9-5-19 - Donuts and School

sorry about the late check in..... I felt off all day yesterday.... but it wasn't until Hunny Bunny and I went to the grocery store that I got all woozy and sweating up a storm.... ick... came home ate dinner and then went to bed slept from 8:30 till 7:30 this morning...... as in I don't think I moved once.....
Work was a disaster..... we send out a letter on the 5th of each month notifying clients if they don't pay up by the 15th they are dropped......well they have changed the process and instead of me sending out the email.... it goes out via our new emailer..... so we know who gets the email, who opens it, and so forth and so on... well I sent the spreadsheet to the person to send it out... I told her to use TAB #3 but she used TAB #1 which is EVERYONE who owes money... those sent to collections, bankruptcy, on payment plans..... EVERYONE..... including folks who paid their account as of Sept 2nd.......it was a mess....

I need a drink...... :wine:
robin, sorry to hear you're not feeling well and things at work didn't go well either.
Have a good night sleep and hopefully tomorrow is better.
Robin, if you weren't already feeling sick, that work day would be enough to make you sick. Hope it all gets straightened out and you feel better soon.

Lil0, I wish I could post pictures. Until recently I was able to e-mail pictures but that quit working awhile back. My son, the computer whiz, has been trying to figure out the problem. He gets into my computer remotely, which is how he does a lot of his work, but so far, no answers on this.
Manda did Gena come home vampire free?
I can't say for certain, her clothes are bagged up on the balcony, I couldn't fit them in the freezer with the sweatshirt in the bag. I found 1 tiny little vampire on the shower curtain last night when I was getting ready for bed, but I resprayed the recliner yesterday as I've been getting bites on the back of my arms & neck the past few days again. I also found a couple little ones on Gena's bed on Wednesday while she was at her dad's. So I'm not sure if a couple got past the the chemicals or if she brought them home from her aunt's house. It's almost routine now squish, spray, repeat, with a side application of Benedryl cream to help the rash and itching. :sad:
Yes. Manda I am officially stealing "Sir Hiss" as the slightest name! :clap:At least the name makes me smile but nothing I think of naming your vampires comes close to that positive. Stay strong woman and keep the spray bottle close by.:hug: