A Grandmothers Secret (A Horton Family Story)


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Hey everyone! Some of you might remember me from my previous story that I wrote "Can I Still Count on You?", a story about Bo and Hope Brady. Well, I joined the spectator to write stories, but then after I finished that one, I became incredibly busy. Now that I have some time to write again, I decided that I would write another story. I hope you read and post comments, and most importantly enjoy it. Now whats it going to be about? I'll tell you:

When Alice Horton discovers an important secret thats been hidden for many years, she tries to figure out what to do. The secret has a high cost, and will effect many lives of Horton's and close family members. However, if she exposes it, the person with the secret will retalliate. Hortons will be hurt, and Alice is the only one with the power to control what happens. However, when she becomes too ill to do anything several days after the secret is exposed to her, and eventually passes away, the secret isn't in her hands anymore, but in two others Horton's. What will happen when Hope and Jennifer find out that their Grandmother has been hiding something, but they don't know what it is. Stay tuned, for the beginning of "A Grandmothers Secret (A Horton Family Story)", premiering tommorow, Friday October 8, 2010.

*Chapters will be posted between 3:30 and 6:30pm EST, Monday to Friday MOST DAYS.

Hope you enjoy my new story "A Grandmothers Secret (A Horton Family Story)"

Hope is in Alice's bedroom, sorting through some of Alice's things, to give memories to the family. She is sitting on the edge of the bed, sorting through the nightstand tables' drawer.

Hope: <tears> Oh Gran, you have no idea how much I miss you...
Jennifer: <enters>...how much we all miss you.
Hope: <wipes eyes> Oh, hey.
Jennifer: Hey, what are you doing?
Hope: Just sorting through some of Gran's things. Daddy and Julie asked me if I could give some of her things to the family, so we could all have memories of her with us. They said Gran wanted us to take them when she passed, instead of just having them lay around.
Jennifer: Makes sense.
Hope: Look at all the things she has though. Look at this picture of us at the beach with her when we were really little. <hands picture>
Jennifer: Oh my gosh, we were so cute.
Hope:...and look at this one, its of Bo, Gran and I on our wedding day.
Jennifer: <looks> Aww. Thats one to keep.
Hope: They are all one's to keep.
Jennifer: Want some help?
Hope: Sure, do you want to finish off here, and I'll start on the closet.
Jennifer: Sure.

Hope walks over to the closet, and moves out several bins. Suddenly, a small box falls out, and the lid pops off. In it, is a bunch of tissue paper.

Jennifer: <turns around due to the sound of the drop> Whats that?
Hope: I don't know, should we find out?
Jennifer: <walking over> Well ya, we're kind of in here to find stuff out about Gran. Thats what your dad wanted us to do.
Hope: Okay, lets find out.

Hope uncovers the tissue paper, and finds a ripped, unlabelled envelope. She pulls it out.

Jennifer: Read it. It could be important.
Hope: Jen, isn't this kind of invading her privacy?
Jennifer: It isn't if it has to do with us.
Hope: Fine. <opens the letter> Jen, look at the date June 14, 2010.
Jennifer: Isn't that just a few days before Gran started feeling ill?
Hope: Ya, it is.
Jennifer: Read it.
Hope: Okay, okay. I'll read it.

July 14, 2010
Dear Alice,
I still can't believe this happenned. First, me trying to hide this from you and your family sounded like the easiest thing to do, but I guess it wasn't. How you managed to uncover this secret is beyond me, but since you have, I just want to make a few things clear.
As you know, this secret is very important. It effects many members of your family. However, I have one thing to tell you. If this secret comes out in anyway, you know the consequences for me will be high, so if it does come out the consequences will be even higher for you. I will hurt the people you love, and I will damage things that are very important to your family. As I stated in previous letters and emails, there is no harm done to what I'm doing, I'm just causing pain for some of the people you love. However, if you want me to cause even more pain for them, you go ahead and tell the secret. However, I will be watching until I know you can't tell it anymore, and just a word of advice, you don't want to tell this secret, because it will not be hard for me to hurt those you love.
Remember what I said, Sincerely,
You know who.

Hope: What?
Jennifer: This doesn't make any sense.
Hope: Who is this person, and what is the secret they have?
Jennifer: Its not like Gran to keep something like this from us.
Hope: Well, now we only have one thing to do.
Jennifer: Oh no,
Hope: Oh yes, we are going to solve this secret, and protect all Hortons and Brady's from getting hurt.

