9/7/18 - Donuts & Germs


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Appleton, WI
Morning Everyone,
The cold all of you had earlier has hit me now too. I'm sure Gena picked up some kind of germs at school as was kind enough to share with me. So know I get to take cold medicine so i can function and hibernate in my cubicle at work to try to share these buggers as little as possible.

Girl Scouts was fun last night we started working on the My Great Day Badge, and learned different ways to try to make our days faster and easier, including a getting dressed for the weather relay that was a hoot. I had 2 bags of my clothes for the girls to wear 1 was summer clothes and 1 was winter gear, we split into teams to see who could get ready the fastest, amazingly winter won, but the summer girls had problems keeping my giant size 10 flip flips on (I only wear them when I get pedicures). Then we made pencil cups out of empty cans so they can set up a homework station to keep their pencils, rulers, scissors, and other school supplies in so they always have all their supplies ready for homework.

Hope you are all feeling better and have a wonderful day!
Morning! Back at it like a deadline addict at work today. Excited to get through the day so I can visit with my sister, who is coming in for an overnight stay. The lunch with my husband was rescheduled to today as well...
The elders ceremony was amazing. My coworker and I are working on the write-up together, if I could just get over my writer's block long enough to get something finished here today. They did a blessing for Mother Nature and read us a prophecy about how to achieve peace. The ceremony gave us all chills, but we weren't allowed to record any of it (a representative of the Lakota explained their belief that recording the ceremony might make it not work).

Manda - sorry to hear about your cold! I hope it passes through your system fast.
Good morning,
Manda, your comments about germs at school reminded me of my early teaching days. Every September, when school started, those little kids would blow every imaginable germ right into my face. The first few years of teaching I caught everything. After that, I seemed to be immune. Ha!
I'm trying to reestablish some kind of schedule! August threw everything off. Between house guests and vacation trips, routine became nonexistent. It is taking awhile to get back into the groove.
Wishing you all good health!!!!!
Lil0, I'm happy to see you here. I've been thinking about you and was hoping you were all right. Glad it was only visitors and vacation trips, not something worse. I did not know you used to be a teacher. I don't know how people do that but I'm glad there are those who do.

L.S., I hope things go to your liking with the lunch today. Maybe when you get past that, the writer's block will lift. I'm guessing you will enjoy the overnight with your sister. Hope so! I miss my sis. Enjoy every minute you have with yours.

I went two days without any blood pressure med because I was staying at the low end of normal and didn't want it to go down any further. It felt so good--no headache at all, and none of the heavy, tense feeling I get when taking any of the pills. But I knew it would come back up and it did last night so I started on the lower dose. So far, so good. Blood pressure is good, only a mild headache. Just hoping it doesn't get any worse and I can adjust to this. I'm trying to keep busy. Was planning to go to the nursing home but it looks like a pretty big rain event is soon to arrive here so I'll wait and see how that develops.
Manda, I can just imagine how funny it must have been, watching those girls with the clothes! I'm so sorry you and Gena have got the crud now. From hearing all of the reports here in Donuts, I'm afraid this is going to be a challenging fall/winter of viruses, etc. That's one of the reasons I'm never ready for summer to end. Be well as soon as you can. Virtual hugs to both of you. It's nice to be able to give hugs that way and avoid exposure to the germs that exist in real time.

Hoping Noel and her family are feeling some relief.
Morning all...... Wood shop was awesome!!! several people in the class but 4 of us are new folks never attended before.....all women... all about the same age all wanted to take woodshop in school but were gender denied...... last night was a quick walk through of all the machines we will be using.... next week we will make a push stick.... then a box.... then a mini baseball bat.... then we can make whatever we want.... the reasoning in making these 3 things we will use all of the machines so we can be comfortable making our own project....getting there was a hassle.... class starts at 5pm I get off work at 5:15 and of COURSE a million people showed up... well not that many but we locked the door at 5 and had folks inside....IT was insane...... wouldn't be that big if an issue but I'm not at work today so I had to finish the records..... I am leaving later today for a surprise weekend trip..... Work decided to honor my birthday on Monday by having me show up for work at 6:15 at the camp site..... it is a day off for the students, so our before and after care kids have the option of attending camp..... I get to be there in case someone shows up with their kids without having previously registered them.... because you know..... not all parents are on top of it.... they will find out tonight or Saturday that their little darlings don't have school so they will just appear......

Manda... good luck with the germs......
Lil0... good luck getting back into a routine......
LS.... enjoy the deadline......have a great time with your sister...
OC... hope you have the rain you need..... and your blood pressure stabilizes...

Have a great weekend..... I'll log on if I can this weekend......
Afternoon everyone. I went to town today. I don't have to go as far as OC, but
I don't go very often to save on gas. I went to Target, Kohl's and Big Lots.

On the way home, I thought about going out after lunch to work in ditch. Five
seconds later, I told myself no. I have pains here and there from working
in it. I couldn't go out today anyway. The rain started at lunch time.

I found out today I can get my flu shot. I'll be getting it soon.

manda, sorry to hear you and Gena not feeling well. Sounds like your Girl Scout
meeting was a good one. I hope the girls learned how important it is to get
ready for school fast.

Little Sweetness, I hope your plans for today go well.

robin, I'm glad you enjoyed wood working class.

OC, I hope you won't get a big headache after taking your medicine.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening.
Finally it's Friday. We had Monday & Tuesday off and it always puts me behind. You work twice as hard to catch up. I didn't think Friday would ever get here!

Manda so sorry you & Gena have the cold! Maybe quick recovery over the weekend. I have noticed the commercials on TV really pushing getting the Flu shot early this year - maybe I will! I usually wait until October or November?

LS - Good luck with your dead lines, I think OC is right - as soon as your lunch date is over you can get everything done. Have fun with your sister.

Lilo - good luck getting back into the routine! Sometimes summer will do that to us.

OC - Hopefully you BP medicine won't give you a bad headache! Stay in an rest - seems like your always on the go any more.

Robin - your wood shop class sounds really cool. Do you have something in mind your wanting to make yet.

Have a great Friday
Kat, I'm glad you are pacing yourself on the ditch work. You work so very hard.

Robin, I think it is so interesting that you are taking the woodworking class. I'll be eager to hear about, or better yet, see, some of your projects, once you get the basic training.

Shan, I wish Fridays could get here as fast for you working folks as it does for me!

I went on to the nursing home. The rain came while I was gone. I only got a little over an inch this time but some places around had two and three inches. I think maybe around two on my pasture across the road. The cowboy came out this morning, rushing to get here ahead of the rain, and moved six of my heifers, two of my niece's, and one of his, along with one of his bulls, over here to the pasture where my house is. We'd been weaning the heifers at my niece's place. There are reasons why we've shuffled them all around that way but the point I'm making is that I'm kinda glad to have bovine pals hanging out here again. They showed up in my yard this evening. I saw them down by the road when I came home this afternoon. The bull is trailing along after the heifers. As my niece said, "They are exploring and conquering." Good thing I'm easily entertained. :)