A way to bring Wayne Northrop back


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Not sure about the spelling of Wayne's name, but ...

A new twist in the Roman Brady storyline:

What if the present Roman, is still NOT Roman, but the rather the real Roman was being held by Stefano back in Italy. And the present Roman is really the charecter he used to play back in the 1980's (can't remember the charecters name, too many years have gone by)

This would also give incentive to bring back Stefano, that is if Joe would be willing to come back. Only Joe can be Stefano.

Now, what if Sami was not Roman's child, but rather the child of John Black? This would make it illegal for her to be married or have relations with EJ.

Hope everyone gets good grades this year. :)
The present Roman used to be Chris Kositchek who had a brother Jake (which was either the Salem slasher or Salem strangler) and a sister Amy. He was a factory foreman for Bob Anderson (Melissa's dad). He had a one night stand with Kayla when she first appeared, which is the only real bad thing I remember him doing.
So what Moeshe is saying is perhaps..........Chris K. was brainswashed at some point into believing he was Roman Brady (as John was once), while real Roman has been held by Stefano all these years.

So what Moeshe is saying is perhaps..........Chris K. was brainswashed at some point into believing he was Roman Brady (as John was once), while real Roman has been held by Stefano all these years.


Correct. Wouldn't that be a hoot having 3 Romans on the show? Of course only one of them would be the real Roman, or...??? ROFLOL
Will the real Roman Brandy please stand up?!? :evillaugh: I always did like To Tell The Truth and What's My Line.
LOL imagine the "real" Roman is really....STEFANO.....DUN, DUN, DUN, and the real Stefano REALLY died. Marlena is distraught at the thought that she put him in a coma, and wonders how it all could have happened....wow this would turn my head 360 degrees.
The present Roman used to be Chris Kositchek who had a brother Jake (which was either the Salem slasher or Salem strangler) and a sister Amy. He was a factory foreman for Bob Anderson (Melissa's dad). He had a one night stand with Kayla when she first appeared, which is the only real bad thing I remember him doing.

Thank you. During that time I was in the process of moving so I didn't watch Days as much as I wanted to.

LOL imagine the "real" Roman is really....STEFANO.....DUN, DUN, DUN, and the real Stefano REALLY died. Marlena is distraught at the thought that she put him in a coma, and wonders how it all could have happened....wow this would turn my head 360 degrees.

WOW, that makes my head turn 360 degrees like on that scary movie from the 1970's, or is that what you were referring to? LOL :)
WOW, that makes my head turn 360 degrees like on that scary movie from the 1970's, or is that what you were referring to? LOL :)

If YOUR referring to The Exorcist, then yes LOL. But in other words, I mean it would make me rethink EVERYTHING that's happend that led us to where we are now.
Back when Alex North was involved in story with Marlena.....many folks remarked on having all 3 Romans on at the same time...........Including the Early Edition. Laney made this great banner....and I think it so fitting to reproduce it in this thread........

Back when Alex North was involved in story with Marlena.....many folks remarked on having all 3 Romans on at the same time...........Including the Early Edition. Laney made this great banner....and I think it so fitting to reproduce it in this thread........


hmm I'd love to see it. :)
Back when Alex North was involved in story with Marlena.....many folks remarked on having all 3 Romans on at the same time...........Including the Early Edition. Laney made this great banner....and I think it so fitting to reproduce it in this thread........


I cannot see it, probably has something to do with my computer though.
I couldn't see it (the banner) until I went to the original page. Then it appeared in the thread after it was loaded in a temporary file I guess.
I must agree, that Wayne Northup IS Roman. Josh Taylor seems like Chris Kosichek pretending to me, but I'm TRYING to "get it"...still...

At least John is John and not Roman!
Josh Taylor seems like Chris Kosichek pretending to me, but I'm TRYING to "get it"

I know how you feel. When Chris was a character he had some steamy moments and appeared to have more personality. Now as Roman, He just IS. I don't know, maybe its the writing and it isn't allowing the actors to showcase their talents or maybe its hard to get into another character. John is almost like another character even though he is playing himself. Maybe I shouldn't make comparisons. I just know it doesn't seem quite right.
Back when Alex North was involved in story with Marlena.....many folks remarked on having all 3 Romans on at the same time...........Including the Early Edition. Laney made this great banner....and I think it so fitting to reproduce it in this thread........


Yup. And Yup to fitting. :) Back then I was hoping that was what they were going to do. But imo, I think the writers dropped the ball with that storyline not ending up with him being Roman.

If YOUR referring to The Exorcist, then yes LOL. But in other words, I mean it would make me rethink EVERYTHING that's happend that led us to where we are now.

Yup. I have problems with that movie as it gave me nightmares back then. I have just decided to call it, "That Horror movie from the 70's" instead. LOL
