t know what Google Maps was doing). Did I mention we have a lot of bridges and tunnels here?

I hope everyone has a wonderful night?
Thanks Kat.

Truly heartbreaking to watch ancient relics destroyed. My friend said Parisians stood outside the burning cathedral singing Ave Maria. And a priest kept running inside the burning cathedral removing ancient treasures he could carry ad firefighters fought the blaze. :sad:
Shan - Gena had a wonderful play date on Saturday, they went to our local children's museum and then out to McDonald's for dinner, it helped lessen the burden of it all for her too, not having to watch everything be taken out.

Red - This whole process has been very hard for Gena and it's only just starting, but she takes after her mama and the rest of the strong women in my family, so we'll work through this together. I know exactly what she's going through as I went through it myself at almost the exact same age, so we'll rock it together.

The fire at Notre Dame, leaves me even more sad than I've already been lately. Seeing that cathedral is on my bucket, list. I'm so glad they were able to save so much, but it will never be the same. :cry:
You are an inspiring woman, Manada. So proud of you and the difficult decisions you are having to make.

2 of my sisters were just in Paris last week and visited the Notre Dame. They both were in awe of the beauty of the architecture and in light of the fire yesterday, are feeling very lucky to have seen it.