A huge Thank YOU!

Gosh, Barb - you don't get to lose us that easily! We are addicted to the site and to you! And all of us have found some really neat friends here.

You have done so much for us, and we know how hard you try. But Mother Nature likes to get in the last word, and you can't fight that!

It took me long enough to find you, so I plan to stick around forever and beyond.

Thanks for all you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barb, we should all be thanking YOU!!

You put so much time & effort into this board. You are SO appreciated!!!
I LOVE your posts Barb! :) I don't always get a chance to post, but I read your summaries and/or days ahead every day! I'm even guilty of preferring to read yours over actually watching the show! :) (Mainly because I'm impatient and enjoy reading without commercial breaks...ha ha) :)
I appreciate you getting up early and doing this for us- you are such a kind woman and you have such a sweet heart!


Merry Christmas,
Thank YOU, Barb, for your wonderful summaries and insights! I just love your additional comments and descriptions (i.e. 'Benchie' comes instantly to mind) and always read and then watch the show.

You rock, Barb!
We can never thank you enough for what you do. You describe each scene so succinctly without getting overly wordy, adding just enough wit and humor here and there. Even on days I will be watching, I still HAVE to read your reviews. So, the day before the day of, whatever. I'll be here.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
I record and watch the show everyday but I sit down with my laptop and read your preview before I watch, regardless of what time it is posted. Sometimes I get to read the writeup earlier in the day but it doesn't matter that much when. I feel bad that you have to get up earlier than usual to do it but it is obvious from these posts that a lot of people are grateful. I don't ever go and read other boards, whether you get your preview up or not, and even if you didn't do the preview, I would still get on here and read the other forums. I look forward to it each and every day!
While the Days Ahead is great to have, it's not the only wonderful part of this forum. This whole forum is great!!!

You will never lose me and I appreciate everyone that puts their efforts into it.
Barb is Wonderful!

Barb you are wonderful. I was here thru the whole digital change over. I will be here when the weather warms up. I dont get to watch as many others everyday so this keeps me updated. You do a wonderful job and I appreciate it very much. Don't lose sleep over us. Those loyal will be here in the end. The ones who leave will soon learn that this is the best site ever and they will be back.

THANK YOU THANK YOU for all you do.
Yes thank you for what you do and for putting up with us :rotfl:
Barb, we come here for the warmth and the humor and friendship, (well, I have to admit, I do log on several times a day so I can look at kpatchs avatar...lol!). There is no other site where we can come and be ourselves and complain about or favorite TV show! The other sites have meanies. The Day Ahead is bonus. You are the best and we'll keep coming back no matter what.

:hug: :love: :kiss: from all of us to you!
I never post, but just had to register just now so that I could reply to this. I have been following your posts for a VERY long time and I couldn't live with out them! It is what I do everyday during my lunch break at work. I can't tape the show at home and I have been watching Days since I was a very little girl (am 40 now) LOL!

Barb, you are my hero and much, much appreciated!!!
I appreciate your synopsis whenever you can get them out. You can only do what the forces of nature and technology will cooperate with. Thanks for being willing to do whatever it takes to get your wonderful days ahead out to us!
We owe you the THANKS!

Thank you so much for your dedication and support of our obsession!

Happy New Year! May it be the best ever!
I live for these things on a daily basis, so if it takes you a while to get it back on track, that's fine with me. Abscence just makes the heart grow fonder. ;P