7/1/21 - Donuts and July


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. July began with a bang...thunder during a storm at midnight. The nasty storms just keep coming. When I left for work this morning, my rain gauge was just a hair shy of 3 and 1/2 inches of rain in the 24 hours since I emptied it before leaving for work yesterday morning. Most low areas, roads, and highways flooded out here with several feet of water. Thankfully my basement was still dry this morning.

Doing a lot of prep work for my schools next week. Then have appointments coming in to see me all afternoon.

Hopefully the other ladies get their data entries done early so I can get started on their state contract billing and quarterly reports early.

Sending you all wishes for a good day.
Good sunshiny morning........today is dentist day for hubby, not gonna be something he wants, for sure. Another warm one today......we are to get into 90s by tomorrow & weekend. I read where the nasty hot on west coast is moving way up north into Canada, far into Canada. I have to go to post office this a.m. but intend to return right after. Just the one errand, tho I probably will find, after I am back, a couple other things, I should have done. LOL
Good morning all! I haven't been sleeping well. I keep waking myself up coughing. Not sure if its an allergy or reflux. Been trying to eat early to help with the reflux but I am just tired of coughing and waking myself up.

Looking forward to a 3 day weekend. Want to get the painting done on my extra bedroom ceiling but haven't motivated myself enough to get in there to clear out the room. Maybe tonite I can get started.

I do need to make a cake tonite for my coworker's b-day. It's the 5th but we are off so am making it for tomorrow. She likes strawberry so I found a recipe for fresh strawberry cake so hope it works out.

RS - hope you get your prep work done

Poirot - sorry you are getting the heat but also kinda glad its not here yet - usually we are in the 100s by now

Have a good day all!
It's cloudy this morning. No rain when I walked this morning. The radar map shows the rain above me now. Hopefully, I will
get some rain today, but not as much as rs.

I'll be going to the small library this morning. I'm working on my old computer this afternoon. I need to finish getting my address
book updated before the man comes back this Sat. I'm going to be so happy not having to type things on the laptop, especially
the summary.

rs, good luck getting the quarterly reports done today.

Poirot, I hope the caregiver will be taking hubby to the dentist so you won't have to be in the heat too much.

dachsie, good luck getting your painting done this weekend.

I hope everyone will have a fantastic day.
LOL, I ran out to Post office, it was a bit after 8, they were still closed, don't open til 8:30. have to go back. While gone, dentist office called, would like hubby in at 2 instead of 3, Tis fine. called, left message, (telephone tag, lol) I have to go back to P.O. in a bit.

Dachsie, also wake up coughing (2:45 a.m. this morn) I keep Hall's cough drops by bed, so I take one..........sure helps. It can happen once or twice during day. I think maybe allergy, and has to do with the sinus as I do develop lots of stuff in throat.

@kat,....yes, caregiver will be taking hubby.
O.K. here is the "when you think you have seen everything" category.......I pull up to Post Office at 8:40 a.m. two men are walking up the steps.......along with a GOOSE...yes, my friends, a big white goose. They go inside, so does the goose. I figure that goose will be back out quick. Nope. So I take my pkg., go in, the man with the goose is coming from the area of personal mail boxes, goose is squawking. That other man is in line in front of me, but comments to the goose owner that he just had to take a pic. (wish I could have. So the guy tries to leave, but Goosey doesn't want to, so he has to pick it up, carry it out, where is struts around out in front. The postal employee said the guy comes every day, the goose likes to nibble on the toes of shoes. LOLOL (evidently not leaving any messes behind ever. )

P.S. When I lived in Illinois, there was a wonderful restaurant, sort of in the country, lots of land anyway, had a flock of geese. You'd pull up in the parking lot, they'd all come crowding up, surrounding you, squawking.....not pleasant at all. Talk about taking prisoner!. lol. Needless to say, was not too happy at idea of walking into our very small P.O. with a goose on the loose. And thus........July begins, your day begins, probably with a smile, maybe a chuckle. :)
Good Morning and Happy Canada Day!

Sunny and mid 60's here. We have Girl Scouts tonight. Gena will be leading the first of 3 meetings to earn our babysitter badge.

My sister called the other night after her follow-up MRI. Great news, her tumor has shrunk to the point the doctors were hoping it would. She'll now be on a maintenance schedule, do 1 week of chemo pills then 2 weeks off continuing the rotation for 6 months, to be followed by another MRI.

Poirot - oh my, I would not be happy about a goose being any where near me. That restaurant is my worst nightmare. It does remind me of Al Johnson's Restaurant in Door County, they keep goats on the roof.

RS - I sure hope you're able to complete your reports today.

Kat - enjoy your time at the library

Dachsie - I sure hope you can get your painting complete, such a big project.

Lil0- good morning, I sure hope your weather has improved.
Good morning. Going to be a sticky day here in the desert. Blech. We have a decent chance of rain this afternoon. We weren't lucky enough to get the rain yesterday afternoon. Te Beast is at daycare so no matter the weather. he will have fun.

HB is sleeping in today. We only have things to do around the house and not many of them anyway, so all is good. I fell asleep watching television last night. I swear I only closed my eyes for the one commercial. But miracles of miracles, when I "transferred" to bed, I went right back to sleep!!!!!

Poirot - I'm glad the caretaker can take hubby. That way you don't have to listen to him rant about how unnecessary this whole shebang is.

I thought they were going to try to mail the goose somewhere. Glad to know it's a pet and likes to go on walks to exotic places. LOL

Happy Thursday
Gotta tell ya, saw no sign of Henny Penny or Turkey Lurkey after Goosey Lucy went into the post office, even looked up, and Nope, the sky wasn't falling. Guess Goosey was just out for a stroll, probably picking up an invitation from Foxy Loxy to come for tea and...????
Good Morning all, I have not been on recently because my husband became extremely weak, fell and ended up with ruptured spleen, heart attack, GI bleed and several other things on 6/22. He refused to go to Victoria and refused all other care. He made it through the night. We brought him home on hospice the the 23rd. He passed away the morning of 6/30 with all our sons and their wives surrounding him. It was an awesome 5 days.

He was able to talk clearly with everyone until the last day. No pain until they turned him the last few hours. Our kids stayed 24/7 and took care of everything so I could be right by him. Friends brought food in, etc. since his death, the kids have been putting the house back in order, helping with the last minute arrangements (we wrote everything down and kept it updated years ago). His funeral will be Monday June 5th at 10 a.m.

I want to thank all of you who have kept him in your prayers. I be back on as soon as things settle.
Nanahl, sorry to hear about your husband. Prayers for you and your loved ones
Oh Nanahl, I'm so very sorry for you loss. I'm glad that your family has been there to support you through everything.
nanahl - so sorry about your husband. Prayers for you all.