actress coming


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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this is really old news, but Alla Korot, who began taping in Jan. , as a character called Janet Bernard, gave a small hint to her storyline via Twitter....."Summer"

SPECULATING..that she may be the person whose story of being adopted with a birth mother was a teen farm girl, etc. was taken by Summer as her own.
Just a theory, but what if Summer told the story to Dario, who knew of Maggie being a farm girl, etc. And what if Maggie's baby really did not make it.thus the big scam? This character doesn't show til late June....

Korot formerly on Another World
I had wondered awhile ago if Janet Bernard is Maggie's real child.

Plus, it's so odd that her name is Janet Bernard and Maggie and Mickey's late foster daughter was Janice Barnes. And, it was so very odd to see Janice's ornament so prominently shown this past Christmas, considering we haven't seen it on-screen since 1987 when an adult Janice hung it on the tree.

I hope it turns out that Maggie's child did die at birth and Summer is a fraud.

And while the ages probably don't add up, I'd rather see this Janet Bernard be the unknown daughter of Janice Barnes. That way, she could be special to Maggie, but not biologically related.