7/3/18 - Donuts and Nerves



Morning everyone. It sounds like everyone in Canada and the U.S. were having a heat wave on Canada Day except us in Calgary. It was nice with sun and clouds on and off fopr a better part of the weekend but it certainly wasn't the heat wave that I've been reading about on here and in the news. I think our heat wave will come this weekend when the Calgary Stampede starts. During the 10 days that Stampede is on, we usually get some of our hottest temperatures and this Friday July 6th being the start of the stampede is shaping up to be a scorcher.

We are heading to Dinosaur Provincial Park to camp for the weekend and leaving at 5am Friday morning to get set up before the heat. It is supposed to be a high of 34*C (93.2*F) so cannot complain and especially after I said I would never complain about the heat as long as our winter ended and winter did finally end so you'll hear no complaints about the heat from me, at least not out loud. LOL!

Have a good week everyone and take care of yourself during the heat.

Muzza: we have your heat wave! 108F today and climbing daily until a predicted 115F on Thursday through the weekend. The weather guessers say it may reach 118F by next Monday. I will glady ship every degree over 100 anywhere in this world!! Last night at l0:30 it was 95F!

Thinking of everyone on this busy day. Once home from work, it is time to start baking deserts for July 4th celebrations at home and church. Next, prepping veggies for a platter and boiling eggs/cutting potatos for salads. We're celebrating indoors and watching fireworks on large screens due to the heat.

Who is traveling for the 4th celebrations and who is expecting family to join them at home?
Good Morning Friends,

My interview for the supervisor position is this afternoon and I'm a big bundle of nerves. I found out yesterday that my supervisor starts a new position in a month, so they will be choosing 2 people to be new supervisors. Which definitely improves the odds, but doesn't alleviate my nerves. I wore a red blouse, as I read somewhere that the color red exudes confidence, whether to the interviewer or just in my head, I'm hoping it helps.

We never made it to the library last night as Gena decided she was too tired to walk there. Needless to say, I didn't prep as much as I would have at the library, so that's not helping my nerves any.

Noel & Robin, hoping you didn't have any more dust storms last night.

A.Guy, continued prayers for your recovery.

I'll check back in later.
Good morning everyone!

Good luck with your interview, manda.

Another hot and humid day here. It’s only 84 right now but feels like 92. I still prefer this over snow.

I work 2-10 today and then I have an entire week off.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Oops, I started donuts earlier this morning and forgot to put today's date, so I am adding my previous entry in another thread to Manada's thread that she correctly created. :)

Mods, would you kindly merge the "Donuts and where's my heat wave to this thread, please? I see Noel also commented. Thank you!

Morning everyone. It sounds like everyone in Canada and the U.S. were having a heat wave on Canada Day except us in Calgary. It was nice with sun and clouds on and off fopr a better part of the weekend but it certainly wasn't the heat wave that I've been reading about on here and in the news. I think our heat wave will come this weekend when the Calgary Stampede starts. During the 10 days that Stampede is on, we usually get some of our hottest temperatures and this Friday July 6th being the start of the stampede is shaping up to be a scorcher.

We are heading to Dinosaur Provincial Park to camp for the weekend and leaving at 5am Friday morning to get set up before the heat. It is supposed to be a high of 34*C (93.2*F) so cannot complain and especially after I said I would never complain about the heat as long as our winter ended and winter did finally end so you'll hear no complaints about the heat from me, at least not out loud. LOL!

Have a good week everyone and take care of yourself during the heat.
LOL, merged the threads, but Mandy's header, & Muzza's initial post is the way they merged. Ha.

Mornin' all....we are 73...up to 86 today. Last night the 5 minute weather forecast turned into 15 minutes as there was a tornado warning up north of here, and the weatherman kept adjusting the map, putting in wind directions, areas affected, etc. They must have just cancelled the rest of the news and sports, to focus on the warning. I turned the channel at 10:30....so no idea how much longer it went on. We did have sun, then it clouded up for a while, then the sun came back, weak, but back. Weird.

Muzza, the name of that park sounds really intriguing.

And Robin, your statue is scary.....I think I prefer my little one of Dopey. LOLOL

Mandy.........YOU are going to be fine. Just know that anyone going for interview is nervous, and the HR people understand that. Never heard that about wearing red, but do remember when Nancy Reagan usually wore a red dress, and so many congressmen (presidents?) wore red ties. LOL So, must be something to it.

Wish it wasn't so muggy. Off to do laundry.

Take care, have a good day, folks...........
A busy morning. Goldie and I got up early enough to walk four times (2 miles)
around today. Then I did some things outside.

After the mowers (husband & wife) left yesterday, I noticed a big pile of grass on the
side of the house. The woman remembered I rake up the grass since they only come
every two weeks and she blows in the grass in piles. I raked up 2 and half cans
of grass. Then I used my trimmer some. He didn't trim around the mailbox or
the A/C. I will go out again sometime and trim areas when they are no longer wet.

I'm going to the bank next. Then after lunch meeting my two lady friends at neighbor's
house to play games this afternoon.

Muzzaman, enjoy your camping trip. Are there dinosaur bones at the park?

manda, good luck with your interview. Maybe I haven't gotten a job after
an interview because I don't wear red. I don't like the color.

Noel, I can't imagine baking when it's so hot. I hardly turn on my oven
in the summer.

red, enjoy your vacation.

Poirot, have a good time doing laundry.

