5/30/19 - Donuts and deer

Here is my border story: Several years ago my husband de jour and I had a farm about 200 miles south of the border. He was Canadian, and he had gone up to BC to take care of a few pieces of business. I got a call VERY late at night from the US border guard!! Hubby had claimed to be a citizen. sigh. This was before passports were required. He should have taken his papers with him, but they were sitting on his desk at home. US wasn't going to let him cross without those papers. Canada wasn't going to let him back in either. He was in no-man's land between the two borders. I needed to bring the papers to him. That was a very long drive. As I drove north fog was setting in. By the time I got to the border it was about 2:30 AM, visibility was about 10 feet! I was NOT happy. :fan:
What a story Lil0! ...... Hoping to hear a good report from you later.

Not living near a border, it's hard for me to imagine all the experiences but it's interesting hearing them. I got within 40 miles of Canada one time, wanted to go on over but it didn't work out. Have been down into Mexico twice, long ago. Not too bad. Probably different now. Worst part of one trip was having to get a small pox vaccination coming back into the U.S., even though I'd already had one and had a clearly visible scar to prove it. I didn't know boosters were ever needed.

Kat, if I got rid of tables, I'm sure I'd have piles on the floor too. But I do throw junk mail in the trash right away. I just always seem to have a lot of stuff I keep putting off, like vehicles inspection and license renewal notices, for which I have to go to two different towns so I keep saying I'll do it next week. But if I file the notices, I will forget about them.

Noel, I agree, closets are the very worst.
Oh, Manda, the Shedd Aquarium & Museum of Science & Industry are wonderful places to visit. (Both not too far from the beach! LOL)
I swear I may have told this border story before, but it is with Mexico. We were in Texas, and were going to cross at some place, only it was so deserted and a border guard happened by, telling us the crossing was actually a mile or so down the road. Oops. So off we go (I think it was Laredo, not honestly, not sure). The guard was so nice, even told us to be sure and have some drink....Well, we were not impressed, tho was better than Tijuana. We did have a drink in some place, but decided to go back to the U.S. At the border, hubby is through with no problem, I get stopped, asked for birthplace, showed driver's license....alas, told to go to the side, somewhere I was going to be questioned and held. Hubby thought it hilarious. Well, along comes that guard who was so kind, walking by, yells out, hey, you didn't stay very long. Did you stop to have that drink. Yep, we did......and now the 2nd border guard decides that since that first one saw me on the American side earlier, I was o.k. and legal, etc. so said come back, you can go thru, he knows you. Can you believe it?
Telling that story to my daughter and son-in-law made her very happy, as they were planning a trip supposedly to Tijuana, and she had been trying to get him to agree to get passports. He was reluctant, but agreed that better safe than sorry. Actually, she was planning a surprise trip to the Fijis for one of those special birthdays, (faking the Tijuana trip with friends) & they needed passports. Needless to say, I never even tried to visit a city across the southern border again. LOL(Yes, they got passports, h ad a fabulous time)
Hi everyone!

It was 102 degrees when I got in my car to come home. The price of a mild winter is quite high.

I’ve never been to Canada but I’m enjoying all of the border crossing stories. The only border I cross regularly is the one for North Carolina since I’m licensed to sell insurance there.

Also I have a lot of numbers to keep up with. I have a license number for Virginia, one for NC, a National Producer number, and now a number for Humana. I don’t plan on adding any numbers to that anytime soon.

OC and Poirot, I currently have a stack of mail from this week sitting on my hall tree at the front door. I usually declutter all my papers when I’m cleaning on the weekend.

Lil0, I hope you get some answers and feel better soon.

Muzza, sounds like you got a great deal for your trip.

Manda, glad the girls will get a fun trip thanks to all their hard work.

Kat, I’m glad you and Goldie have had a friend to join you on your walks.

Rk, enjoy your pizza night with your family.

Noel, I think you and I are having the same weather only mines probably a little more swampy.

Rs, hope you get some sunshine soon.

Robin, safe travels for your husband and sister.

Dr. Baker, at least your pup is making sure are protected from those fleeing deer:rotfl:

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
I miss going to the Shedd Aquarium and Field Museum. I enjoyed
going to the Art Institute too. I haven't seen everything in all three of
them because my aunt wanted to see all three the same day.

Maybe one day I can get to Chicago and visit them again.

red, how is your knee doing?
Lilo: a health visit update please.

Red: how us your knee healing? I agree your area is much more humid.

Manda: kudos on finishing the GS financial report. Do glad you are planning a trip to Chicago. The Shedd Aquarium enthralled me as a young child and I think the girls would love it.

Robin: rest that knee as you finish walking to keep healing. Your Honey Bunny is a real keeper.
Robin, I hope Honey Bunny and your sister got the information needed to open up the cabin, unless someone has already done it.

IamRed, humidity and heat together are just awful. I know it won't be long before we get way up there, and this year has been much wetter than usual.
Just got home from my medical appointment. I should have lab work report in the morning. All indications at this point is that my heart is fine. Sounds like my distress may be stemming from gastric inflammation of some kind. labs should reveal more. They did do another EKG, and there is some indication that a part of my heart is "slower to respond". ???? But no immediate concern. She does want me to see a cardiologist for follow up.
I'm expecting the lab report to tell me that I'm dealing with a fair amount of inflammation. We'll see.
Thank you for that update, Lil0. Inflammation can affect so many things. It's a little surprising that you have it, given the healthy way you eat, but maybe you can get more information in your labs and followups. I'm glad you don't have to wait too long for the reports. I'll keep hoping for something helpful.

IamRed, thanks for your update too. I'm sorry to hear you are still having enough pain to need stronger meds. I hope you can get on track with some physical therapy soon, if that's what's needed. Seems like a long wait for the MRI results but the holiday probably slowed things down some and unfortunately they don't usually tell us anything until the doctor appointment that follows.