6/6/23 - Donuts & still no rain


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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My son, in central WI was so happy this a.m., it began to rain.....and stopped 30 seconds later. Wherever the rain is going, I hope it's where the area really needs it. We do up here, so does central WI......but sure doesn't want to come for a visit. Tis sunny, and currently in the 70s, on it's way up to 80s again. Will be taking care of a few things today, hopefully. Watched Days already, pretty decent one again. Back to work for me......have a lovely day, my friends.
Another busy day for me. Too many things to do when I still have to go to brother's place.

I planted two plants in side bed and watered it. I started summary earlier than I thought. I went to
Lowe's to see what plants left. Not much. When I got home, ordered laptop. Then lunch. I finished
summary and planted flower in front bed. I'm watering that area later today.

Poirot, sorry you missed the rain. My area needs rain too.

I hope everyone is staying cool during the hot weather.
Good afternoon..... I spent the morning at traffic school...I got red light camera'd on the way home after picking up boxes the day before I moved. It took some time getting the ticket to me. I had until Friday to take the 4 hour online course. After Friday I'd have had to attend in person class and walk the certificate to the courts myself.
Anywhoo they are talking of drought here too... It's rained more in my time here that it had in most of the years total I lived in Arizona...... and yet the area is still 6 inches in water deficit.....


followup on the house fire over the weekend.... it sadly was what we expected......dumb butt.....

now to find out whats going on with my windshield and finally get that fixed....
I'm finally here! It was a long day of online classes and testing on the new state contracts that start July 1st. Most of it had absolutely nothing to do with my job. Plus the woman talked in a monotone. Thank goodness I passed with 100% because I definitely don't want to suffer through that again.

kat, what computer brand and model did you order? I'm still undecided, but home laptop is just too slow.
rs, here's the link to the one I bought at Dell. It's on sale https://deals.dell.com/en-us/productdetail/gg0k
I talked to my son and asked him about it. He thought it was a good one. I'll find out Thurs or Friday
when it comes. I may not set it up until Sat to give myself time. It's annoying not being able to type and
have to come my office.

robin, sad news about the house and home owner. Did you know the couple? I'm in the same boat, sort
speak, as you. I know my area isn't getting enough rain either. There were pop up showers today, but
none by me. I'll be watering soon. It's good you could to traffic school in your new area.
It seems strange that many of you higher up on the map than I am are needing rain, while here we've had above average for the past month or so. I don't know where we are on the drought chart now but we have made good progress.

Well, I typed a bunch of stuff here earlier but accidentally swiped something and lost it. Too late to do it again. My niece and I went to the sale barn today, then did some other errands while in town. Clouds but no rain. I've been doing some laundry.

Have a good night, everyone.
am watching Singing In The Rain...............there is no one who can beat Gene Kelly when it comes to dancing. he was the master.....absolutely SUPERB!Always wished I could have danced with him..just once..even for a minute or 30 seconds! LOL