6/23/23 - Donuts and baby birds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I don't know when they eggs hatched, but there are baby birds in the basket this morning.

A busy AM for me. I was outside doing this and that for over two hours. I went to Goodwill to
get rid of more things. I'm making polk salet this afternoon and water my flowerbed.

It's sunny and in the 80s this afternoon. It's going to be in the 90s starting tomorrow.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
SEEMS like a lot of us are busy this morning.....I had to go the bank, then dashed over to the supermarket. The parking lot was so full.......ahh yes.......this weekend is the Musky festival. Town is packed, tourists use the supermarket parking lot (across the 4 lane hwy from the town "main st". You cannot park on the Main St. during the festival, which attracts thousands to this tiny town. I know we have to be out of our church parking lot by 11:30 on Sunday.......big parade that day...it is 3 blocks from the main drag. Yes it is a big thing here every year, and tho there are other events thru out the summer, this is the biggie!
I only wanted to get some tomatoes, but grabbed a few more things, as probably won't be able to even park at the store Sunday after church. LOL. Thought it might rain this morning, but Nope. Big huge puffy thick clouds, and the sun loves to hide behind them a lot, makes you think, oh, it might rain......but then it pops out again, strolling around the sky, til it decides to play hide and seek again. LOL Enjoy your day, my friends.....Hey, tis Friday, the weekend commeth!
found out late last night that the spikes we had already purchased were too short so late as in midnight last night I purchased 8 more spikes and picked them up this morning...... 86° with 54% humidity.... lots of fun. On the really bright side it rained a lot this week so the ground was soft enough to pound in the stakes...
back yard fence.jpg
Vinnie now has his own fence.... we were visited by a bulldog who had escaped from the house.

now to return the short spikes and get my money back.....

It's the weekend.... almost.... whoo hoo.....