I hope everyone has a good day and evening.
Manda: red is considered a 'power color' by those that subscribe to 'dressing for success'. It does denote confidence and that is a very good thing! You have the knowledge, skills and leadership ability plus it is normal to be a little nervous. The other candidates are nervous too if they care enough to interview for the job. Just know you have all of us thinking and praying for you today!

Red: yahoo the rest of the week off! Despite the temps, that should make today fly by faster no matter the inconvenience or stress of the day. So very happy for you to have this time off.

Muzza: going to Dinosaur Provincial Park sounds awesome and I admit to be a little jealous. [wink] Your weekend should be quite the adventure and a real memory maker for both of you.

Poirot: as boring a chore as laundry is it is one of the most necessary. Hope your day gets more interesting afterwards and you have a good day for whatever you have planned outdoors.

Kat: enjoy your luncheon meeting and game playing with your friends today. You started off the day with great exercise of walking and yard work so treat yourself to a small desert today!

AGuy: always thinking of you and looking for your return with gladness.
Good morning!

Today is the big celebration day here. Our family holds a "Meatfest" celebration on this day each year. It is a barbecue cook-off. [I won last year:)]

Then, tonight is the community fireworks event. Tomorrow there is a parade in a nearby small town.
I already have a house full of guests. Sunday night I got a call from a grandson asking if he and his brothers and a friend could sleep at my house for a couple of days. [Clearly wanting to be here for the festivities.] I said "sure". And he replied "Well, actually, we're kind of already on the ferry". Hahaha. Surprise, Grandma!!!!!

I've already made a couple of trips to the grocery store. I don't tend to keep enough food on hand to feed 4 teenagers!!!!!!!

I'm headed to the kitchen now to start fixing my meatfest contributions.
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Squirrel: sorry your day is so hectic you are finding it hard to finish your lunch. We are always here so just post when you have a moment to yourself. That is, if you get one. Let's hope your night is more relaxing.

Lil0: obviously your grandkids love you! Congrats! on winning 2017 Meatfest contest and enjoy participating this year. Your 4th celebrations sound like great fun. I miss small town patriotic celebrations and parades. Enjoy!
Good morning everyone. Today started with a phone call from the mammogram place asking if I'd be willing to participate in a breast cancer survey. Apparently I'm of the age to do the survey???? Anyway, I said sure, no problem.

I was hoping it to be the school district so we could get this whole thing settled. Oh well.

I use the crockpot more in summer living here than anywhere else. I rarely bake dinners in the oven. This is also the only time of year I'll purchase a pie or cake for eating. In the fall and winter I'll make my own. It's hard to find a pre-made gluten free pie at a grocery store. Some specialty stores will have cakes.

We aren't going anywhere and don't expect visitors.

Manda - I'll keep you in my thoughts for your interview.

Yes, this art work is different. He had "life size", or almost life size, pieces. They all sold the first day. He has had his creatures in some horror movies and once provided creatures for one of the "haunted houses" in the area. I went halfway through and they used fake fog, so the rest of the trip was one of trying to breathe.

When I lived in Sacramento, we'd have a block party set up, with hoses and buckets of sand for the fireworks. They were just noisy things that sent showers of colored sparks. Andy the lab would be put in the room farthest from the street with the television blaring. Not that she was afraid but she'd get hyper with the smell of the gun powder and want to find the bird. She'd torment my son with her head banging against his hand so he'd point in the general direction the bird went down.

Here in Phoenix I had to get a Thunder Shirt for Mr. Gus. Now he is too old and deaf and they no longer bother him. I may go out to a park nearby and watch the fireworks from Salt River Fields. It's a clear view. Just wish they'd go a bit higher in the air and I could watch from my pool. Perfection.

Have a great July 3rd or 4th eve.
Robin: holiday week so the school district may put off your call until next week. How perfect if you could watch the fireworks from your roof. I am just not limber enough for that anymore. Enjoy your pool and have a good night.
Oh, you just made me realize that now I live in town, maybe I can see fireworks.......tho usually they are shot over a lake, so any sparks fall in the water. I never could see them in the past because of all the trees, woods, etc.
Our weather is still unsettling, windy, cloudy and it's 62. We took a long bike ride last night and boy was it cool. I was so glad I had put on my sweatshirt jacket. It felt more like early April.

Manda - good luck with your interview!

Muzz - have fun on your camping trip. Rest that shoulder.

Kat - enjoy your afternoon of games with your friends.

RS - I hope your day slows down pretty soon.

Iamred - enjoy your week off.

Noel - sounds like your having good eats for the Fourth.

Have a great day.
Good afternoon everyone! Glad to hear no one has melted in this heat wave yet!

Finishing up at work and heading home for a few hours before going right back to work. Sigh. It's the week after my vacation week and I'm dragging a lot. Thankfully we don't have a lot on the slate this week in terms of what's due.

The heat isn't too bad here in the mountains, but it's bad enough to have me parked on my bum at my desk with the fan on me full-blast. Our air conditioner at home is starting to poop out too. I'm hoping it holds out just a few more weeks, because it is extremely bad timing right now!
So, I decided to finally go get new frames picked out so I can get my new glasses.........and of course......the place is closed! So I head back home, making the huge mistake of stopping at the supermarket. I know better, it was bedlam and a zoo. If I thought yesterday was bad, today was impossible. Every register was manned, I only got 4 items, so went to self checkout, had to stand in line. Awful, just awful. Shelves empty, the help was trying to restock, not too successfully, as they put items on shelves....and they were disappearing as fast they could unpack. Ugh.