7/15/2019 - Donuts and the countdown begins


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Countdown to Orlando, and the panic begins.... do I have everything I need.... can I pack everything in my suitcase.......

We leave Sunday for a fabulous week...... Grandma and her 3 grandsons, 2 sons and 1 daughter law.......

It's again 90 at 6am.....

Happy Monday to everyone...
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A cool, cloudy morning. It was nice for walking.

I'm still waiting for rain. Barry has broken up a lot and moved further east
already. Rain still in forecast. I hope it comes.

robin, sounds like a fun trip. Are you staying at the Disney Park? I would love
to go to Orlando again in the fall or winter. Summer weather not good for me.

Wishing everyone a great day
"Mornin'..." woke at 4 a.m. could see the lightning, but did not hear any thunder. fell back asleep, woke at 5:45 a.m. Was getting light, had thundered, and RAINED...about 1/2 inch, which fell between 5 and 5:30!!! LOL. So, sun is out, there is chance of another storm, but doubt it. mid-80s today, tis muggy. Have errands, will do this afternoon. Have load of clothes in washer. When so humid.....agree with rk......stayin in is the way to go. Was warmer in hse than outside, so, turned on A/C for a bit.
Good morning everyone and hope you all had a nice weekend.

Katmouse, glad to hear Barry is breaking up and continues to do so.

Noel, what's the latest in the snake news? I read it still hasn't been found yet. Hopefully the pest control or whoever you were able to contact is able to get it without too much damage.

Robinsnest, how fun will that be to be able to do a trip with your grandkids. What's on the agenda for your trip? Disneyworld? Harry Potter? Less touristy things?

Poirot, the hand must be feeling better and healing nicely?

The rest of my holidays last were awesome. The week ended with my buddy Dan and I doing the Spartan Race in Kimberley B.C. and it was amazing. I don't think I have ever been challenged physically as much as this and am definitely going to do it next year. The hardest part of the course was the steep inclines up the mountain and back down the mountain. Then back up the mountain and back down the mountain with obstacles in between. There were penalties of 30 burpees for some of the challenges, such as the rings, monkey bars, and rope climb. I just missed ringing the bell at the 15 foot mark on the rope climb and had to do 30 burpees. I did the 30 burpees and proceeded to puke from exhaustion at the 4km mark but after I did that I continued on and I finished the race in 1 hour 46 minutes and 15 seconds. In total the race of 5.75 kilometres (3.57 miles). We met a guy from Chicago who came to Kimberley to do the trifecta which is the 5.75 kilometre sprint on the Friday, the 22 km 50 obstacles on Saturday and the 13km race on Sunday. Next year, Mike and I are going to enter the 13km and over the course of the next year begin training and practising for that.

We got home on Saturday and had friend from Saskatoon stay with us for the weekend which was great to catch up with them.

Now it's back to work and playing catch up on emails and other work. Have a good day and rest of the week everyone.
Morning Everyone,
After 11 days off, I'm back at work just in time to beat the heat with free air conditioning at the office, as the temps are supposed to be in the 90's most of the week. Gena had a wonderful week at camp and is very excited to have earned her first patch as a junior scout and she also earned the kind camper award for her group.

Muzz - that race sounds intense, congrats on finishing.
RK - stay cool
Robin - hurray vacation for you, I'm always a nervous wreck trying to make sure I have everything packed that I need.
Poirot - glad you rain stopped, but I bet it made the humidity worse. I'm glad you turned on the air conditioner.

Take care everyone!
Good afternoon everyone. It was as hot as Hades in school today. The maintenance folks had the heat turned up so the classroom carpets would dry. The 2 classes of kids I had were working in the library today because it was the only room in the school that had an independent ac system.

robinsnest - Have a fabulous vacation with your family. Don't over tax your knee.

kat - I hope the rain storm from Barry continues to break up on the path northeast. We're supposed to get 3 days of rain from it.

Poirot - I bet you miss the cool breezes coming off the lake.

rk - Remember to drink a lot of fluids, too.

Muzza - That sounds more like torture to me. Glad you had a good time.

Amanda - Enjoy the ac at work. Gena's smile said it all in the pic of getting her award.
manda, thanks for posting the picture.

rs, I hope Barry is broken up by the time it gets to you. According to radar, most of it
is in Missouri and Illinois now. Rain still in forecast for me, but I'm not sure I'll
get any now. I'm enjoying the cooler weather.
Manada - Good for Gena, that is so great to hear that she liked camp and to be given an award too. She and you must be so proud. Great picture.

Kat - Enjoy the cooler weather. We seem to still be waiting for the hot summer. Our temperatures have been nice but not super hot like past Julys.

RS - That's crazy. You guys must be so hot with the heat on. Good thing there was a room with A/C.

I can't believe I forgot to add one of the most exciting parts of the Spartan Race. While we were waiting to start the race, there was a bit of a delay due to a bear trying to sneak into the race. That's right, a black bear walked out of the bushes and onto the race course. We watched the bear walk across to another grove of bushes and trees, right beside where we were running and then saw a fox run out. Organizers kept watch on the bear and the race went on. We were joking that perhaps we should add a new obstacle and give the bear an actual bear hug. LOL! I'm telling ya, National Geographic had nothing on us this weekend. Hahaha!!
I had to look up Burpees (as only knew of the company that makes seeds) and gotta tell ya, 30 Burpees should be the entire thing! Oh, my gosh, unreal. No wonder you threw up, Muzza. Surprised you had any energy left after that.........
Did my errands......however, forgot one, my electric bill! It has been due on the 28th all these years, and now they changed it this month to the 16th! Guess I go out again tomorrow. Very muggy, warm out there, when I left it seemed it was clouding over, so took jacket, expecting rain shower. Nope, never happened, so luckily what I did was not out in "not a/c" very long.
Oh believe me, I was a zombie on Saturday and just tired on Sunday. I feel good today and very well rested. I got to talking with a guy from Raleigh, North Carolina before the race and he does Spartan races once in a while. About 1/3 of the way through I passed him this poor guy was dying. Not because of the the challenges but due to the vertical steepness of the mountain and more so because of the elevation. He was having a hard time catching his breath but he finished and I cheered him on at the finish line as well 3 ladies in the 50s who made Spartan their annual get together. It tookd them about 3 hours to finish but they did and the smiles on all three of their faces at the end was so worth it.
So here is a weird thing. We lost power for about 1/2 hr. Turned off what we could, A/C, ceiling fans, my computer.
So it comes on finally, o.k. everything o.k. My radio is all static, so I figure the radio station has a problem. Our one TV, which hubby was watching has sound, no picture. Unable to change channels using remote, so tried the buttons on the TV itself. Nope. I decide I will change stations on radio. Nope, static on all, complete.
Looks like the one TV and the radio got fried??? Or something. Anyone have any ideas??
Unplug everything and plug back in. My cable box acted up the other day. Twice it changed
a channel by itself. I unplugged it and now it works fine.
I tried that with the TV........it did not work. Same with radio. I did not unplug the Direct TV tho. Is odd that the TV gets sound, but no picture. The other TV does. I thought at first it was just the radio station, but I later turned radio back on, nothing, so I tried getting different stations. No luck. Both of these items are older things. But I will try unplugging the TV AND the Direct TV receiver.
Currently pouring rain now, lost TV completely from sattellite. LOL, right when the news anchor was reporting my electric company was dealing with a lot of power outages, 1800 households, especially in my area. Really coming down hard. Kat. hopefully, you get some of this.............