4/22/24 - Donuts and Earth Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good morning to all and a happy earth day!!
This could become an eventful day for me. Several things going on. I've been trying to help a Ukrainian family get away from the war danger and to the USA. Today we might learn if the father of the family will be allowed to leave. Fingers crossed.
For the first half of last year, I had a homeless woman staying with me. When she left, she left her junker car in my yard. I've been trying ever since then to get her to remove it. Today, I might be able to give it to Habitat for Humanity. Yay!!
Also, later today, I will learn whether or not I will have jury duty for the next week. I have rarely been summoned for jury duty and have never been selected to actually serve on a jury. We'll see what happens this time.
Good morning everybody.

Another cold frosty morning at 29° here. Thank goodness for remote start in my car so I didn't have to scrape the windows.

I'm surprised that I a 5G connection in the school library. Usually all I can get are text messages when I'm here.

Lil0, it would be nice to get that junker off your property.
Good morning, all.

Robin, good luck with everything. You have a packed day. Are you looking forward to potentially being chosen as a juror? I was called to jury duty once for a murder trail and was disappointed I wasn't chosen. I think this process would be such a great learning opportunity.

RS, sending warm vibes your way.

Overall, our weekend was good. Did some yardwork, visited some neighbours and had a weekend with no company. WOOT WOOOOT!!!

Mike, however spoke with his cousin who shared some really disturbing and sad information. His cousins son was travelling in Cambodia and about a month or so ago, received word that their son had died by suicide with the police report stating he'd hung himself with a rope BUT I guess they recently received his ashes and the coroner's report and the coroner's report's states he died by a wire around his throat. They are struggling to come to terms with this because he was not emotionally distraught but the opposite and happy to be experiencing culture, food and adventure. Needless, to say his cousin and family are unbelievably distraught by this contradiction between the two reports and has raised numerous questions about what occurred, why, was it random, was he involved in something, etc. They sought legal advice and other avenues but have been told there isn't anything they can do. Both his cousin and her husband are not doing well at all. I don't know how one would ever recover from this. At this point, I think all we can do is just offer a shoulder to lean on. Mike did not know his cousins son but is close with his cousin so when they are ready, we'll drive a bit north of Calgary to visit.

This week I'm in training for a better part of the week, plan to enjoy the warm weather and that's about it.

Hug your loved ones.
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Robin, good luck with everything. You have a packed day. Are you looking forward to potentially being chosen as a juror? I was called to jury duty once for a murder trail and was disappointed I wasn't chosen. I think this process would be such a great learning opportunity.
I think you mean LIl0 not me..... all I'm doing today is trying to survive the Kansas wind. we are sustained at 15 with gusts to 50.... but it's a warm wind so okay.... I guess.....

Happy Earth Day
Was hard to believe the weather station said it was 60 outside........I knew it was windy, but went out and egads.....Wind nearly knocked me over, I only went from side door to the front facing the street., Needless to say, quickly got back inside.

It is clouding up now, we do have rain in the forecast. Feels like 40 out there.

I finally was called for jury duty a couple years ago. They call in like 30 or 40 people. Anyway, they direct a couple of questions at everyone....Like ..do you think you might have a problem rendering a guilty verdict, and just say you may leave if so....and some got up and left. Anyway there were 2-3 dozen left.......and then they just called out names of those who were chosen, every else was able to leave. They not only chose the 12, but a couple extra "stand by" who would sit during it all, listen to all the goings on, but in case a juror was unable to remain to the end (ill, family problem, etc) then the stand by would fill the spot.

Such a small town here, but I guess they sometimes need juries for when someone is suing someone, or an accused pleads not guilty. I was disappointed as I felt it would be so interesting, and was first time in my life, lol, that I was ever called.
It was in the 30s this morning and some light frost here and there. It's sunny now and close to 70.

After coming home from church, I used the trimmer outside. I trimmed on the other side of the
ditch since it looks awful. Then I walked Fenix. After lunch, I worked in the flowerbed. I had to
stop since I was tired. I'll be outside again tomorrow. Last day, before all the rain comes.

Lil0, good luck getting the junk car out of your yard.

rs, I hope your work day went well.

Muzzaman, sorry to hear about Mike's cousin's son. I hope Mike will be able to give support to his cousin.

Wishing everyone a nice rest of the day.
Muzz, that is so sad about the young man who died abroad.

Kat, I hope those people who helped with the ditch last year will help again.

Squirrel, yea for the 5G connection!

Poirot, glad you were close enough to your house to dash back inside away from the wind.

Hi, WW.

Lil0, I understand your hesitancy about going to jury duty. The last time I was called I opted out because my migraines had become so frequent I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get through it. But I hope you can do it if you feel comfortable with it.

I guess I was one of the "lucky" ones. :rolleyes: Beginning shortly after I was old enough to vote (21 at the time) I was called but declined because at the time I had a baby and no child care. So my first time and my last time I begged off but I served so many times in between I can't even remember or count them. I served in two states and four towns/cities. The only one I can remember getting turned away from was here where I live now. That was because the case pertained to some drug activity in the county and I went up and told the judge I'd found drug paraphernalia on my property around the time of the crime. It seemed likely it was related to that crime so the judge sent me on my way.

Muzz, you're braver than I am. I was always afraid I would get put on a murder case and I did not want to do that. In Dallas one time I came close. I was in the larger pool for one but got sent next door to a different case, which turned out to be a woman accused of armed robbery. That was serious enough for me.
I've been called for Jury Duty a couple of times. Once was for a 3rd strike shop lifting case. Sad to say the guy was found guilty and was sent to jail for the rest of his life, seems cruel for stealing diapers, formula and baby clothing, but he did walk out of the store with the goods. He walked in with store brand bags in his pocket and then put the items in the bags and walked out. It took 4 days and during the time the Jury was not allowed to shop at the store in question. The next trial I tried desperately to get out of serving, my mother was in hospice, I had to have a pager with me at all times because she was in hospice but alas the judge and both sides said no. The trial was to last 5-6 months. The first day as everyone comes in, I raise my hand the judge clearly *bleep* at me, said yes, I said I know that guy. The case was a business owner being sued by an employee, that's all we were told. I knew the business owner. The business owner said to the court I don't know which one she is but she's and he names my dad, daughter. I had been to his house. They have my information the last name slightly unusual so I was FINALLY let go. The other trial was a rape trial and I refused to fill out the voir dire since I lived alone. It was my right and I was dismissed. I was called for two trials in Phoenix, was seated on one and the trial opening statements given, we break for lunch and after lunch we are called in and thanked for our services, they reached a plea agreement. The other one was for a woman whose child was missing her other children told Child services that mommy locked child in the closet and when she died from total neglect and beatings, mommy threw her in the trash. They called 200 people for this jury, I was in the 160-200 group so a jury was paneled before I was called, thank God. Mom was found guilty of first degree murder even though her child's body was never found. I followed it since I wasn't on the jury I was allowed.
I'm waiting for Wichita to call. It would be a nice break.
Wow, Robin.........you have been called a lot........me........only once! Glad you were able to serve when you could.