5/2/21 - Donuts and gloomy weather

Gloomy day here, too, tho it HAS rained. Funny, as the sun was shining brightly with beautiful blue skies when it rose, but then, around 8:30 it said bye-bye, & went elsewhere, leaving wide open space for the rain clouds. It has done so off and on.

Had a call from a friend, who is having some medical issues, but we sure did cover a lot of other things as well. LOL

Have dinner in the crock pot. only half way thru Sunday paper, tho managed to finish the Suduku puzzle.
It's a beautiful sunny day outside today. Between 7-8 inches of rain in the last 48 hours. We desperately needed it. Went to church today and our granddaughter came too. She takes her final for her Associate Degree in nursing tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8 a.m. CDT. Would appreciate all the prayers we can get. She plans to continue toward her BSN which will take about a year. All is online. She has a job guaranteed already. She is planning to move in with her boyfriend this summer and get married later in the year.

Other prayers needed. Our niece is trying to get a safe divorce. Her husband has run the family business into the ground, threatened my niece and their 10 year old son. Admits to being "a true patriot", the ones that attacked the Capitol Building. Posting pictures of guns, knives, etc., and has done target practice at the compound where the "families" will go for protection when the uprising begins.

She has a lawyer who is working on an immediate eviction and divorce, etc. She is changing all locks, disconnecting cameras, etc., that are synced to his phone. She has a protection plan and the several police departments have been notified also. I think the lawyer is notifying the feds due to his connection with the militia group. Need prayers. It is definitely a terrifying situation WE can't do anything about.
Nanahl, that's really scary for your niece. I hope things go well for them. Do they have a safe place
to go if things don't work out? I'll say some prayers for her and her son.
Afternoon all. We are expected to get to only 92 today. We didn't hit 100 yesterday. Next chance will be Thursday. I am having knee surgery on Thursday so if we hit 100, it won't matter at all. I'll be in a condition of not caring.

Nanahl - thoughts and prayers for you family.


This is how my dog sleeps. He is weird.
Hi everyone!

Its been a beautiful day here. Low 80s and sunny. I’ll take it. Tuesday it’s supposed to be 90 but back to the low 70s by the end of the week.

Nanahl, I hope your niece and her son stay safe. What a scary situation.

robin, Vinnie is so silly.

My birds have had the time of their lives in front of the door today. The sun is starting to set here so it won’t be too much longer I’ll have to move them.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Good evening everyone.

I spent most of the weekend cleaning out a storage area upstairs in my house.

Tomorrow is bulk trash pickup, and I needed to get rid of a lot of things. I called friend Cindy's son to see if he wanted anything before I put it out for the drive by scavengers to go through this afternoon. (He has vendors licenses for 3 states here.) He took a bookcase for his nephew's bedroom. For himself, he took 11 cookbooks (some never opened!), 20 jigsaw puzzles, board games, and several large metal boxes from Germany that were filled with high end costume jewelry. There were over a 100 pairs of clip-on earrings plus 50 decorative metal button covers from the 1940s. That stuff will all be sold at flea markets. (Called swap meets or trunk sales in other places.)

I also gave him the crystal punch bowl with ladle and hanging crystal cups that my Mom bought in 1971 to use at my sister's bridal shower. It has been in the box ever since, and my sister said she didn't want it. I think 50 years has been way too long to sit here so off it went. He said he can get $75 to $125 for it on his website.

I also found a huge milk glass basket that I had never seen before. Since I never knew it was there until today, it could just go, too. When he looked that up from the markings, he found collectors looking for it. So it should go fast, too.

Nanahl, prayers are going up. Hopefully your niece and her son have some place safe to stay if the police have to escort her husband to the house to get his clothes and other belongings. The state police here did that while we took our friend away from the house so she wouldn't be there when it happened. Then they stood guard while the locksmith changed all the locks and installed deadbolts.
rs, sounds like you had a productive weekend. I would have loved some of the puzzles. I hope
you got some rest for your busy week coming.