actress returning to Days

This was noted in post #88 and #89 in the Departing...arriving Part 3 thread.

I apologize as I can’t link the Facebook post to here and didn’t see it yet on his site but Jason47 just posted that per an interview with Nicholas Costar, who was on a cruise of former a Santa Barbara stars, including Louise Sorel (Vivian) that Sorel had to back out of the early November cruise as she was filming at Days Of Our Lives. Per Jason this will bring Viv back in summer 2020. As it is Jason47 posting I felt it appropriate to post like this. If not feel free to edit/remove.

If we have to have Vivian back, at least she's played by Louise Sorel. While Robin Strasser is a great actress, she just was not a good fit as Vivian. Seems she was trying to portray Vivian the same way she played Hecuba on Passions.

In my not so humble opinion, the characters of Vivian Alamain and Stefano DiMera should never be recast! We all know Viv is not dead because we saw her scuttle off into the night. Stefano IS dead! I cannot imagine there was much essence left after Hope and Rafe dumped him in that abandoned building. He was there for several days (if I am not mistaken) before the body was found. My imagination cannot take much more stretching!
Days can retcon anything, so they can retcon Rolf getting some "essence" from Stefano before he died, since he had a few terminal illnesses, thus insuring he would "live on, the phoenix rising again"!

And I do agree, Stefano was dead, dead, dead after being killed by Hope, and it WAS quite a while before Andre located him in that warehouse, which got blown up. Currently, I hate that Days writers are insulting his memory.........and as much as I love Stephen Nichols/Steve Johnson, his being infused with the character of Stefano DiMera is a disservice to fans of both.

And sure, I know the actors are having fun with playing a personality different from the one of their usual character, but it has overstayed itself.
Stephen Nichols (Patch) is killing it! His impersonation of Stefano is great. But, as much as I love Stephen Nichols, he is not and can never be Stefano! And, I agree with Poirot that this storyline is disrespectful to Joe Mascolo and Stefano DiMera. Joe played Stefano with just the right mixture of humanity and evil. He loved his family and was devoted to his children. When he was crossed, he was Satan incarnate!

While I am on the subject of Stefano and his devotions, there is one thing that is driving me crazy. Stefano and I shared a love of opera and classical music. He calls Marlena his "Queen of the Night." OK, the Queen of the Night is a character from Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute. She is a mean, evil, vindictive *bleep*!!! But, she can sing! She rattles of F sharps like she is spitting out watermelon seeds. Just seems like a strange comparison to Marlena.
LOL, that is because the writers have no idea about that character, just sounds good. Remember when Stefano was drugging Marlena, then coming into her bedroom via her armoire, taking her out on the town every night......his queen of the night. LOL
I am glad that if they are bringing Viv back, again, that at least Louise Sorel is playing her. I agree that Robin Strasser seemed to be channeling her Hecuba persona from Passions. Usually Vivian is over the top, but with Robin Strasser she was a complete clown. In my opinion I would really prefer Vivian to stay somewhere far away from Salem. I do think that they could bring back Stefan O., his character grew on me in a good way.
If we have to have Vivian back, at least she's played by Louise Sorel. While Robin Strasser is a great actress, she just was not a good fit as Vivian. Seems she was trying to portray Vivian the same way she played Hecuba on Passions.

Oh absolutely!! Vivian is a comical character as is already, and for her to go over the top, it's saying something. With Robin Strasser's take, it was very cartoony like Hecuba in Passions. "A" for effort I suppose lol!

I'd rather see Vivian ally it up with Eve to go against Salemites. But I don't know, something tells me it's going to be a desperate Gabi with almost zero allies begging for Vivian's help, I speculate.
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Good to hear that Louise Sorel (the real Vivian) is returning. She's highly entertaining in small doses. And since she's returning, they ought to get Gus out of jail and reunite him with his "madame." Hopefully, when Viv does return, the plot will more creative than seeking revenge for the death of her son, Stefan Zero, or her joining a multi-sided battle for control of the sorry shadow of what DiMera Enterprises used to be.
Louise Sorel (Vivian) had a way of making Vivian's evilness have a side of humor to it almost in a Sid and Marty Krofft villain did (on the 70's Saturday morning kiddie shows). The last actress just came off plain old nuts with a hint of mean.
I wonder if Stefan is really alive? I would think Stefano would want his alleged son Stefan to be spared from death to "mold" him. There have been speculations that Julie's heart is really Dr. Shah's.

I guess it depends on how long Steve has been Stefano, which I think would have been around the time Stefan died. I am just trying to contemplate why Vivian would return to Salem when she has a one-way ticket to prison with her name on it. Unless Salemites somehow end up in Alamania?