6-25-2018 - Donuts in the Dark

Robin, I'm enjoying following your vacation. Love the pictures! Even though you couldn't hogtie me and drag me to the Royal Gorge.

Manda, those flowers are the same color as the ones I've been seeing but without seeing the rest of the plant I can't compare. However, today I asked the maintenance guy at the nursing home, since he also does lawn maintenance and has put pots of flowers along the entrance walk. He told me the tall ones with the orange flowers are Cannas. I just now Googled them and there is a variety of shapes and sizes but I didn't see any that looked as tall as those at the nursing home.
I have cannas in my yard. It's one of the plants the beetles like.

manda, are the lilies on private property? If not, you can dig them up in the
fall and put them in your yard.
I don't have tulips or daffodils. I have a variety of lilies because the previous owner
planted them. I planted the surprise lilies
I'd love to see a picture of your yard, Katmouse and the all the varieties of plants.

That actually might be a fun thread to start. A thread to share with each other their yards and what people have planted.
Haven't you seen my YouTube videos? I have a couple I haven't posted yet for
this year. I need to take another one because
this is first year the gladiolas have
gotten so tall. I'll try to take just a photo today if I can.

If you go back to last year videos, the tall ones in front are the cannas and what the
beetles like in the front bed.

here is link to my videos

I posted video I made last week of front flower bed. Flowers aren't big because of no rain.
I posted another one with rabbit. It was out in the afternoon.

My butterfly bush isn't blooming yet and I haven't seen many butterflies yet this year.
Oh wow!! Thank you for the link. When I'm finished work I'll be sure to have a look. Thank you for sharing.
You're welcome.

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