To be continued Monday
Next to Come: Whats the Plan?
Great start to the story. Hmmmm causing pain for the Hortons. I was thinking Stefano, but he was mostly after the Bradys. Thanks Hope*Brady. I am looking foreward to Jen and Hope solving this mystery together.
This really IS a mystery, isn't it. Will they begin by getting help (from Ian, ha ha) to trace the email history?
I'm excited. Why can't we have chapters posted during the weekends too in the writers bench. LOL I am too impatient and want to know what is happening fast! LOL

Great start, thanks Hope*Brady
Thanks guys for the comments, here's the next chapter:


Hope and Jennifer have just opened and read a hidden letter found in their grandmothers closet.

Hope: What?
Jennifer: This doesn't make any sense.
Hope: Who is this person, and what is the secret they have?
Jennifer: Its not like Gran to keep something like this from us.
Hope: Well, now we only have one thing to do.
Jennifer: Oh no,
Hope: Oh yes, we are going to solve this secret, and protect all Hortons and Brady's from getting hurt.
Jennifer: Hope, c'mon we can't figure this out.
Hope: Are you really trying to tell me, Salem's best detective, that we can't solve this.
Jennifer: Well, no but...c'mon I mean, what if its just a stupid secret?
Hope: What if it isn't? Look, read write here <points>

As you know, this secret is very important. It effects many members of your family.

Jennifer: Whoa, and read here <points>

As I stated in previous letters and emails

Jennifer: Gran, she had email!
Hope: Ya, well stranger things have happened, Victor now mentions Facebook a lot, and Henderson texts!
Jennifer: Whoa, I've missed a lot.
Hope: Wait! Wait, back to this secret, we have to solve it.
Jennifer: Fine, but I'm not going to do anything stupid.
Hope: C'mon <walks away>
Jennifer: Where are we going?
Hope: Somewhere more private to talk, Daddy, Bo, Jack or Julie could walk in here any second.
Jennifer: Ya, so?
Hope: Well, we're not going to tell them!
Jennifer: WHAT?
Hope: We can't risk having more people find out about this secret. Maybe this person thinks that since Gran has passed away, they don't have to worry anymore. If people find out and start talking about it, they will find out that people know about it.
Jennifer:...And then Horton's and Brady's will get hurt.
Hope: Exactly.
Jennifer:...but I can't lie to Jack.
Hope: <pulls her> C'mon, we're going.
Jennifer: Ugh...but but...HOPE, ugh...FINE!


Hope and Jennifer both walk into the Mausoleum, and slam the door shut.

Jennifer: Really Hope, the Kiriakas Mausoleum?
Hope: Well, this way we'll know if anyone's going to walk in.
Jennifer: Ya, and what are we going to tell them if they do, we we're here to um...what, visit Brady's pet orangutan.
Hope: No, we're not at the pet cemetery.
Jennifer: I thought I told you that I wasn't going to do anything stupid.
Hope: Well, sorry but sometimes as a detective you do stupid things.
Jennifer: Great.
Hope: Anyway, the first thing we have to do, is figure out where the other letters and emails are.
Jennifer:...and how are we supposed to do that? Us and computers is like Vivian and Aunt Maggie, they DON'T go together!
Hope: You're right, we need help.
Jennifer: Well, who could we ask?
Hope: We just need to tell someone that we need to figure out a way to find out what are grandmothers email address is, because there were some things in it that she wanted us to read, but we couldn't since she...
Jennifer:...passed away.
Hope: Ya.
Jennifer: Well, who do we ask?
Hope: Um, well who do we know thats good with computers?
Jennifer: Um, Jack?
Hope: Jack? Really Jen, I know you want to tell him, but JACK?
Jennifer: Well what are you thinking?
Hope: Maybe, Bo's nephew Brady?
Jennifer: Brady? Is there someone we maybe know a bit more?
Hope: Wait, Philip! Philip can help us with this more than Brady can. He's always on the titan website, and changing and updating things. He must be able to help us.
Jennifer: Well, then Philip it is.
Hope: Lets go find him.
Jennifer: Okay, anything to leave this mausoleum.
Hope: C'mon....

To be continued Tuesday!
Next to Come: Will Philip be able to Help?
Philip was a surprise to me...doesn't he just employ somebody in his tech dept. to help with computer issues? It would be cool to see Nick, released from prison, come solve the puzzle!
Loved the chapter. Jen and Hope are just so good together. So Jen to try and get Jack included. I am also shocked that Philip is the one they picked to help out with the computers. I also felt that he had a team that took care of that stuff for him. I am anxious to see if he is able to do anything to help. I am dying to know what the secret is.
I'm a little confused. How come it would affect the Brady family as well?

