Actor & Actress leaving

On GL, it was Reva's half sister, Tammy, who not only hooked up, but married Reva's son, Jonathan. She later died.
On GL, Reva's half sister's (Cassie) daughter (Tammy) married Reva's long-lost son (Jonathon). They had a conversation about "sharing only one grandmother". GROSS.

To be fair, I believe they fell in love when Jonathon was forcing/allowing someone else (Sandy) to pretend to be Reva's son, but he knew the whole time he was seducing his cousin.
You are right about GL, Jason, Thank you for refreshing my memory. I was close, but no cigar!, lol

As to those leaving the Eli, so sorry to see him leave. Not all that fond of Lani, so that character leaving doesn't bother me.
How lame, to have Ben & Ciara sail off around the world like her parents did, years ago/ All this repetition of previous story is not appreciated.
Does Ben know how to handle a sailboat? Or any boat, for that matter. I'm pretty sure Ciara hasn't captained any boats, so why would they sail into the sunset unless they were on a cruise ship. How will Ben refill his meds in the middle of the ocean? How will they get baby supplies in the middle of the ocean? This "gift" sounds like a recipe for disaster.