7/27/21 - Donuts & Storms


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, tho still cloudy & overcast here....what a night. Big thunderstorm, heavy rain around 8:45, finally ended about 5 to 10. I was watching Murder She Wrote movie, TV went out for about 45 min. with the heavy rain, got it back to see last 5 min. LOL. Was so tired yesterday, and yet I could not even doze off, so midnight before I decided to get to bed. Woke up around 3, another nasty, loud thunder and lightning storm. Lessened a bit, but could see lightning constantly. Been awake ever since, as around 5 another one came in. was a shorter one. So far, about 2 1/4 in. of rain. Puddles everywhere. Flowers all beat down again. It was not supposed to storm here til Wed. LOL. But Duluth was expecting some really nasty storms, so, guess some decided to move south a bit.
Hope everyone is o.k. I have to go to the store, but I am putting it off til the weather, hopefully, clears up.
Today was my visit to the dentist for teeth cleaning. Everything looks fine.

This afternoon, my two lady friends are coming to play games. We're wearing
masks today because one of the husband may have been exposed. Probably
not, but we can't take a chance.

Poirot, I hope the storms won't be too bad today.

I hope everyone is having a good week.
Good Afternoon,
I woke up to rain too, but no thunder or lightening. I will say that it really made me want to just stay in bed though. Gena is free of the Boys & Girls Club today as one of her friends invited her to go with them to one of those trampoline park places, they also have go carts and stuff, her family has a membership for her and her dad plus 1 more kid so she can bring a friend. Gena is ecstatic to have a day with her friend. Tonight my best friend is taking us out for a very belated birthday dinner for both Gena and I, she has such a goofy work schedule that she hasn't been able to go out with us until now. I'm thankful to not have to turn the oven on tonight as it's supposed to be very hot and humid later this afternoon.

Kat - I'm glad your dentist appointment went well. Enjoy game time with your friends.
Poirot - I'm glad the rain didn't wash you away.

Have a terrific day!
manda, I'm glad Gena is having a fun day and you'll have a great evening with your
best friend.
Robin, you're probably off into the mountains by now. Well, rats, what a shame that your vacation is having so many setbacks! I hope it gets better.

Manda, I'm sooo happy to hear about Gena's day out with her friend. That sounds like so much fun! Also that both of you are getting the dinner treat tonight. The whole day is a welcome change of pace for you and I know it's much appreciated.

Kat, sounds like a full day for you too. Glad your dentist report was good. Hope you've enjoyed the games with friends.

Poirot, that was a beast of a storm. All I can think of is mudholes, but you probably don't have a problem with that, now that you're in town. Glad you didn't lose power or have any damaging winds. Poor little flowers don't stand a chance in that kind of rain though. Hoping you're able to make it out to the store.

Yesterday things were so quiet around here, as was last night. I guess the bull got something out of his system. Late yesterday I saw him standing in the tank (pond) down the hill from the house. He was up to his shoulders in water. Stood there for the longest time. Probably just cooling off in the heat, something the cows often do in hot weather. But I couldn't help wondering if he might have gotten into a scrape and was looking to sooth some wounds.

I had to go to town today for prescriptions and a few groceries. Also stopped at the Dollar General for birthday cards and a couple of other things. I was so aggravated with myself because I went off and left my grocery list at home. I depend on it so when I got to the store I had no idea what all I needed. Had to walk up and down the aisles trying to jog my memory.
LOL, that is what I have to do, OC, which is why I usually just get a few things, that I remember, and dang it, get home, I forgot this or that. So, I now plan on lists.....and here is the secret.........put the list in the CAR, day before or early a.m. Before you go. (tho I had one in my purse, just a couple items, then forgot I put it there, lolol). Anyway, you also can put the list on top of your purse......so then when you leave, there it is. Admittedly I was better when I lived 20 miles away from town.........but now.......just too many things to take care of at one time. Good luck.
On Sunday, I heard the birds outside the living room window. The fourth set of babies have
hatched. I don't know if birds have the same parents or not.

I've seen the male finch feed them, but not a female. I'm not sure if something happened to
the female or not. I've seen the male feed the babies twice today. Hopefully, the babies will
be ok in the summer heat.

I had a nice time with my friends this afternoon.
Kat, I hope the mother bird is still around. The male is being a good dad. You're going to have lots of pretty finches around your place.

Poirot, when I was getting ready to go to town, I stopped what I was doing in another room and went to the kitchen to get the list off the refrigerator and put it in my purse. But instead, I got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator to take with me, and put it with my purse. (I had intended to do both). Your idea of putting the list ahead of time with my things to take is something I'm going to try. Putting it in my purse the night before or first thing that morning should work. Thanks for the hint.