9/23/21 - Donuts and a Chilly Morning

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Another cool one here. Was in the low 50s* when I first looked but is now in the 70s* on the way to 88*. Looks like the highs for the coming week have been taken down a bit though. 92* on Monday is the highest between now and the end of next week. I had to turn off my a/c and get out some long sleeves to wear in the house today. My sheets are washing, breakfast done and cleaned up. Now what? Guess I'd better start something cooking for dinner (lunch). I don't cook a lot of stuff but it seems like I spend about 3/4 of my days in the kitchen!

Poirot, I hope your aches from the fall are less today than yesterday.

Hope Seige is gaining strength and that the rest of the family stays well.
Another chilly morning for walking. Tomorrow it's suppose to be in the 50s instead of the 40s
when I walk.

I had a good morning at the library. The other volunteer is going to be gone for two weeks.
I'll be going in on Tues and Thurs while she's gone. It's good I keep Tuesdays free since I
do the summary that day.

Poirot, I hope you're feeling better today.

Kris, I hope everyone at your house is doing well.

OC, enjoy the cooler weather. It's going to warm up in my area over the weekend.

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day.
Good Afternoon,
It's 61* now, but it was very cold when I woke up, well the temperatures dropped sharply last night already, as I got out my fall pajamas for bed, and closed the windows too, even just a crack let in too much cold last night. Weird day for me, started with donating blood, and I'm leaving work early to go get a filling at the dentist.

OC - sounds like you've had a very productive day so far.
Kat - I bet it feels nice to have a regular schedule at the library the next 2 weeks.
Poirot - I hope you're feeling better after your fall.

Have a great Thursday!
robin, thanks for getting the summary done. Was this unusual for you to get that
kind of reaction from the flu shot? I hope you'll have a better day tomorrow.
Good evening everyone.

It has been a long few days at work. Plus we had torrential rain, high winds, thunder & lightning, and several tornado alerts yesterday afternoon and last night. Electricity was iffy, and kept going off and on. I spent most of last night sitting on the shower bench in the shower reading on my Kindles and listening to the battery operated radio. My lanterns and flashlights got a workout. (Must remember to change the batteries so they're ready for the next storm.) At least my basement stayed dry!

A tornado went through just a few miles north.
Thankfully nobody was hurt, but there was quite a bit of property damage.

Prayers continue for everyone with special intentions for Seige, Poirot, and robinsnest during their recoveries.
Squirrel, I've never heard of a place having so many storms as you have. I hope you can have a peaceful, restful weekend coming up.

Robin, that sure does stink, to get so sick from a vaccine! I do hope you are all better tomorrow. It was heroic of you to do the summary in spite of being sick!

Manda, you must be tired, after giving blood, having a tooth filled and working all day. Also, it must have been pretty cold, if you needed to shut the window. I know you like chilly temperatures.

Kat, I'm glad you had a nice morning at the library and that you have a schedule for a couple of weeks.
rs, I'm glad your basement didn't flood. Did the rain help with the smoky air? I hope you won't have
rain over the weekend.

manda, I hope you can relax this evening after your busy afternoon.
Thanks everyone, Siege is doing well, still tired easily but she doesn’t have other symptoms dragging her down so she’s just resting a lot. But moving around more each day. I’m hoping the weekend helps with that and by the time she goes back to school she’ll be okay.

Our weather has cooled some in the mornings but still hitting 90’s by afternoon.

Robin - I hope you feel better soon. A good immune response to the vaccine usually indicates good things for it working.
Kris - Glad to see that Siege is feeling better.

As for me last night, my brother made dinner for Gena and I, as my mom & stepdad are in Colorado. We left early as Gena and I were both exhausted and not much company for my brother. I'm not sure what time we fell asleep, but it was sometime between 8:15 & 9:15. Gena crawled into my bed to snuggle with me as my mouth was really sore, she even brought me a cold pack to lay on my face. I woke up at 9:15 when she yelled something in her sleep and promptly went back to snoring. So I double checked that the door was locked, covered her up, crawled back into bed, turned off my bed side lamp and went back to sleep. I just left her in my bed, so as not to disrupt her sleep.