9/5/20 - Donuts & losing light


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning! Boy, we are losing light fast now, about 3 minutes every day. Sunrise is 6:35........That only means it rises, not that we see it. LOL. Tis after 7, very light out, but no sun shining across the grass yet. Ha. O.C. am curious...........when I had sun at 5, you said it was still dark at 6 for you. What is current status?

Did I mention it was/is just 45°? Yep, wore a sweater all day yesterday. Pulled out some long sleeved tops, couple turtle necks, put away a few sleeveless tops. Guess I will change out purses today. Usually after Labor Day, but, only a couple days away. Never thought we'd be under this stay home thing this long..6 mos. now. Sheesh. (also a bit of fog out there....)

Hope you all have a lovely day, wherever you are, & the sun shines brightly (unless you are really needing rain badly)
Good morning. Yep. Dim light here at 6:00. We've had some fog too. This morning I think we have overcast. [Still not light enough to know for sure.]
When I took Falcon to the dog park yesterday, I was just wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt. A little too cool!!! I had to grab a blanket from the car to wrap around my shoulders. Fall is definitely in the air!

Working on several projects -- indoors and out. Plenty to keep me busy regardless of the weather.

I had to get another COVID test yesterday in preparation for a medical procedure scheduled for next Wednesday. They are going to shove a wee little camera up my nose and down my throat to take some pictures. Trying to determine what is causing my voice to sometimes get very raspy and squeaky.

Wishing you all a great weekend.
Let me know how that turns out, hubby has the same......he won't ask his doc...........his has really become higher. People think it's me when he answers the phone...lol
Morning all. I had the perfect title this morning, but I didn't have time to post early.
I would have named it "Donuts and two shadows".

It freaked me out at first to see two shadows when I was walking this morning. I
wondered who was behind me. My subdivision has streets lights and I knew the
big shadow was from them. Then I looked up and saw the moon. It's still almost
full. I had a shadow in front of me and one along side of me. It was 6 when I went
out and the street lights still on.

I went to the store early today since the mower was coming this morning. He was
here when I got home. I wanted to get the petals picked up before he started. Too
late. I talked to him later about the bushes in front I don't like. He'll talk to his boss
to see if they can come up with a solution. I want something with flowers, but
not spread out like these do.

Lil0, I hope your COVID test is negative and your procedure goes well.

Poirot, fall seems to be coming earlier this year.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Let me know how that turns out, hubby has the same......he won't ask his doc...........his has really become higher. People think it's me when he answers the phone...lol
Does he have vocal cord paralysis? A speech pathologist may can help him out. It could be a strained vocal cord as well. I would have him go see an ENT.

I got up this morning to go to the co-op to get some fungicide and insecticide for my grass. I have a huge brown spot developing - will probably have to replant next spring. While there I realized it was time to plant fall garden so bought a couple each of broccoli, cauliflower, spaghetti squash and butternut squash to plant and a container of Swiss chard. Also bought a really pretty sunflower to plant in flower bed and a couple of herbs.

I weeded the flower bed and planted the sunflower but am taking a break to cool off - it is super humid here with the rain we have had. I have a smaller raised garden bed that I plant in shaped like a horseshoe. I still have one tomato plant in it still alive so am going to see what it does.

Also stopped at grocery store on way home. Not much else planned today. I may go shopping later for some kitchen towels. My niece is not coming for weekend so my plans fell apart. But I am still going to make spaghetti and meatballs. Haven't made it in a long while and since its cooler than its been since April I think its a good day for it.

Have a good one all!
dashsie, sorry to hear your niece won't get to visit. I would love a vegetable garden, but
not sure if I would have time to take care of it with the flowerbed.
As I was reading dachsie's comments I thought it's nice we have another gardener on here. I always enjoy hearing about your plants, Kat. It seems dachsie is growing food and that's interesting to hear about too. Kat, your morning walk with the shadows sounded lovely but a little spooky too. I didn't realize you had street lights but it makes sense, with a number of houses around.

Dachsie, it does sound like I'm a long way north of you. I used to see some people planting "summer/fall" gardens here but they would have to be planted earlier than this and really, it just gets too hot and dry in the late summer. I'm below the Panhandle, a few hours northwest of Dallas. Sorry your niece didn't get to visit. My son wasn't able to come here either.

Lil0, I didn't realize a Covid test was required before medical procedures until Robin mentioned it a few days ago. If that continues into October, I may rethink something I have scheduled. I hope you can get some answers with the camera through the nose and throat. I had that done about 12 years ago. My voice has gotten deep and rough with time. I hope you can get some answers with solutions.

