4/29/21 - Donuts and More Rain?

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Looks like the rainy weather is going to hang around a bit longer than expected. Now we have chances until Sunday. I've had a total of six inches so far! Up until now we've only had the electricity stop a few times during thunderstorms. It didn't stay off but a few seconds. But now we have another problem. The rural water system is down and it's all over the place in different directions. They haven't even located the problem yet. My flow hasn't stopped completely yet but it's getting slower. I at least had time to draw up some bowls and pots of water.
Rained a bit here earlier, not sure if more is to come as skies are still grey & overcast, tho it is supposed to get "sunny"...we will see.
The rain in my area stopped something this morning. No rain in forecast until
Sunday. Then the rain is going to be here and there during the week. I think
the April showers are coming in May. Right before bed, there was a tornado
sighted. It was probably 100 miles south of me.

It's going to be cloudy and in the 70s today. I'll be out in the flowerbed
this afternoon.

OC, I hope you they get the waterline fixed for you.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning everyone. It is raining here, but it is a slow gentle rain for now. I don't hate this type of rain like I do the monsoons.

The big storm from the southwest split in half yesterday due to winds coming from Poirot, and we only got a few drops of that around dinner time. Folks north and south of here weren't so lucky. They got the heavy rain, lightning, hail, and high winds instead.

The current storm is stretching from Texas clear up here. I'm not looking forward to several days of rain, but thank goodness it is no where near the amount that OC is getting.

OC - You're really getting hammered with the rain. It is too bad that so much of it is run off once the tanks are filled. The slow down of the water service makes me think of the tale told in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". All of that rain water around you, but it isn't potable once it lays on the ground.

Poirot - You're lucky that wasn't more snow falling on you.

kat - Will it be dry enough to work outside?

Guess I better get started on my end of month reports. I'll be in elementary schools for the next 2 weeks so there won't be much office time then.
rs, the yard will be soggy, but things should be easier to pull out in the flowerbed. I hope you won't
get the flooding rain like the towns north of me got.
Kat, I'm hoping to pull some weeds before the ground dries out but I won't do anything like that until I know the water is fixed and I can come in and take a shower. I'm glad the tornado was not near you.

Squirrel, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is one of the few poems I enjoyed and remember from school days. I'm glad the bad storms missed you.

Poirot, I hope you get sunshine today.
I get reminders of this day on Facebook, and today I got 4 or 5 from years past, talking of snowstorms, ice, blizzards. etc. so whatever goes on here, guess no complaining (tho hubby is, lol). However, I walked outside yesterday, & dandelions were here and there!!! Already!! There are still brown patches of grass all over, but saw a few jonquils, and one tiny lilac color flower, looked like a hyacinth, but is barely 3 in. high. No sun yet, has rained on and off.

Hope they find where the problem is with the water line soon, OC. Glad you were able to draw some for personal use.

Never heard of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner!!!

Nurse will be here in a while, evidently last visit. (only 2nd time since he came home, so guessing, since it is a month, they cross him off the list.)
Good Morning. The Beast is at daycare. I couldn't take another day of that rambunctious creature. I'm going to let them run him around for the day and return him in an exhausted state.

I envy people who get rain for longer than a 5 minute drizzle, just enough to dirty up the car.

We will enter Summer over the weekend looking at the weather.

Happy Thursday.
Hi all! Last night I was keeping track of weather down near San Antonio where a friend was reporting to us what was going on. Looked like a huge tornado was heading his way but whatever it was it went north of him. Anyway, today I saw pics of the hail. There was this one piece that looked larger than a grapefruit! Check out this link:


Anyway, we got a little light rain and that was it. I have a bible study tonite at church and I need to pack for my trip. Going to visit my aunt and uncle in Alabama next week. Leave Sunday morning after I drop the dogs off at vet for boarding.

Have a good day all!
Thanks for those pictures, Dachsie. The hail in the shape of "disks" were interesting. I saw on tv about a big, dark cloud near San Antonio that had a lot of rotation in it. Based on what Squirrel said, I wonder if the hail was tossed up and down in something like that. My dad said he once saw large chunks of jagged-shaped hail coming down. Yeah, lightning is what scares me.

Have a good visit in Alabama, Dachsie.