A huge dud episode (Mon, 9/22)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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What is worse than an episode full of filler scenes? The answer is an episode like yesterday's. You know one where the intention was to be full of drama. Instead it fell as flat and hard as an anvil. First the EJ and Sami "reconnecting".... BARF

Now it would be one thing if this was nothing more than a boring couple (like Rafe and Jordan) but it isn't. It's the story of a rapist-abuser-cheater and his abuse victim syndrome victim. It's the sickest pairing the show has ever had and could not be further from a love story.

Then we have Marlena and Eric at John's bedside. Been there too many times already. Just wake him up or let him croak. I can't stand to look at Marlena's squinty boo-hoo expression any longer.

Well it was a short episode for me because as hard as I tried I couldn't watch more than a few seconds of the above stated material before I was hitting the ff button.
It was boring....................BUT I guess I am in the minority who actually likes that Sami and EJ are together and will (hopefully) leave together.
I took Days off my DVR and haven't watched in the past 3 days. I'll have to get caught up via summaries and YouTube clips. Sorry, but I can't stomach the EJ-Sami scenes; deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS

If it remains the Daniel-Jennifer Hour Featuring Eve Bothering JJ and Paige, I'll probably still just use the summaries.
Thank you, Jazz Cat, for pointing that out. I appreciate it. As mods, we can't read every single word of every single post. That post is now edited, too.
I think the writers are trying to have it both ways with Sami/EJ. They wanted them to be a couple, and still at war with each other, which is dumb. Once they had EJ lie to Sami about Kristen/Eric, trying to make her believe the sex was consensual when he knew Kristen had drugged and raped Eric, laughing and joking about Kristen raping Eric, and cheating on Sami, it should have been war.

Besides, Sami looked more gleeful and happy when she went to see EJ at the jail, and told him what she did, than in the entire time she has been with EJ. Since the writers went down this path, they should have seen it through to the end, especially since Kate/Sami are way more entertaining scheming together than EJ/Sami are as a couple.