4/3/16 - Donuts & Winter won't leave...


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, more grey skies, wind, snow blowing around, but there are really ducks swimming around out there. While shorelines are still snowy, it does seem the wind helped the rest of the ice leave. The waves push and then roll over the very thin ice..........and Voila! .However, now all the branches, tree parts, etc. that came down on the ice during the winter, are floating around, and for some reason, end up on the shore here.

Got abit more sleep last night, but not going to church today. Gonna keep my germs to myself, rather than spread them around. LOL. My tummy really hurts from all the coughing. Ugh. A bit unsteady on my feet, hope it all leaves soon.

Take care.....have a good day, my friends.
Good morning. Today it will be 90F with full sun. Tomorrow 93F & 99-100F by midweek. There is a brown dust haze over the city & allergen levels are high.

POIROT: thank goodness you are resting up at home today. So relieved to know you finally slept a little. Sure hope you feel better each day.

ROBIN: keep resting & healing too.

Off to church & friends for lunch/pool party. Take care everyone & enjoy your family today.
Good morning. Poirot, I know you must welcome even the least bit of improvement. Any sleep is an improvement, in my view! I thought of you earlier this morning, when I was outside doing some things shortly after sunrise. There is a tank (pond) at the bottom of the hill from my yard. Then the hill goes up on two other sides of the tank as well. They are often built in chosen locations of this nature, so as to catch the maximum amount of run-off, then a dam is built on the lower side of of the tank. Well, this morning the sunlight was hitting the water and making an orange reflection/glow on the water. That's why I thought of Poirot and her beautiful pictures of sunrise on the lake. My tank scene was nowhere near as spectacular but it was significant enough to get my binoculars to see if I was really seeing what I thought I was. At first I thought there was a fire, but since it was over the water, I knew it couldn't be that.

Noel, I feel for you, with those hot temperatures already! We sometimes get up to 100* starting in May, and even that is way too early. I guess you have to look for enjoyment where you can get it, so enjoy the pool party.

It was in the lower 40s* when I was outside this morning. I was fooling with the water hose so my hands got wet. I know they couldn't freeze at 43* but they sure felt like they were freezing! We'll reach 79* today with full sun. Gotta BOLO (be on the lookout).
Hello everyone. It's a sunny day, but cool and windy. I was really getting used to those warmer temperatures we were having.

My front porch has that green "carpet" and it was bunching up under the screen door, making it hard for me to get in and out, especially when I was carrying groceries. I'd finally had it with that problem, so I ripped a section of the carpet up around the door. Want to guess what is next? Yep, now Remmy won't walk on that section of the porch even though it's no different from the bare back porch, lol. It wasn't like that before, shouldn't be like that now! Afterwards, I was pointing out a bird, she couldn't stand it, had to look, jumped across the space, hit the side of the porch and fell backwards. That broke my heart, but she didn't land on the exposed wood! I don't know what she was thinking, lol.

Take care folks! I hope you think about going to your doctor, Poirot. Feel better!
OC: your property sounds beautiful to me every time you describe it. It also sounds like a great deal of work for one woman. I admire your Pioneer spirit!

KT: Remmy is a walking wonder! So glad she didn't hurt herself when she fell off the porch. Why is it I think you might have to regular your favorite green fake carpet?
Morning all. I have a workshop this afternoon so I'll be out and about enjoying the warm weather.

I wish Mr. Gus had one quarter of the brain/observation powers of Remmy. Mr. Gus has been known to walk over the cheese tossed in his direction. And he can't find it unless you pick it up and hand it to him again. But he is cute and mine.

Poirot, I hope the cough leaves and you can get some good rest.

Have a great Sunday.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day. Today has been such a busy day. I got up at around 9:00 am and re-organized and cleaned my bedroom the entire morning. I am still not done but I did get a lot finished.

I took a lot of stuff out of my bedroom last weekend so wallpaper could be removed and a wall could be painted and now that it is finished all the things have to be put back where they were. As I put things back I am also getting rid of a pile of things so I am spring cleaning as well. It is so funny, you do not realize how much stuff you can accumulate over the years till you have to put it all back. :eek: I am surprised as to how much stuff I can fit in one room.

The weather today has been partly cloudy and cold. I cannot stand the cold. I really need to move to Arizona.

I hope each of you has a super Sunday!
Another beautiful, busy day here. It's 72 now after a cool morning.

After I came home from church, Goldie and I took our walk. I only went around
twice because I knew I would busy this afternoon. After dinner, I trimmed some
in the yard. I was too tired yesterday do that. I'm taking a break now from mowing.
I'm doing the big section today.

It's supposed to be nice all week so I'll be out in the flowerbed.

Noel, enjoy your pool party. I might enjoy that after my busy day.

kt, I guess Remmy hates change.

Poirot, I hope you feel better.

I've gotta dash and finish mowing.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
Kat, it seems like you hardly even got a break from yard work. I don't know how you keep up the pace.

My yard already needs mowing again, and at the same time, it is getting a little crunchy. Needs rain.

I like hearing about all of your pets. Robin, your comment about all Mr. Gus can't/won't do, but he is cute and he's yours made me laugh. It reminded me of way, way back to when I was in about second grade at our small community school, which had outhouses, one for boys and one for girls. They were long buildings with several stalls and some extra space for waiting. One day several of us little girls had congregated there and we were talking about our mothers--each of us bragging and saying how pretty ours was. One little girl said, "My mama ain't purdy but I love her anyway!" Why that stuck with me all these years, I don't know.