7/19/19 - Donuts & Brownies

Hi everyone!

Shan, insurance companies do stupid things. The prescriptions they won't pay for is astounding.

Manda, great news about your husband getting a new job.

OC, I hope you can get your car issues fixed soon.

Noel, glad your recovery is going well. Good luck with those tests.

Kat, hope you get your a/c fixed soon.

I have to take my bird to my parents house tomorrow because maintenance is spraying all the apartments in my building for pests on Friday. Most pest sprays are toxic to birds so I have to get her out of the apartment.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
A/C fixed I called two places and only one actually called and said when he was coming. I don't
know why the other place didn't return my call. I did call them to cancel. It was something simple
to fix. I had told him I had to stay off my foot so he went beyond the call of duty.
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Kat - Great news about getting your A/C fixed same day and it not being something outrageous.

Noel - I hope everything tests out okay for you, and your vision clears.

RS - insurance companies are evil, pure evil. My daughter in law works for one. She is under orders to deny every claim that crosses her desk. She doesn't even read them because it would hurt too much. Of course, when the people call in, they don't speak to her but to someone else. But the insurance company is counting on more people NOT disputing the denial and just paying the bill that those who dispute. (yes, she is looking for other work now that she knows what they want of her)

Manda - happy dance.JPG Congrats! That has to be a huge relief about the hubby getting the job. He must be so relieved too.
Kat, I'm so glad you got your a/c fixed! I hope you don't have too much pain with your toe.

IamRed, good thing you have a place to take your bird. Yesterday my niece's son sprayed some wasps nests for me under the eaves of the house. One was near my hummingbird feeders so I took them in the house while he sprayed.

I am so sorry to hear all you are going through. I did not know before that you had diabetic retinopathy. I wnt through that 15 years ago and I remember all of the blurry vision and issues that lasted for some time. I consider it one of the most terrible things I ever went through emotionally. It's a good thing you have a strong support system.

Kat, I hope your toe feels better soon and it's a good thing you got your AC fixed. I hate being without air when it is hot.

Manda, congratulations on your husband's new job. I bet it is a great relief.

I hope everybody else with health issues feel better soon.

Have a good evening everybody.
I was lucky yesterday getting my A/C fixed so fast and not as expensive as I imagined. Yesterday was the
hottest day of the year so far. I didn't realize until last afternoon there was something wrong. I
had to sit still after my surgery so I didn't notice how hot it was getting. I kept thanking God
after the man left that he was able to fix it so fast and not expensive. Less than half of
Goldie's bill last month.
@Noel - Sorry about your slow recovery. At least you've got a husband to keep you laughing through this.

@SHANRICK - I feel lucky to be part of such a large family. On my father's side alone, I have 26 first cousins, however on my mother's side, it is much smaller. She has one brother who lives in Australia and has 4 kids, 2 of which I do not know at all as they were children that came out of the woodwork as adults.

I sometimes find it difficult with my husband's side of the family being so small in that they really just like to do things with JUST immediate family and no one else, whereas in my family and how I grew up, there was always room for more at the dinner table or other family gatherings, didn't matter if you were family or not, you were always welcome and you grow up learning how to interact with so many different personalities, good and bad.

The reunion that my cousin and I have planned incorporates my grandparents siblings and their descendants, so my father's cousins. My grandmother had 9 children and her sister had 11 then her brothers also had children, just not as many so it's gonna be a great party!!

@katmouse - Glad your air conditioner was fixed yesterday. We've been using ours more this year than ever. We've also moved our bedroom to the basement where it is much cooler and get a better night sleep.

@mandamiee - Congratulations on your husband's new job. Love your positive attitude.
that cake is fantastic. Did they eat it all? LOL Appreciate the picture!
Poirot - thankfully they didn't. There's about 1/3 of the cake left. Mind you, the girls had lots of help, we had 16 family members helping the girls eat the cake, and most were adults. I let the parents cut the cake for their own kids, that way I couldn't be blamed if they were all sugared up. :)

Congrats! That has to be a huge relief about the hubby getting the job. He must be so relieved too.
Robin, he's more nervous than relieved, but yes we're both relieved. He's a very nervous Nelly.

Thanks Muzz, no point in being negative, it just makes things worse, and positivity can change the world.