Well, theres a couple of reasons. Hope's a Brady, so's Bo, and a lot of their close family members are Brady's. There's many ways the Brady's are related. Plus, wait until the secret comes out. Then, you'll find out how it effects the Bradys.
I thought that Hope was a Horton. Bo is a Brady. I was thinking that the secret was about them and Ciara or Shawn D. That way it would effect both families.
Hey Guys, sorry if the story's a little confusing right now, but as you continue to read it, it will make more sense.


Hope and Jennifer both enter the Kiriakas mansion, Henderson answers the door.

Henderson: Ah, good evening Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Deveraux. Bo isn't here.
Hope: Oh, we're not looking for Bo.
Henderson: Well, neither is Jack.
Hope: No, Henderson um...is Philip home?
Jennifer: We need to talk to him.
Henderson: Um, actually yes, I'll go call him down.


Hope and Jennifer both enter the living room, and sit down, while Philip walks down the stairs.

Phllip: Hey Hope, Jen.
Hope: Hey Philip
Jennifer: Hi.
Philip: So, whats up?
Hope: Um, Philip, are you any good with computers?
Philip: Ha, me and computers...
Hope: Told you Jen,
Philip: Thats like Vivian and my Dad. They don't go together!
Hope: Never mind.
Jennifer: Wait, but you're always on the Titan website.
Philip: Ya, to check it out. I hire people to do all of the actual work.
Jennifer: Oh, well do you think maybe they could help us?
Philip: Well, what is it that you need?
Hope: We need to find out our Gran's email address.
Philip: Alice? Why?
Hope: Its important, we can't tell you anymore.
Philip: Well, I don't think they can help you. Everything that they do is for Titan, because they get paid to do it. I mean, I could ask...but Victor would get suspicious.
Hope: Oh, never mind then.
Philip: Maybe, check around. Alice probably wrote her email address and password down somewhere.
Jennifer: Oh my gosh, Hope he's probably right.
Hope: We have to go, thanks Philip. Don't tell anyone.
Philip: I won't, see ya.


Hope and Jennifer both run into the room, and began searching for the email address and password.

Jennifer: Did Gran keep a diary?
Hope: I don't know, she wouldn't have told us.
Jennifer: Wait, whats this? <hands her a locked book, with Alice written on the front of it>
Hope: I don't know, but here's the key <grabs it from the drawer>
Jennifer: Here, I'll open it.

Jennifer twists the key, and the book pops open. They turn several pages, until they finally get to one, with the email and password written down, under the title 'Important".

Hope: Okay, so its grandmaalice@yahoo.com
Jennifer: Password, hortonfamily
Hope: Okay, now lets go to my house to use the laptop. Bo won't be home yet. He was working late on a case.
Jennifer: To your house it is.

To be continued Wednesday
Next to Come: Hope and Jennifer read the next email, but what does it say?
Great story. Am loving how Hope and Jennare working together on this mystery. Can't wait to read more as the story unfolds!
I am very excited to see how this unfolds. Love Jen and Hope together. Thought it was nice to have Philip thrown into the mix too. too bad he couldn't have been of more help!

Great story so far Hope*Brady
Thanks again for the Comments, here's the next chapter:


Hope and Jennifer walk in through the front door, to find an empty house, with the laptop closed and on the coffee table.

Hope: BRADY?! <pause> Okay, he's not home.
Jennifer: Quick, we have to do this fast.
Hope: Why, even if someone does come home they don't have no know what we're doing.
Jennifer: Okay, but won't it seem a little suspicious?
Hope: No, we just tell them that we were shopping online for shoes.
Jennifer: Really, Shoes Hope. SHOES...
Hope: Well, I didn't hear you come up with any ideas.
Jennifer: Whatever, um...here just type it in.
Hope: Okay, um www.yahoo.com
Jennifer: Now, type in grandmaalice@yahoo.com
Hope: grandmaalice@yahoo.com, and the password is hortonfamily?
Jennifer: Yep.
Hope: Okay, and enter.
Jennifer: Good, we're in.
Hope: Alright, um...lets check the inbox <clicks>
Jennifer: There's nothing there, just a bunch of emails from random websites.
Hope: Okay, then lets check the sent folder. <clicks>
Jennifer: How about this one <points> To You From Alice.
Hope: Okay, that's probably it, <clicks> Yep, its it. Remember, this is the email she sent before she got the letter.
Jennifer: Right, lets read it.

