5/30/16 - Donuts on Memorial Day


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning my friends. Many today will be visiting the cemetery, perhaps participating in or watching a parade, or Memorial Day service....which perhaps has this line from a song seem appropriate....
Memories.......from the corner of my mine
Misty, water colored memories...
Of the Way We Were...........

The sun is shining,already, so the various services today will have nice weather, and a break from the rain.......(yep, it is returning tonight, tomorrow, the rest of the week.

Was reading about the requirements to pick up pain meds all over, I know up here, we have to show I.D. for any prescription (mine are not pain related), and hubby has to show his if he picks it up for me. And mind you, they know me, I am there enough. And always have to talk to pharmacist before actually getting the prescription, even though have been taking it for years.

Over at the WalMart pharmacy, they have put some of the over the counter meds behind the pharmacy area, so you have to ask for them, and show I.D.. plus they put your driver's license info into the computer. Hubby wanted me to check for some allergy pills, forget the name, all I wanted to do was to see if they carried them. Did not buy, left that to him if he decided to try them.....but they would not even tell me, without getting the info. Then I did not buy them, and did not like it, that my info had been obtained and now in the system for no reason. (I go to a different pharmacy).
Happy Memorial Day. To all those who grieve the loss of a loved one who gave their life for America, I salute you and pray Gods' comfort for your soul.

Good morning. I've been watching a pair of mockingbirds feeding their young just outside my house. The babies have flown the coop, but still can't fly very well. There are four of them in different locations, so are keeping the parents busy, lol. One of the little ones did make it to the lowest power line. I bet he was proud, lol.

Robin's "weather guessers" can't even get the phases of the moon correct, lol. Yesterday, The Weather Channel (online) had the moon as waning gibbous. My picture yesterday clearly shows the last quarter moon, lol. Today, they said last quarter and it's actually a waning crescent. I even looked the information up on the U.S. Naval Observatory site to verify what I saw with my own eyes, lol. Do these weather people ever even look outside? :rotfl:

Take care all!
Hi everyone!

Poirot, sounds like you trying to buy medicine containing pseudoephrine. You cannot buy it without an ID because it's used to make meth. Your info is run through a database because you can only buy a certain amount per day and per month. The pharmacy not giving you an info on it is little strange.

JS, your family sounds "fun" :rotfl:

Happy bird watching kt.

Enjoy your movie kat.

I guess l should go back to work. Come on 3:30.

Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day everyone!
You could be right on the "containing" IAmRed......as that is what the lady said.....about an ingredient being used to make meth. They have a big problem up north, mostly among younger people, I guess. Well, I did not buy it, and my hubby decided against it, too, so......He does have really bad spring allergies, with new grass, leaves, etc.
Good morning......don't you be going all "Breaking Bad" on us, Poirot. :wink:

JS - take your mom's advice and who knows where this may lead?

KT - Happy bird watching.

Well it's been a very busy 4 days. Thursday, moved into our new house (new avatar), Friday unpacked and got organized, Saturday went back to our condo to grab a few last items and do one last cleaning. We are loving our new house and the neighbours we've met so faar have been very welcoming and happy to have the previous owner gone. I guess she was a bit of a crankpot to the others in the cul-de-sac, even going so far as to put up stakes to mark her property because she hated the neighbour kids going onto her lawn in the summer and taking her snow for snow forts in winter.

We were told this at one of our neighbours fires in their backyard. I think I am going to have to develop a bit of a green thumb as many of the yards are so beautifully manicured. I got to enjoy the house for a few days but starting tonight I have rehearsals from 6 - 11pm then open this Saturday and close on the 18th, so I will be leaving from work everyday at 4:30, kill an hour and a half then walk to the theatre. Thankfully I have taken every Friday off in June so I have some down time.

Hope you're all having a nice day off in the U.S. We had our long weekend last weekend but the holiday is for Queen Victoria's birthday, who has been gone a very long time. We don't even have a holiday for the current Queen.

Have a great day and week everyone.
I saw Captain America Civil War. It took a long time before Stan Lee showed up in it.
They showed a preview for Dr Strange. Benedict Cumberbatch is it.

In my state, some OTC drugs have been behind counter for a long time because
of meth.
Good evening everyone. My cousin just left for home. It was good to have her here, but it is also good to have my house to myself again.

Yep, same here for the pseudoephrine. It is the only thing my doctor permits me to take, and I've had to sign for it for several years. The Pennsylvania law also requires names be submitted if you ask if it is stocked. That is to deter break-ins.

JS, I'm glad I'm not related to the teens in your family.
Hi all, I hope your day is going well. I woke up with a very bad case of vertigo, I almost threw myself out of sliding glass doors. I had gotten up at 8:00 and went in the bathroom. Coming out, I was heading left but my body kept going right and I hit the blinds hard and thought I had broken them but they were fine.

Then I called Mike and Tina (my son and daughter-in-law) and they came fast with meds. The one the doctors used to give me for this is Meclizine and I feel relaxed now. I also got out Harry's walker as I had been using 2 canes and they weren't strong enough or at least didn't feel safe enough this time. It works well for me! If it isn't one thing it's another!!

I hope you all are well and enjoying the rest of the day.

Hugs to you all.
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Joan, sorry to hear you were feeling bad. I hope you're feeling a little better.