5/8/21 - Donuts & Overtime


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Yes, rain here again today with white stuff on the way. Our last snow of 2020 was on May 9th, and May 11th in 2019. So snow for this week isn't unexpected.

I'm chilled to the bone after going out to do laundry early this morning. Then stopped at the little Italian grocery store for a few things on the way home.

I started cleaning yesterday, and plan on finishing that today. It already feels good to have most of it done a day earlier than normal. I usually slack off, and leave half of it for Sunday.

I also plan to start my weekly cooking this afternoon. I have to separate and package the chicken I bought at Sam's Club yesterday. May as well cook some for Sunday and weeknight dinners while I'm at it. Thinking of chicken cacciatore since I don't have any containers of it left in the freezer.

Hope you all have a good day.
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Good Morning,

Since I just finished working my 2 hours and 15 minutes of overtime. I figured I'd pop in and start the thread today. I feel exhausted. I haven't been that focused on work in ages, but having 9 people waiting on you to finish tasks is huge pressure. I managed to finish 11 quoted policies in 2 and a half hours, the other 45 minutes was waiting to be able to start as they had to reboot something before we could start and then waiting for them to make sure everything worked correctly. I think I need to take a nap now.

The sun is shining so that's a bonus for the weekend.

Have a great day everyone!
Yep, Mandy, frustration is the name of the game with new software. Was 29 this a.m., with frost across the grass, brrr. However, sun is out, and up to 49 already, which is nice, especially as, so far, no wind. however, that "chance of rain" is still in the forecast, as the sun plays peekaboo with the clouds.

And oh my, just arrived, beautiful, really, flowers from the florist......my youngest son. Love the colors & arrangement. Got a kick as delivery lady said to be sure and change the water every couple days, while wishing me a Happy Mom's day. LOL
Good morning to you early birds. Another rocky night's sleep for me. Around 2:30ish I got rid of the leg bolster and rolled to a side and fell deeply asleep till morning. The Beast came home and was exhausted after two days of playing with friends. He, of course, wanted to dance on my knee, which is not allowed. But he did finally settle and we watched Magnum together with him sleeping quietly on his back, feets in the air, tummy exposed. I believe we both may have dozed off. HB was out grocery shopping.

Poirot - enjoy the flowers.

Happy Saturday.
A beautiful day with sun and in the 80s. I was outside over two hours. I finally
got to the other edge of the flowerbed. I still have to go up the side and clean
the spot where I cut the bush down last year. I need to dig out the roots, but
it's too hard for me. I planted three plants.

Rain in the forecast tomorrow morning. It's going to be back in the 60s the
next few days I might work on the flower pot I have on Sunday. It needs new
soil before I plant flowers.

rs, sounds like you're having a busy weekend. Try to get rest before Monday.

manda, I'm glad you didn't have to work too long today.

Poirot, enjoy your flowers.

robin, I'm glad Vinnie isn't bothering your knee too much.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Hello. A quiet, lazy day here. It's sunny but kinda hazy too. I think it's in the 80s*. Too windy to go outside but I may venture out to the mailbox. My grass is so high I don't even want to walk through it to get to the car. Mosquitoes have been bad too. I had a few in my house last night.
I went out and walked some, wearing a heavy dust mask for home use, in hopes of not breathing in pollen. It was the first time I'd been outside in a couple of weeks without fits of sneezing. Then I drove to the mailbox. On the way back I ran over a big, long rattlesnake. I think I straddled it but that always makes me a little nervous. I have visions of it catching onto the underside of the vehicle. :eek:

Now I'm so sleepy I don't know how I'm going to make it until bedtime.
O.C. you should have backed up, made sure two tires ran over it, then forward over it with the other two. LOLOL. Just kidding......I would be hysterical just seeing one on the road...you are one brave soul.
Still being lazy. Saw that the movie Downton Abbey was on a cable channel. Put it on and then, well, I remember seeing the queen's dresser and the page of the back stairs arrive. Tom was waltzing outside when I next was aware of the show. Nice nap in the middle of the afternoon.

I agree with Poirot about the snake. I know they provide a good service, but still those rattles are creepy, venom is dangerous.
Well, by the time I saw it and figured out what it was, I knew I couldn't stop so I sailed over it. When I looked in my rear view mirror it was long gone. But in my mind, I wondered if the snake was off in the weeds or up under my car or wrapped around the wheel. Getting out of the car when I got home reminded me of hanging a foot/leg off the side of the bed during the night. :rotfl:

Robin, good way to take a nap. I bet you needed that extra rest too.