8/10/21 - Donuts and heat advisory


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today it's not just me under a heat advisory. There are several states in the central part
of the US having heat and humidity.

I went out before 8 and did some yardwork. Before I came in, I picked up petals under
the rose of Sharon. So far, I haven't seen as many beetles around the bush this year.
I had the bush shaped up to grow like a rose of Sharon since it looked like a tree.
Some beetles came early and ate on the leaves. The bush is full of buds so it will
be blooming for awhile.

I'll be resting before it's time to do the summary.

I hope everyone will stay cool in the heat.
We're under both a heat advisory and a severe weather warning up here. Plus the smoke and bad air warnings start at midnight after this front moves through. Masks are also needed to enter most stores here as of today. Gee, it doesn't even seem safe to step out of your door any more.

kat, I'm glad you were able to be outside early before the heat and humidity got to be too much.
Morning Everyone,
Hazy smoke, but sunny today. It's supposed to get up to 82*, its currently 74*. Not much planned for today other than work. I may try to venture out to our garden to pull weeds again and see what, if anything, is ready for harvesting.

Kat - I hope you stay safe in the heat
RS - While the masks are annoying, I still wear mine when I'm in crowded places, I just don't trust people to be honest about their vaccination status. Many people in my area are just ignorant about the danger.
Amanda, I don't trust people, either. My doctor told me this past Friday (while we were both masked) that he wants me to wear a mask every where I go now since the number of patients has risen drastically here in the last few weeks. I had been wearing one except for running in and out of Aldi. I'll be wearing one when going in there now, too.
One morning, I went into Walmart without a mask. Then I put it on. Too many people
in my state aren't vaccinated and how do you know if they don't wear masks either. I
don't wear a mask in the library when I work since it's only employees inside most of
the time. I will wear one when I'm in church building to get to library there.

There are too many people in the US who don't care about masks, shots or others.
Vinnie pink tongue.jpg
Good morning..... the BEAST wishes all well..... I'm taking the car to the shop and then going to Costco to pick up my new glasses!!!! I will have my mask on in both places..... it's supposed to get to 100 today but..... it's also raining...... so not a really pretty day other than it's raining and we need the rain.....
Not a good day today, besides waking too early, and it being hot and humid. Oh, we had 3 raindrops early in the a.m., along with the dark skies, etc. Then a couple hrs. later, got vry dark again, thunder, and guess what, 5 more raindrops! But then the sun broke thru, the temps climbed, humidity hung around.
but before all this delightful weather antics, ....caregiver did not show up, I called at 8:30, big schedule mixup, no need to go into it. But she was coming around 9:30. However, tho I fixed hubby breakfast, gave him his meds, he was feeling extremely weak, could not even get out of bed, asked me to call 911. And he is back in the hospital currently. He just came home Friday, but his constant inactivity (tho he was fine lst day) and reliance on others to get him things was not the way to keep on the right path. He will now get physical therapy every day. Have to say, the nurse who was here yesterday, the E.R. people, & the hospital personnel where he currently is were all very surprised he was not in rehab, which the Duluth hospital had reccommended. But evidently, hubby figured he knew better, would rely on home care. Nope, that did not work out at all.
My phone has just been ringing constantly all day, E.R. doctors, the doctor on call, hospital pharmacy, Friends. I had to go out, bring hubbys meds to hospital, son's meds to his place, quick stop at bank, pick up laundry........and I quit. Already rush hour and taking too long to try and get out on to various streets.
Just been .....well, not a good day.
Poirot, I wish you could get yourself a caregiver. I hope your husband starts to understand he
can't come home unless he can do more for himself.