July 13, 2010
Dear You,
Okay, I've done everything you've asked so far. I haven't stated your name in any emails, I haven't told anybody, etc etc. However, I'm tired of these ultimatums. You know what you are doing is wrong, and its hurting my family, even though they don't know the whole thing yet. However, please don't use violence as an action. This secret has nothing to do with you, and this secret doesn't deserve to be hurt. Please treat it with care. However, you are making a terrible mistake. I don't know how much longer I will be around, so when I pass, sure nobody will know about this secret, but eventually, someone will find out. Even though I have to refer to it as a secret, and can't hide any hints in my emails and letters, you must know that one day, this secret will be solved, and you will seriously hope you never did what you did. Just keep that in the back of your head.
Anyways, until we meet again

Hope: Ugh! Its not what we wanted!
Jennifer: We will solve it Hope, we just need more clues.


Bo is sitting in the Brady Pub, having a cup of coffee, when Philip walks in.

Philip: Hey, shouldn't you be at work?
Bo: Ya, I just took a quick coffee break. How'd you know I was working late?
Philip: Hope told me.
Bo: Hope? When did you see her?
Phillp: Um, half an hour ago? She was with Jennifer.
Bo: Why were you talking to her?
Philip: Um, well she stopped at the mansion because she wanted me to...ugh never mind.
Bo: Philip, what did she want you to do? She's my wife, I have a right to know.
Philip: She wanted me to help her figure out Alice's email and password. I'm only telling you because I know how much you care and love her, but...I think she's up to something.
Bo: Well, then...I have a new case. I have to find out what my wife's doing behind my back.

To be continued Thursday!
Next to Come: Bo finds Hope, and how much does she tell him?
Wow. Loved the last two chapters. So anxious to see what happens. I am wondering if Bo and Jack will end up working on the case with Hope and Jen.
Thanks for the comments, I love reading them!

Hope and Jennifer are reading the email Alice sent, when Hope's cellphone rings. She looks at the caller id.

Hope: It's Bo.
Jennifer: Don't answer it!
Hope: I have to answer it, he'll think somethings wrong if I don't.
Jennifer: Just make it quick.

Hope: <presses talk> Hey Brady.
Bo: Hey Fancy Face, whats up?
Hope: Oh, um nothing much, you called me remember?
Bo: Ya, I know. I'm just at the pub with Philip. What are you doing?
Hope: Oh, I'm just at home with Jen, we're shopping online for shoes.

Jennifer hits Hope, giving her a stupid look.

Hope: <to Jennifer, mouths 'what?'
Bo: Oh, I see. Shoe shopping. So, anything new?
Hope: Brady, whats on your mind?
Bo: What do you mean?
Hope: I know you are trying to get me to tell you something.
Bo: No, I'm just on break and wanted to see whats up with my wife.
Hope: Well, like I said, we're just show shopping.
Bo: I know what I'll do, I'll come home for a quick visit.
Hope: NO! NO YOU CAN'T! I mean, we're really busy.
Bo: Shoe shopping?
Hope: No...um ya, you know me and my shoes.
Bo: Fine, well I'll see you a bit later.
Hope: Love you, bye <hangs up>

Jennifer: Well?
Hope: He knows, he so knows what we're up to. He's at the pub with Philip, and obviously Philip told him something.
Jennifer: <while looking on the laptop> Whoa, Hope look!
Hope: What? <looks>
Jennifer: Its another email Gran sent to this mystery person.
Hope: Quick, open it!
Jennifer: I'm clicking, I'm clicking <opens it>
Hope: Okay, read it.

July 11, 2010
Dear You,
Okay, I understand why you are doing this, but this really doesn't have anything to do with you. I know you do sort of dislike my family, and I know that your previous plans have failed, of brainwashing, kidnapping, and what not, but this? You can't do this. Its simply too harsh. Please, just stop what you are doing, I beg you. Please.
Until we meet again,

Jennifer: Oh, my gosh!
Hope: Its him, its Stefano DiMera!
Jennifer: Brainwashing, Kidnapping, dislikes the family. It makes perfect sense!
Hope: Quick, to the DiMera mansion!

To be continued Friday!
Next to Come: Hope and Jennifer arrive at the DiMera Mansion, but Stefano isn't there. Is he even the one with the secret?

Hope you enjoy :)
Yes!!!!!!!! I thought it had something to do with Stefano and the Dimeras. Just love this story. It was the only thing I could think of that would involve both families. Thanks for the chapter Hope*Brady.