9/25/21 - Donuts & rain & sun, lol


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning.....not a bad night's sleep, not a good one either. Leg still aches, managed shower o.k. Nurse visit for hubby. Rained yesterday, barometer said more today, but sun is out. Never reached 60 yesterday, was 38 this a.m. Has crept up to 53. Was watching leaves falling from a huge tree, lots more to go, but these were really coming down. Nice to see an entirely red or orange tree. Not half, but all. However....it soon will be bare. Or covered with white, Yuk!
Meanwhile, where I used to live, there was a bay in front, with islands across the way.....and when there was a full moon, a clear night, the moon made a path across as it was rising. Don't get to see it anymore, but someone got a pic last night. Was a bit cloudy......but..........1632585056350.png
Another cool morning and warm day. It's sunny and will be in the 80s. One of my daisies
is starting to bloom. I more of them do. They didn't bloom in spring.

I decided yesterday I wouldn't do outside work today since I was tired last night I walked
when I got home from doing errands, but rather warm. I got my flu shot this morning too.

Poirot, I hope the nurses visit goes well.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday.
Good morning all.....
First off 38?!?!?!?! I can't even imagine..... at 7 am here it was a bracing 79... with an 80% chance of no rain..... I"m sure somewhere they got the 20% of rain.... but not where I am.....
Second that picture is magical...... I can't imagine having such beauty and magic every night it would never get old.....
I ran a bunch of errands yesterday... well, actually walked painfully on a lot of errands. And today holds a couple more, not many but some.....

I saw that Christopher Reeves was the Google Doodle today.... I was no longer watching Sesame Street when he made that appearance, it was great explaining.

Going to try to get Hunny Bunny to take me to the storage unit..... get Halloween out of storage and up and around the house....

Good Saturday to all...
Robin, I hope you get your decorations out but it sounds like you may need to give that knee a rest, after the workout it got yesterday.

Kat, your flu shot on top of last night's errands may require some extra rest for you too. Aww, a daisy. Daisy-type flowers are my favorites. I hope you get more of them.

Poirot, I agree with robin, that scene would never get old. It brings to mind the old song I loved when I was young--Moonlight Bay.

We're really needing some rain here. The roads engulf a vehicle in dust. You gotta wait and let the dust settle before getting out of the car. I had a busy morning out messing with the cows. The grass is suffering from lack of water and the cows are getting restless. It was a tiring and frustrating morning with broken gates and wayward animals. We had to leave some things for another day, like one heifer that got into the neighbor's pasture and we didn't get around to feeding my cows because it got too hot. Then there's still my roving bull. I need to take a shower to get the ragweed washed away but I think I need to eat first. Cold leftovers it will be.
Wow! A lot has happened since I was able to get back. So sorry and sympathize with all those who have had bad times (falls, weather, cars, etc).

Finally, I can give some good news. I managed to mow the yard (about 3/4 acre), wash clothes, straighten through the house, water plants outside and finish a little paperwork etc. It felt good but I AM very tired. Hoping I didn't overdo it, especially since the wound has not healed completely. I still have to clean and pack it every day.

Wishing you all a Blessed "rest of the day"!
Well, was able to move it here......you are good............and my goodness , that is an awful lot of work, got tired just reading it.........Take it easy now.........
Nanahl, I hope your family is coming by to help you out too. I hope you have a riding mower. That's too much to do
with a push mower unless it's completely flat.
@o.c. THAT is what I used to call it.....Moonlight Bay......We were sailing along.......on Moonlight Bay..We could hear the voices ringing......they seemed to say.....LOLOLOL old movie with Doris Day & Gordon MacRae......
Yes, Poirot, that's the song. I always wanted to go somewhere to see something like that. Also, Old Cape Cod--I always wanted to go there because of the song. I've been to the Pacific, Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and have seen some of the Great Lakes, but have not lived around large bodies of water. I did live very near the Susquehanna River in PA though. Saw it flood the small town we lived near. We lived high on a hill at the edge of town though. I also saw big chunks of ice breaking up and floating down it at the end of winter. Strange sights for me.

Nana, glad to see you back, and to hear you are able to do some things again, but I do hope you're not overdoing it. You seem to be a very high energy person. I hope you have complete healing before too long.

I don't know what got into me today. After the busy morning with the cows, I spent the afternoon dragging stuff out of my closet and some drawers, rearranging some things, etc. I almost never get such a burst of energy or motivation like that anymore. So now I've got half my house torn apart and I just hope I can get it all put back together before too long. It definitely won't happen today. I need to go through a bunch of it and get rid of some things. I think one reason I have trouble cleaning house is because I have too much stuff in a small house and very little storage space.