7/6/21 - Donuts & maybe Rain


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Ah yes, they said it would rain last night, nope. Now it is today. Yes, it is cloudy, yes it cooled down, yes it is humid, but the sun keeps attempting to push those clouds away. Who will win? LOL. We need rain, but am grateful for the break from the 90s.... Have a good day......

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance.
Good Morning,

Sorry for being missing the last few days. We got busy doing a whole lot of nothing, but relaxing. But it was a much needed break for both Gena and me. It rained here a little but last night and there's more in the forecast for today. It's 73* already this morning, and the predicted high temperature for tomorrow is 66*. I hope our weather guy is correct, these 90 -100* days have been long and miserable.

Update from Friday, Gena did very well being home by herself, although by the time I got home she was very lonely and greeted me at the door with giant hug. Best afternoon greeting I've had in ages.

Poirot - the cooler weather should reach you first as the cold front is coming down from Canada.

Kat - I'll have to watch your video after work.

Have a wonderful day!
Good morning. I'm glad you people up north are going to get a break from the heat. The heat must be extra hard for you since it's not expected in your area.

Manda, it's really nice to hear you and Gena got some down time to enjoy each other. I think too many people are missing that these days and most don't even realize it.

It's 94* with 64% humidity, cloudy, chance of rain this afternoon. I just stepped outside for a couple of minutes and it feels suffocating. I bought me an outside thermometer with hygrometer--looks similar to a cheap round wall clock. I'm trying to decide where to put it. I always wonder which is the accurate temperature--in the shade or in the sun. Does anybody know or is there even an official answer for that question?
Another cool morning for walking. After breakfast, I did a Sunday school lesson then went outside
for awhile.

It's a sunny day. The high will be in the 80s this afternoon. I'm sure summer temps are just around the corner.

OC, I have my thermometer in the shade.

Poirot, I hope your hubby's dental appt goes well.

manda, I'm glad Gena did well by herself and you got a hug.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Good Morning. The Beast had a grooming appointment scheduled for this afternoon. His groomer called and said her entire morning canceled and could Vinnie come in early? Threw some clothes on and to the groomer he went. And yes, he is back to his normal self. I almost strangled HB last night. After playing fetch for 2 hours, Vinnie jumped on the couch and fell asleep. I got my computer out and started answering some emails when HB walked by the couch sat down and woke the dog. Then h he went back to his computer and started playing Free Cell while I had a wide awake dog wanting to play fetch again. I refused to play and was told he was my dog so, between that and fireworks, arrrrrgh.

We are warming up to the 110+ area this week with afternoon chances of rain. Melting.

Poirot - fingers crossed the dental visit goes smoothly.

Manda - glad Gena had a good day, and you two had a restful weekend.

kat- cool mornings, I've forgotten what those were like.

OC - our thermometer is in the shade.

Enjoyed those boys in the dance video and the folks who stopped and didn't walk into the shot.

Happy Tuesday pretending to be a Monday!!
Good afternoon everyone.

Another scorcher here today. I had a pleasant surprise when I got to school, and the air conditioning was on in the classroom and the art room. This school district usually has none on in the summer except for the superintendent's and principal's offices.

I shared the art room with the art teacher as she prepped for her older students who were just coming in as I was leaving. My kids were very good this morning, but the kindergarten teacher and I worked on a referral together for one little guy to get developmental testing through the school district and the state. His problems were definitely not vision, but may be visual processing. Everything else has to be ruled out first before he can be seen by a pediatric neurologist.

Poirot - Rain is supposed to come from your way and down over Canada to drench us for 5 days including the weekend. My mini garden will like the rain, but I've had more than my fill of it.

kat - Love the video.

Amanda- Our Gena is growing up too darn fast. Staying home alone all day for the first time, and next thing we know she'll be going to prom.

OC - I've always put my thermometers and weather center sensors in the shade so radiation from the direct sunlight doesn't give a false reading. The air flow around them must be good, too.

robinsnest - I bet Vinnie will be a lot cooler with his new hair cut. Well as cooler as he can be in your sizzling desert weather. Um, HB woke the Beast so shouldn't he have been the one to tire him out again?
Hi all, ....I have a little temperature thing that I keep in the little area between the sliding patio door and the sliding screen door. It is in the shade nearly all day......but when the sun finally reaches it for a bit in very late afternoon, the temp register thing on a table nearby jumps over 10 degrees, sometimes more than 15. (at my previous home by lake, I had it on window sill, we were mostly shaded by big trees, so ..........well, I would advise shade, OC.
Poirot - When I gave my old weather station to my cousin, I also put the sensor between her sliding glass door and the sliding screen door. That seems to be the perfect place since it is in shade all day due to the roof over her porch.
Finally began to rain.....weather people said 1 hour...been raining since around 11 a.m. Nearly 5:30 now. LOL

Well, the orthodontist feels that it would be better to have the heart valve replaced first, as there does not appear to be any infections.....he also said that having the valve replacement would be better for hubby before the extractions, as he'd be better able to withstand the aftermath.

He will be calling the cardiologist. Thursday will be the CT scan & visit for that up in Duluth.
I know you all up north are not used to heat, but I have to say I sure am glad we don't have it. We are usually in the 100s by now and we are still in the 80s and low 90s with rain. It's awesome!! And I have only had to water the grass once this summer.

I got my ceiling painted this weekend and then decided to paint the baseboards in that room. I am now finished. Yay! I still need to put the room back together, well, mainly my desk but I need to sort and toss stuff so will take my time on that. Boy am I sore tho. Tonite I plan to soak in epsom salt bath.

Hope all are well!
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Poirot, thanks for the update. Good there were no infections and this approach seems like maybe it will work best all around, unless there are factors to say otherwise. Glad there is that one step down in this process.

Dachsie, you're going to meet yourself coming while you're going! Your house must look so nice though.