A special request please? (need help and input on new software)

Thanks for all the help everyone. I will be taking that test site down in a few days (before I forget and get charged for a year's service in advance). I will probably be using that software on something like a site for D&D players, or maybe a community for Honda Goldwing riders, or maybe even for people who've undergone weight loss surgery (as I have). I don't know yet. What I do know is that -- if I do anything with that software -- it has to be another 110% dedication effort, just as it was when I launched Amiga.org 20 years ago, or the work I did behind the scenes for Barb -- wow -- nearly 10 years ago...

Why? Because that software isn't suited for a forum like this, but it's made for inventing an online social network, and the initial outlay would be like $600 or so between software, theme, addons, branding, and graphics...

All the same, it's been a great little experiment and those who've partaken seemed to have enjoyed it. Just wanted to say thanks for letting me butt in here.
