A soap staple - THE COMA


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I think sometime in the future there should be a big ball/party where the guests of honor are all those in Salem who lay in comas for weeks or months on end. Just think how long the list would be, and there could even be a plaque put up at the town square, with all the names, including those no longer in Salem. LOL

My own quote, from another thread, but I know many here have been watching longer than I have. So, can we name the Coma Hall of Fame? Some of our Salemites were in short lived comas, some in pretty long ones, such as Lucas, who was in a coma for over a year (shipped out to CA to a special burn hospital - while the actor was off the show for a year - and then Lucas "finally came out of the coma, Kate brought him back, shoved a hospital bed with Lucas on it into Austin's small apt. LOL

So, how about it. Salemites who have been in a coma

Lucas...stated above
Bo......about a month
Sami...when she fell thru the glass French doors at Tony's place
Stefano...a few times
EJ......when he got shot by Will at his wedding to Sami(she wore black)
Patch...when he was caught in the boat explosion

I know there are more....c'mon...
To go back in time, Janice Barnes, from an accident when playing with Melissa on the docks.

Father Francis because Tony cut off his oxygen supply to keep him from telling the truth so Tony could frame John Black I believe it was.

Jasper, Jenn & Jack's circus friend, because of Peter.

Philip was put in a coma after the island story when he, Belle, Shawn & friends were in that pit.

Carly was in a coma too. I think it was when Victor was trying to keep her for himself & not Bo.

Laura Horton was in a catatonic state for a while so could be considered for an honorary coma victim :)
I love that movie. The sequel not so much. She was such a joy of a person when she lived here.

On topic, I was reading about comas today & it was funny to read a line about how Days was ahead of their time with many things but that soap opera comas are nothing like real life comas. I found that interesting too. :)