8-31-2019 - Donuts and Changing Seasons

Hoping the best for any who live in the path of the storm or for those who have friends and family there. I can't imagine living in a place that is subject to that kind of threat, over and over again.

Lil0, great job with the aprons! You are amazing!

Robin, I've learned when it comes to where and how our kids live, it's best to take your attitude of, "It was meant to be." I still can't get over my youngest taking a family with 4 kids: two of them age 13, one 4, and one 9 months, (and a cat) to live in an RV on the road. Your son's place sounds nice, and stairs aren't so bad for young people. Is the loft going to be open, as in a danger for the little ones? I had to look up shohin.

Poirot, a turtle crossing a 4 lane. LOL...

Kat, it's nice the lady with lung issues is able to attend the outing tonight. Well, the food fairy never did show up--haha--so I ate some leftover roast beef and veggies. Made some gravy for them.

Roses, it's nice to see you here today. Weekends are usually pretty slow here. I hope you are right about the hurricane going away from you.

I've been painting this afternoon. Started on an old pie safe a month or so ago, got disrupted, pushed it back in a corner. I need to get it finished and in place, as it will be a place to store some things that now have no place to go. With company coming next weekend, I so need to get some things cleaned up!
O.C. ...YOU constantly amaze me, all the things you do, so matter of factly! I know I learned to do some things I never, ever had to do growing up. But you truly have me beat. I know, ....if you don't do it, who will? Like Lil0 building her home herself. And both Kat & Squirrelly, having to take care of their homes & yards by themselves. And others here, I am sure. I am such a klutz, but I am now having to do things with hubby not in best of health. But just not painting, sawing, mending fences, etc. And being we are now in a condo, someone else does the mowing and plowing. Thank goodness. I tire or get out of breath so fast, makes things more difficult. I have to rest after changing sheets on the bed. LOLOL
O.C. will your guest home be ready? All done now?
I like Lil0's aprons better....


gosh, my relatives hadshelves and shelves of these "canned" goods. My mom did a lot...not thismuch, thho...lololol
Hi everyone. I spent this morning leaving the house at 6:30 to do laundry then run errands.

After all of that, I went to the farmers market in a neighboring town. I hope I can use all the produce before it goes bad. I've already cooked the green beans and wax beans. Plus I made 2 meat loaves that are cooling. One is for the freezer, and the other is for Sunday and work night dinners this week. I never got the biscotti made. Hopefully that'll get done tomorrow.

Lil0 - the aprons are beautiful.
Sure would be nice to have all that home grown food but I wouldn't want to do the work! The apron looks like the picture was long ago. I still like those frilly ones but I like Lil0's too and that's what most people today would want to wear. A cousin from California came for a reunion a couple of years ago. She makes aprons and sells them. She brought one to me--the kind with ruffles. Years ago I would have worn it a lot but since I hardly cook anymore, it doesn't get used.

Poirot, I feel like I don't do much of anything anymore, and you'd be surprised, I get out of breath fast too, and have to sit down and rest. Also my mid-upper back, around to my ribs, gives me fits. I have to rest it often too. I pay someone to mow the yard and would hire more things done outside but it's so hard to get anyone out here to do things, then they come and leave without finishing. My guest house is finished except for some finish up in the shower, and Mr. Fixit hasn't been back to do it. I hope I can get him to before next weekend. He still has a bunch of his junk here that needs to be out of the way too! I can't clean up and fix things until that happens. I can't afford to get crossways with him because he helps me out in emergencies, but his unpredictable work habits do get aggravating.

While I'm ranting.....did I tell this already? The day I went and spent the afternoon with my friend (Thursday) the delivery people called and left a message on my machine, that they wanted to deliver the mattress that afternoon! Grrr. There was a five day window and I expected them to give me some notice, like the day before or even first thing that morning. Nobody can sit at home and wait for five days! I didn't leave the house until after 10:30. They called at 12:35 p.m. and wanted to come that same afternoon! I called them the next morning but had to leave a message and they will call me Tuesday.

Squirrel, you sound like the food fairy I've been longing for. You sure are going to enjoy having that good food cooked up!
We had a nice evening. Another single person couldn't come. So it was the
same four people that was at the woman's birthday party in July. She's
going to sell her house because of the cigarette smoke coming inside. Person
who smokes lives three houses away. For some reason, the smoke comes
down to her house. Hopefully, she'll be able to find a place to live. She's
having issues with her job too because of her lung problem.

OC, I just got home and read your post about the shooting. So sad.
Wow, Kat, it's pretty incredible the smoke could come to her house from that far. It would be easier to understand if she were in an apartment building with it. But if she has lung problems, she's got to do whatever it takes to minimize the bad effects. It's too bad though, that she has to go to such lengths to get relief.
It's sad. She has fans outside her house, but it doesn't help much.
She's spent a lot of money trying to figure out how the smoke gets
in. Lately, visitors have noticed the smoke too. We all hope she
can find some place. There are no smoking apartments, but
not in our area.