9/17/2021 - Donuts and Sisters Birthday Weekend

Good Afternoon,

Safe travels Robin, praying that you are able to stay Covid free.

Busy day at work today, it's sunny and 80*F outside. I'm enjoying the reflection of wispy white clouds in the windows of my cubicle, as my back is towards the windows to outside. I'd say I'm looking forward to the weekend, but I think we'll be too busy to actually enjoy it much, as there's just a lot of stuff to get done before winter blows in. It may be 80* today, but the trees are starting to change quickly, so I have a feeling it will be a short fall and straight into the deep freeze.

Have a blessed day everyone!
Another nice day here. I worked outside some this morning. I found out after I showered
Friday lunch was cancelled. Oh well. Tomorrow I need to do raking.

robin, safe travels and have a good time. Hopefully, you won't get any of the
nasty stuff.

manda, I hope you can put your feet up part of the weekend.

Kris, I hope your weekend is a good one.

Poirot, I hope your Friday is going well.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and nice weekend.
Robin, happy and safe getaway to you!

Kris, wishing you a quiet, peaceful weekend.

Manda, I hope your busy activities include something fun.

It will be 96* today and for the next two days, than around 100* on Monday. Tuesday brings a cool front, in the 80s* for a few days, with overnight lows of 60s* maybe even dipping down into the 50s*. I need to practice keeping my chin up before that change gets here. It always happens in September and I always get sad when it does. We don't get much fall color but the tree leaves are already thinning gradually and they look old and shriveled.

I put my final coat of paint on one side of the board this morning. I plan to put the brush-on paint on the side I spray painted with one coat of a different color but I have to wait until the oil based spray paint is well seasoned or else it won't hold the water based paint. When we moved into this house over 40 years ago, even though all the paint was well seasoned, we painted the woodwork with water based paint, not thinking or realizing what we were painting over was oil based. It wasn't too long before all our nice new paint was peeling off in strips. I will sand that one thin layer of spray paint some before I put on the water based brush on and hope that will take care of any issues. At least this board isn't something important or hard to deal with, and I can do it all outside.

Yes, Squirrel, painting can be a big migraine starter. That's a big reason why I'm going to stay away from the spray paint. That stuff gets in and on everything from clothing to the orifices of the head and face. Many of the water based paints now come with low or no VOC. The smell from those is minimal and it goes away very quickly.

Well, I wrote most of this hours ago. Got distracted. In the meantime I learned that the cowboy who stayed out here last winter and helped us with the cows during that extreme cold spell has died from Covid. We'd known he was in the hospital for over a week and had been on a ventilator for a few days. He was in his early 40s.
oc, how odd.....one of hubby's caregiver's said her nephew, in his 40s, had died yesterday from Covid. He had been in hospital for more than a week, & on ventilator..... However, I know the funeral will be up in this area, next week one day. So, can't be your cowboy. Too sad.
Went to pharmacy to pick up meds for hubby, and stopped at store for just 3 or 4 food things he was out of.
Very windy here this afternoon. I've had a string of 3 house guests and the last one left yesterday, so now I will try to catch up on a lot of things. I hope the power stays on as I have a lot of computer-related stuff to catch up on. We finally got some rain this morning. That was much needed.
Lil0, I'm sorry you lost power.

robin, that's not a good way to get a welcoming.