Poirot, funny you mentioned the sunrise time. I was going to say something about it myself. Once again (3rd time in a week) my windows were all white with condensate this morning. But the skies have been clear and the dampness is gone after the sun comes up. So I was watching the sun through my kitchen window and I noticed it was later than the last time I noticed. It was coming up around 7:10 for a while. Today it was closer to 7:20. Still too dark to go out and walk at 6:00 but hints of light in the east begin to show not long after that. I've had to close the curtains at the head of my bed the past few nights because the moon was shining right in my face!

My son didn't get to come for a few reasons. He remembered yesterday was his wedding anniversary--that alone would be enough to keep him home. Lol. Also their daughter, who has recently started her first year at a university, was just diagnosed with Covid. (There's been a lot of it on that campus). He didn't know if they would have to do anything or not but it turned out the university is putting those students up in an on-campus hotel for quarantine. I haven't gotten any word yet as to whether she is feeling sick or not. Then my son's in-laws arrived from El Paso. So clearly, it wasn't a good time for him to come and visit me!

Hunting season kicked off here today. Just doves for now. Deer season starts in a couple of months and it's the biggie, but still, now is when people are setting up their campers and getting their deer stands in shape, etc. Some also hunt the doves. I was busy this morning getting my lease ready for them to sign.

I've just cooked some pork chops and heated some Bush's baked beans so now I'm off to eat.
OC, I'm sorry your son didn't get to visit. Sorry to hear your granddaughter
has COVID. It's safer for everyone if students stay on campus, but away from
other students. If students came home, they might get family members
infected too. One college sent some freshmen home because they were
partying off campus. That's a big no no :)
Morning all. Yesterday I got my flu shot.... last night I couldn't sleep. Could not get comfortable, today EVERY joint aches and I have a headache apparently these are common side effects..... normally I just get injection site itching..... I had so many plans for today.... that will be shoved to tomorrow.

I will check our sunrise time tomorrow. I didn't check today.... we will be 113 today!!! and 111 for Sunday and Monday....... Happy Labor Day....
I tried vegetables twice here... it's too hot even with shade cloth and misters the fruit/vegetables cooked on the vine...
I forgot to say, this coming Wednesday we are supposed to have a high of 65* and a low of 48*. Looks like fall is coming early, even here!

Robin, I sure wish you could get a break from the awful heat out there. My good friend has moved out there over the past year and she loves it but even she is having trouble with the way it is now. I'm not surprised you can't grow food crops there. I'm sorry you had the reaction to the flu shot. One of the nurses at the nursing home told me she ended up in the hospital from taking one so she didn't take them after that.

Yes, Kat, I was glad they kept my granddaughter on campus, for that reason. I know the virus had gotten spread in one of the sororities. She wasn't involved in that but I don't know how she got it. I think it tends to spread rapidly, once it gets in a place like a college campus. I hope the people who get this virus will be immune to it afterwards but nobody seems to know if that is the case. I heard of at least one person who got it twice.
OC, more than one person in US has gotten COVID twice. Several people around the world
have gotten it twice too. I read college dorms are like cruise ships because it spreads so
fast. I get cooler weather on Wed too.
lol, Wed. we are to be roughly 53 high, down to 37. But by next Friday we will have 65 & 42. By then O.C. will be much warmer, as will Kat, I am betting.

Think I mentioned before about this guy we knew who retired, moved to AZ , loved to golf, figured he'd do it all year there, not get hampered with snowstorms, blizzards, below zero, etc. Well, he lasted just shy of 2 years, moved to Colorado. LOL. Just too dang hot. When Robin or any of you folks who live down south talk of the high temps, I think of that musical number Marilyn Monroe did in one of her moves.......The song was called ...WHAT ELSE? HEAT WAVE........however in the lyrics, it is certainly surprising she can "can-can". LOL, seems like that would cause heat stroke. Ha.

Kat, I might not have been paying attention, but do you teach classes at your church? And........how is Goldie?

Sorry about some of you not getting expected company. I haven't had any in over 2 years! My one daughter might have come in from GA, but...no traveling, stay home, etc. WAIT...I did have an old friend who lives about 20 miles away, was in town, called me, came over, we social distanced visiting in garage (out of the heat of the driveway). LOLOL
Poirot, I don't teach Sunday school. Last year, I was an usher at the church.
I can't do that now. Goldie is doing well. She still wants to play in the evenings.