4/28/2022 - Donuts and Staying Home?

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
A quick hello before I cook my breakfast. Seems like I've been on the go all week. Now that I have a day at home, there are so many things to do, I can't decide where to start. It is overcast and windy this morning. Will get in the 90s* and one more day of 30 mph wind.

I hope everyone has a good day.
NY is sunny but quite chilly, 45 degrees right now.

It is "Little Friday," so I will get through.

Old Cowgirl - Enjoy your breakfast and don't wear yourself out with chores! Stay cool!!

Everyone have a wonderful Thursday!
Happy Thursday!

We are supposed to hit 80 today.

Hope everyone gets what they need done today. I’ve got a few things do finish myself.

Tomorrow is Siege’s last day of school! She’s excited. We stopped off this week to get her college ID and schedule for the fall semester. It’s all getting real now lol
Good morning.... I have to leave in a bit to take the BEAST to the groomer for his bath and hair cut...... he is so wild and crazy now that one ear seems to enjoy being flopped over.... he's a squirrel..... what can I say...... silly little man.....
last night the weather guesser as a teaser for his full forecast showed a picture of Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum in a hammock with a pineapple drink..... and said this is our weather.... stay tuned..... ah.... fine looking men lazing around??? after the commercial break it seems we will be in the 90's for the next two days then into the 80's....... ya I wasn't impressed either other than Thomas Magnum isn't hard on the eyes.....

Kris such an exciting time..... good job.......

OC once the BEAST isn't hairy enough to pick up everything, I'll send him over to help you.... he really likes getting under sheets as you try to put them on the bed.....

WildeWoman.... enjoy your "little Friday"......

Good Thursday to all.....
The weather changed overnight here. It's cloudy day and thunderstorms are on the way this afternoon.

It's probably a good thing since I need to rest my toe. I'm not sure what happened yesterday, but an
area of skin got irritated again. I'll get my refrigerator freezer items in the other freezer and do Bible
studies. I'm gotten behind on my lessons.

I had a busy morning at the library. Next month is coming up and books in the new section will be put
on the regular shelves. I rearranged two sections in the adult non fiction in preparation of new books
that will be put there soon.

OC, I hope you're having a good day of rest.

Kris, I hope you got your errands done today.

Wilde Woman, I hope you're having a good day.

robin, I hope you get the lower temperatures.

Wishing everyone a charming rest of the day.