6/13/23 - Donuts & a warm up


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Weather is as unreal as always. Yesterday, barely 60, today & rest of week, in low 80s!!! Sunshine now, tho so overcast early this a.m. thought it might rain. Nope, humidity dropped pretty fast. Well, the roofers began of the roof next door, beginning at 7 a.m. Am guessing so early because of the expected temp rise. Plus not finishing here til after 6 p.m. yesterday. Anyway, the pounding began early as the shingles were torn off, carted away. Yes, noisy, just not as bad as overhead. LOL When I see old shingles being ripped off, am thinking perhaps this is why those stray nails show up later as they probably fly all over. ????
Gonna go try and run my errands, just hoping I can get into the street from my driveway, So many trucks parked both sides, and down at end of block, I think they are pouring cement for a foundation on another bldg. Ugh. everything at once. LOL
74 and overcast here, rain storm expected tomorrow. Lucky weather streak is over.

Poirot - You definitely need to keep all seasons of wardrobe at the ready, you never know what to expect. You are spot on with why you are seeing nails all over the place. Be careful where you step! Hope you find a way out of your driveway.
I was up early to go to the doctor to discuss the results of the blood work. I had already gone over the results so having someone tell me I need to eat better, exercise more and lose weight.... ya I know... sure I'll work on it..... right away captain......

I got my car back yesterday fixed... yes you read that correct.... fixed..... it's wonderful... now I need to take care of calling insurance agents to let them know they did it.....

last night BEAST went over the moon barking at the kids playing... so I took him outside.... they grabbed his long leash and he ran for about an hour playing with the kids.....he slept well, last night.....

Happy Tuesday.....
Robin, maybe you need to get the kids over more often. So glad your car is fixed.

Wilde Woman, all good things must come to an end, but perhaps another good weather streak will come along soon.

Poirot, in town they can't "make hay while the sun shines" so I guess they do all kinds of repairs and construction instead. I feel for the people here who are trying to get their wheat cut. It doesn't have time to dry out very well in between rains. It's good your roof is finished, even though some noise continues. I agree with what the others have said about nails. But some crews do a better job of cleaning them up than others. Here's hoping your crew was one of those.

Another tenth or so of rain last night. Lots of lightning and thunder. One clap was especially loud and sharp, and sounded very nearby. I haven't gone outside yet but I had to wonder if something in my yard was damaged. Was concerned about tv and internet but it seems okay so far. I managed to go back to sleep and didn't wake up enough to get up until after 8:00 o'clock! I guess no sleep the night before and the long day to the city yesterday for my skin check had me worn out. I've been in the kitchen all morning. It's heavily overcast and wet outside. More rain possible but I don't think it's too probable.
It's suppose to be partly cloudy this afternoon. I wanted to work in the flowerbed today. Next week,
it will be in the 90s. Maybe I can get out after 3.

After my walk this morning, I finally put flowers in a pot. I saw my doctor today. I'm getting a prescription
for the osteoporosis. The bone scan says problem in back and hip.

I need to clean out trunk this afternoon to make room for the books I plan to take to bookstore tomorrow.
I hope they take most of them

I forgot to mention yesterday I a received a calendar for next year already.

Poirot, I hope you were able to get home safely.

robin, good news about your car. I'm glad the Beast had kids to play with.

Wilde Woman, maybe you'll see a rainbow. I saw one the other day.

OC, I'm glad your getting rain.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.