8/28/23 - Donuts and Afternoon Already!

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Taking a break so thought a good time to start today's Donuts.

An overcast 79 with high humidity, but still not too bad for the end of August.

Quiet at work, many taking off this week leading into Labor Day weekend.

Wishing all a great start to the week.

95 feels like 102
Yesterday we git 106 with a horrible feels like
So far no rain for me
Afternoon..... Vinnie had an 8 am grooming appointment..... it has been next to impossible to find a groomer who is accepting new clients..... and I didn't like the places he went before.... then to Target then the post office all the while checking on line to see if Peacock would EVER get around to fixing their mistake..... they have....
Vinnie is handsome and it's normal day here weather wise.... we will be back into the triple's by the weekend.... which isn't normal but hey I think normal weather left last year......

Happy Monday....
It was in the 60s this morning when I walked. It's in the 80s today and tomorrow, but
feels warmer. It will be hotter again starting Sunday.

I worked outside until my hair appt. I'll be able to work outside longer tomorrow since
I'll be home all day. I'll be watering my flowers later this evening.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the slow week.

rf, sorry to hear no rain again. My area will be dry all this week and next.

robin, I'm glad you found someone to do Vinnie's grooming.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
No rain here either, Sexton, and none on the horizon.

Robin, I hope you and Vinnie are satisfied with the new groomer. Got to keep our little guy looking sharp!

Kat, has anything been done about your flooring yet? Or did I forget?

My niece and I put out hay for our cows this morning, something we don't usually do until December. Everything is so dusty and dry. Cattle are zealous about getting fed. Remember the poor old cow that was getting picked on by the others? Well, they haven't let up. Several different ones attacked her while we were there this morning. I have no idea what this is about. I can only hope they don't do it when nobody is around. I'm thinking maybe she stays away from them when they're not about to get fed. We're wishing we had left her in the other pasture alone with her baby. No way to get her back there now.
OC, no work done on flooring yet. I have a couple of estimates. I don't know when man is coming back to
do the baseboards. He's putting up a carport of my neighbor's mom out of town.
I know it doesn't hardly snow down south, but about now, I think it would be very welcome, since the rain clouds seem to be on strike or something. We had a rather decent day, it is currently clouding over, but with losing daylight minutes every day, hard to say if the grey skies are weather related or just coming to nighttime.
School seems to be starting in a lot of places, and surprisingly here, it won't start til the day after Labor Day. Although teachers have a few days this week, students get a break, it seems.
Was a boring day today, woke too early, no chores, no phone calls, lol, surprising for a Monday. Ha. Tomorrow will be busier, audiologist appt. plus a few errands. I have a ground nest of bees, trying to figure out how to deal with them. Way too difficult to try to dig around them, they come flying out in attack mode. Have to make appt. for oil change, am sure they will laugh as not even 800 miles since last one 6 mos. ago. But, better safe than sorry.
Have all these huge hydrangeas growing round the houses here, including mine, just wish they were mums. I don't know what happened to all my gardening stuff, not that I had much, but guess hubby figured no need, since outside is taken care of by the condo......however, they do lousy job. All I'd like to do, is plant some mums, and some tulips. LOL
Poirot, I agree with Kat (I think it was Kat) who said please do not try to deal with those bees yourself. It does seem like your beekeeper son might at least be able to identify them for you and help you figure out what to do. I've never seen the ground-dwelling ones myself but when my niece tried to mow the hill just outside my yard with tractor and brush hog some time ago, some of those bees tried to attack her. She won't try to mow there again. We don't know what kind of bees they are. I've never heard of honeybees living in the ground but I can't say it's impossible. I got the impression from her these were bigger but not bumblebees. Since then she's also had some over at her house.