4/27/20 -Days -


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Am not getting the show.....thought perhaps would only lose 10 or 15 min. but, now 1/2 hr. mark, and the speeches continue.

Oops, just returned. Gabi is seated with Will, I think in the square, talking of how Rolf had said he was unable to restore Stefan back to life. She feels cheated, Sonny got Will back, Jennifer got Jack, doesn't she deserve some happiness? Will tries to reassure and comfort her, got to be a reason.

Sonny is with Ciara, who is very concerned about Grampa, he has to pull thru, etc. Sonny is sure he will. They hug. Chad & Abby come by...he goes somewhere, she turns around, sees Sonny & Ciara hugging, and hallucinates it is Ben hurting Ciara. She says to stop that, calling Sonny by the name of Ben. Chad returns, she protests that it is Ben, then starts asking where he went, was just here. Chad takes her away, returns later, is sorry. He tells of her doing the same the other day, seeing Ben hurting someone. Ciara is taken aback, Chad says right now she is with the nurse.

Ben is with the new mechanic, Jake, who compliments on his knowledge of some drawing, (motorcycle) & thinks he would work out well in the shop. He will ask the boss to put him on. Ben is pleased, but surprised that Jake knows nothing about him, his past, which is a bit complicated. Jake says he doesn't care, only that he has a ton of work backed up, could use the help, figures Ben could use the job, and as long as he knows his way around engines and motorcycles, all is well. He will talk to the owner.

Eli & Lani catch Brady with the knife used to stab Victor, question how he got in, he doesn't live there any more, he has compromised a crime scene.....Brady is sorry, admits arguing with Grampa, but denies any involvement, however, they take him down to station.

Ben has come to Ciara, hugs, she tells him all that happened with Abby. He says not first time she hallucinated seeing me. But talking of seeing someone., Brace yourself!

Chad talks to Abby, who is in hospital bed. She doesn't know why this is happening, but just cannot go thru this again. She just can't. Chad assures her all will be o.k.

Gabi thanks Will for the support, hugs, they part. She stands in front of Gabi Chic store, talking to Stefan, wishing he could come back to her. She walks off. Jake walks up with a soft drink can, looks at sign on door, takes a swig, walks away.

At the station, Kristen waltzes in, evidently waiting word on Rachel, protests Brady having stabbed Victor. Brady denies, but evidently figures out Kristen did it, so assumes the blame, she protests, he insists. He says he got in big argument with Vic, learned he masterminded the baby switch, letting him think his child was dead. He got mad, killed him. Tells Kristen he wants her to promise she will be there when they bring Rachel home. She does, gets a blissful look on her face as she realizes why Brady just did this.
Rolf had said he was unable to restore Stefan back to life.
well it is kinda hard if in fact transplant surgeon extraordinaire Kayla had cut the heart out already.....

I am glad the actor is back. I did enjoy him even if the story was dreadful. I am shocked that he has so much business with repairs... but I guess having cars in Salem is something we just have to take for granted.... I mean having a storyline of Brady trying to chose between the Mercedes S class or a BMW would require paying rights to say those names so we just have to guess what type of car he drives when he transports himself from place A to place B
So what is up with Abigail? Is Chad, who I think is still off, drugging her? Just to get her out of the way? I had a whacky thought when she was seeing Chad as Ben that maybe Chad was the real necktie killer! But then she saw Sonny as Ben so maybe not.

I had thought Stefan's new name would be his original name which I forget? Sam? He's Jake, but he does seem interested in Gabi. Time will tell.

Can I just say Brady is the biggest idiot ever? You know the woman that you have been saying has changed stabbed your grandfather but you are going to cover for her instead of turning her in and running for the hills!! What an idiot.
I got the full show. Here's some extra stuff from the first half hour.
Hospital: Sonny talks to Lani and Eli, who have the scene blocked but as-yet uncollected. Sonny's not sure who'd want to hurt Victor aside from Orpheus.

Police Station: Kristen states that Victor got what he deserved, allowing Brady to deduce her guilt. He needs her to admit it to him so he can help her. She calmly recounts her actions, laments she’ll never see her baby. Later, Brady is gone and she is still wallowing in her sorrow.

DiMansion: Li Shin hangs up on Chad, who had been complaining about Gabi's lawsuit. Abby is drinking and walking about the room, sees Ben where Chad is standing, yells at him to stay away. She is calling for Chad’s help. It goes on for a bit as Chad tries to help her, she snaps out of it, sure that Ben was here with her despite the varied lighting (the scenes with Ben are blue and black). They discuss checking her in to the hospital.

Stefan’s grave: Gabi mourns and vows revenge on Chad & Abigail.

Mechanic Shop: Ben enters, the mechanic is busy under a car. He rolls out, Ben is shocked. It looks like Stefan. His name is Jake; Ben says he looks just like his old boss. Jake assures him, he’s not Stefan. Ben is looking for parts for a bike and the mechanic job, which Jake himself has filled (though he can help with the parts). He was just hired this morning. He admires Ciara’s bike, offers Ben some work.

Gabi Chic stoop: Gabi recounts to Will her ouster from DiMera/GabiChic. Will tries to reason with her against revenge; she discusses her legal options, rather than her past attempts. They also talk about her seeing Stefan, she wonders if Rolf could have intervened despite what he said about being unable to save Stefan (she gets a lot of good lines here). Will is her sounding board, might as well be a dead fish for all the brain power he’s using.

Kmansion: Brady enters the side door and wipes down the knife. Eli and Lani enter.

I think that meshes with when Poirot started.
Brady: His Kristen addiction has really caused him to lose it -- taking the fall for the Salem witch. And with the Salem P.D. on the job, there's almost no chance that anyone will be smart enough to find any holes in his confession. A final nail in his coffin is that since his self-appointed character witness is the moral monster herself, people will just assume the worst about him. E.g., "Kristen says Brady is a wonderful man who couldn't have stabbed Victor. This proves that he's guilty." Finally, it's a little surprising that he and Kristen didn't try to pin the stabbing on Xander. Given the X-Man's reputation, people might find this believable.

Ben: He ought to be a big hit at the garage. Apart from the quality of his work, plenty of Salemites would probably love to be able to tell their friends; "Hey, guess who tuned up my car -- Ben Weston the Salem necktie strangler."
My governor talked at noon today so I got the whole show. It's been over a month
since my local station has shown it all.

Thanks, Poirot.

Brady proved today he's an idiot by lying that he stabbed Victor. Hopefully, Victor will
wake up and remember who did.

Ciara needs to stop saying Ben has changed. She knows he hasn't since he tried
to strangle Evan last week.

What's wrong with Abby and why do we need to see this happen again?

Will Abby see Ben at the hospital? Now that would be fun to see.

Ben met Jake, Stefan's lookalike. Is it Stefan or is it someone who had plastic
surgery to look like him?

I laughed when Gabi said cuckoo Anna.
We saw Steveano pouring something into Chad's drink when Chad was out of the room (once). Whether that one dose was enough to turn Chad into RoboChad was never shown/mentioned, or if Steveano somehow managed to keep spiking Chad's drinks.