5/4/21 - Donuts & May the 4th be with you!

Good morning everyone.

Monthly reports and the info for invoicing given to my boss this morning. I still have to go to school, but the nurse asked me to come an hour later. There were only a few absentees yesterday, but we still have about 20 virtual students that we need to get when they finish their state testing today.

Lil0 - I hope you're doing well, and having a better year so far.
I had storms last night right before bedtime. An hour south of me there were high
winds and maybe a tornado. I was able to take a walk this morning. More rain
on the way. I'm not sure how the mower is going to mow when he comes. The
yard is wet and mushy.

With the clouds today the high might be in the 60s. The low is supposed to be in
the 30s tonight. Good grief.

I had to make an unexpected purchase this morning. My laptop battery isn't
charging anymore. I can tell it's not working like it should either. I called the
laptop company and they have a battery. Hopefully, it's the right one and it
can be put in easily.

Lil0, I hope you are well. I miss your posts.

rs, I hope your day goes well.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Very clever title, Lil0, love it! Sun is out, but leaving, returning, cannot make up it's mind today. Chilly this a.m. Finally had a decent night's sleep, only woke up once, but did get back to sleep within 20 min or so. Yayyyy.

Saw someone across the way, pulling a wagon full of something into the huge veggie garden. I see a trash can, guess the soil is being turned over, stuff being pulled out, etc. prepping for planting later on. (this was at 7:30 this a.m. Definitely early start, lol, it's only 40 out there. )
Good luck, Kat with the battery. My laptop battery, a new one, lasted only one week, would not hold a charge, so I had to keep it plugged in, but the cord would not stay in. JS suggested huge rubber band, which luckily I had one, and that keep it plugged in and working. I like the laptop, as It has Windows 7 on it, which works wayyy better than the Windows 10 on the desktop. Somehow, I think a new laptop might be in my future. LOL
Good morning. Last minute change of plans here. My niece and I were planning to drop off my old clunker at the farm store to have two new tires installed, then we'd go on to the Walmart town to a different place--an actual tire shop--with the cube cart, to get a tire on it fixed. But since it's cool this morning, we decided to put all that off a day or two and see if we can get the cows to come up. Cool days get more and more scarce this time of year. It may be a challenge though because the wind has gotten up and we don't know where my cows are, so we won't know which direction to go to call them. If they are upwind of the siren they won't hear it.

Lil0, thanks for starting the thread, and with some humor, which is always welcome.
Good Morning, and yes, May the Fourth be with you.

Having Star War fans in my family, most of the days of this month have some silly "name". Mark Hamill took to twitter a couple of years ago and did an entire May Day thing. Exhausting. LOL

Wish I could figure out the Beast. I had food delivery on a 5 week auto delivery. Needed to have it delivered on a NOW basis, then back to the 5 week delivery from that delivery and had to skip the delivery so went 10 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 8 weeks. Some deliveries he eats the bag rapidly, others, he is Mr. Picky. We are in a hunger phase now so I've had to order the delivery for NOW. I'm thinking I may just stop the auto delivery, as I save 0.65 a bag, but pay for delivery. What to do, what to do?

Happy Tuesday.
I keep forgetting to mention there are new baby birds in the basket. I think it's the same
parents as the last bunch. They were born either Sun or Mon.

OC, I hope it was easy to find the cows today.

robin, too bad Vinnie can't help you decide about his food order.