5/26/21 - Donuts and everybody busy?


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning (almost afternoon here) everyone.

I came on the board a few times, but didn't have time to start Donuts. Everyone must be busy.

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with working on the United Way grant proposal. I'm going to leave it now until tomorrow. Will then double check all of my work before sending it off to our VP of Finance for her parts to be done before it goes to our CEO for final approval and submittal to the United Way. I'm way ahead of schedule since it isn't due for 3 and 1/2 weeks.

The huge storm that is sweeping across the country is to hit here around 2:00 pm with heavy rain (red and purple on weather radar), hail, and high winds. It is supposed to move out of my area by 8:00 pm.

I hope everyone in the path of this storm stays safe.
Hello everyone, it’s been a while. The last month has been super busy but I can say that my tenure as a home school teacher has come to an end. All three of my girls have finished school and will be moving up so I have a senior, freshman and sixth grader now. And they’ll be back in school next term!

RS - good luck with the proposal.

I think we may be getting part of that storm later this evening
Busy morning for me. I walked before 7 since I was going to the church library today.
I decided to pop in at the smaller church library (church has two locations in town)
before I met the librarian. There wasn't anything to do so we talked.

Forecast changed overnight. Rain is gone for today. Sun is out now. Temps in
the 80s, but warmer with humidity.

Kris, I bet you're excited you won't have to teach the kiddies now.

rs, take care if you have drive home in the nasty weather.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Good day. Hunny Bunny and I got up at 3:30 to drive out of town to get a clear picture/view of the Super Flower Blood Moon. We had clouds!?!?!? Where did they come from?? As the clouds filtered through, the eclipse was visible. It was very cool. But as we had clouds I didn't bother setting up the camera. Back inside and back to bed.

Good Wednesday to all.
robinsnest - I'm glad you got to see the eclipse even though there were too many clouds to get photos.

kat - I bet it feels good to be able to volunteer at the libraries again.

Kris10 - Good to see you checked in. Hopefully your schools are entirely back to normal for the 2021 - 2022 academic year. My schools are already betting on it, and have scheduled for me to screen their kindergarten through sixth graders in September and October.
Good Afternoon,

Our morning here was a little rough for Gena. She has to turn her cello in for the summer, and she was in tears as she was hoping to keep it to practice over the summer. She's had the same one since she started playing, but her teacher did tell her that it's getting to be too small for her, so now I'm on the hunt to find a full size cello for her so she can keep practicing. I'll have to check with our local music store and see if they have any used, but good cellos are expensive. What an emotional girl I have.

-RS - good luck with your proposal. Glad to hear that you'll be back to normal screenings for next year. Gena and I were actually discussing you doing vision screenings this morning on her way to school, as she usually gets a vision screening at school every year, but didn't this year.

-Kat - I hop you had a nice visit with your friend.

-Kris - I bet you're breathing a sigh of relief that you don't have to be the teacher next year.

-Robin - at least you got to see the eclipse, I was sound asleep.

Have a terrific afternoon!
Yes definitely super glad to not have to teach next year. I’m pretty sure the girls are happy too.

manda - I hope you find a cello for her.

Robin - that picture is beautiful. We didn’t even try to see it.
It is nice being able to get out again and volunteer. I'm tired of being at home.

robin, I'm glad you got to see the eclipse. It was cloudy here this morning.

manda, I hope you'll be able to find a cello for Gena.
So far no luck on a cello. I can find several on Ebay and Facebook Marketplace, but the quality is suspicious as the prices are around $200, especially when I compare it to the local music store that has them priced starting at $2000.

I don't know what to do.
manda, don't worry about it today. Maybe something will come along. Maybe you can contact
the high school orchestra leader. Maybe one his/hers students wants to sell theirs. Nice picture
of you and Gena.
Thanks for the picture, Robin. Sorry you've had the clouds. I admire your efforts in getting up early and driving out of town.

Kris, good to see you. I home schooled my son 40 years ago. Now he and his also home-schooled wife are doing the same with their 4 kids. But it definitely is not for everybody. My other son and his wife have found it rough this past year to do the home thing with their two girls. I'm happy for you and others who will finally get relief from this challenge. Texas has been back for a while.

Oh Manda, I'm sorry your search has been disappointing so far. I hope something unexpected and good will turn up.

Kat, it's so nice you are able to start getting out more now.

Squirrel, how impressive, to be turning in your proposal so far ahead of time! You're going to enjoy knowing it isn't still hanging over you. Thank you for starting this thread.

I was gone most of the day. Went down to the church for an hour, then went on to the Walmart town and took care of some business there before going to Wal-Mart. I was in there for longer than I'd intended, partly because of having to search for things that are no longer where they always were.

By the time I got home I was completely "give out." It got into the 90s* today and felt hotter than I expected. I had to do some more of the business stuff, online, when I got home but other than that, I just rested. Now I need to get some supper and wash the dishes I left this morning. I rarely leave any but I ran out of time this morning. I feel like going to bed right now but I still have a long wait for that.
Thanks OC.

I have such a respect for those who homeschool the whole time, much more so now. I think it’s different when you opt for homeschool rather than find yourself with no option, but still so much respect for anyone who can do it. I’m just glad that I was able to move around my work and daily stuff to teach them as I could. I’m proud that all three maintained their honor roll status this year. And my incoming senior was ranked #7 at the end of the 3rd 9 weeks so that was exciting.