Aftermath of Bo's Secret (speculation)


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Bo has not only withheld evidence, but actually let it out of his hands, causing it to be destroyed by Kate. His conscience is bothering him no end, he almost tells Abe, but chickens out. No one else knows.

Undoubtably, this is all going to come out, Bo is going to be labeled a dirty cop, and will lose his badge. He already was in trouble over that disk that disappeared from the evidence room some time this. He has failed his by the book brother, Roman, his wife, his good friend and boss, Abe. And worse, he has failed himself.

Will he get busted down to patrolman again.....or is Bo going to be disgraced and lose his badge and job?

And if he does.....this brings up something brought up elsewhere. The Pub. Would Bo be the one to take over the Pub (only IF he lost his cop job).....or would he perhaps join forces with Steve and become "independent" investigators of some sort. Neither one is a "by the rules" sort of person, and both easily "take matters into their own hands".
If I remember right the missing disc was taken by Eve and giving to Kate. Kate paid her to do it and frame Bo. He had to prove that he did not take the disc to get Hope back. Therefore this would be his first offence. Should be interesting to see how the police force handles it. I think it will go on his record and he would be suspended for a while. I think the biggest thing will be how if effects his relationships with everyone.
If I remember right the missing disc was taken by Eve and giving to Kate. Kate paid her to do it and frame Bo. He had to prove that he did not take the disc to get Hope back. Therefore this would be his first offence. Should be interesting to see how the police force handles it. I think it will go on his record and he would be suspended for a while. I think the biggest thing will be how if effects his relationships with everyone. definitely remember correctly. :)

I hope that this doesn't cost Bo his career.
If he does loose his badge, I do like the idea of Bo & Steve working together!
I hope he gets in big time trouble over it both with the department and Hope. It's time someone took Bo and his hotheadedness down a notch.
I hope he goes down too. I'm not sure about cops because I'm not one, but I know nurses are held to some pretty high standards. I think those who are fighting for justice should do the same. We are the example of how it "should" be. Bo has always been the shady cop. I think Roman and Abe have been more "Straight Arrow" types.
Hope's always saying to Bo, "You bend the rules, but your don't break them." This is really going to bother Hope, when she finds out.
If that was to happen maybe it would give them more airtime w/ interesting s/ls. It could bring on some new big story for a May sweeps. It could be adventerous. Something new besides the bickering and sex. With all the sex going on I am not quite sure how all these women are so badgering. Wait those are the ones not getting any though. Well besides Stephanie.
I can see Bo going to work for Victor if he loses his cop job. He has been getting rather close to his biological father as of late.
I would think Bo has to be let go as a cop, even if this is only a soap. He already tried being a detective once with Hope as a team and that failed.

As for what he would do, I guess it is possible to work for Victor, but it would have to be legit.

In the long run though, he will go back to being a cop. He won't be happy and Abe & Roman will manage to get him another chance. Sort of like a probation.
If he did go work for Victor this could pose some possible storylines. The bonding between father and son. It could also pose the bonding of brothers or put in a nice twist of sibling rivalry. Would Philip who is already playing a somewhat bad guy keep that role with his new rival being his brother?
I don't think Bo would like to run the Pub. I think it would bore him to death. He likes adventure, I can see Bo and Steve going to France soon and helping Max and Stephanie. Bo and Patch being Private Eyes can definitely be interesting, or how about Bo - The Bounty Hunter?
I think if Bo gets fired Victor will feel guilty enough to offer him a job as head of security of Kiriakus Shipping. Caroline will offer him manager of the Brady Pub. I think Bo will take one of these jobs temporarily but then he and Steve will branch out with the P.I. career. Lucas could join in if they want to make Nicole's drunken fantasy into reality.