Aiden's broken finger

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Aiden wants to keep the truth of his broken finger to himself. He's told Rafe and Hope that it was either caught in the elevator or bitten by a dog.

Let's help him out and give him a list of excuses he can use.

He can say he was trying to swat a bee away from Kate when his finger became tangled in her 15 pounds of necklaces.

He can say he was trying to tie his shoe, when Joey Johnson came over and stomped on his finger.

He tried to sneak a peek into Ciara's backpack, when she caught him and taught him a lesson about snooping.

He encountered Horton the tiger while strolling in the park.
Will was demonstrating how to point fingers at other people but Aiden took it too far.

Jennifer and Eric, the town sourpusses, were demonstrating how to lecture people by waving their fingers, but Aiden once again put too much enthusiasm and hit the Town Square tree trunk.
He tried to adjust Stefano's blankie and the Phoenix freaked out.

He went to check on the Horton cabin and the resident raccoon team attacked him.

He had to make a quick business trip to LA, met Sami, and had the nerve to tell her that: 1) EJ never changed, 2) he uses Crest mouthwash, and 3) he actually likes Kate.

He told Maxine that Daniel and Jennifer really weren't a perfect couple.

He told a tasteless joke about Abigail showering with EJ, and it was overheard by hothead Ben.
Oh my, coming up with a clean joke for this is hard. I do not have a dirty mind, just a sexy imagination! (ba dum tiss!) hahaha...

Ok, here are some clean ideas I came up with:

Aiden told Eve that Jennifer was better than her at everything and Eve attacked him.

Aiden was playing chess with the Phoenix and beat him. The Phoenix, being a sore loser, smashed Aiden's finger with the King piece.
He was in the Brady Pub and said Caroline's chowder "wasn't all that". Caroline whacked him with a serving ladle.

He ate some of Maggie's cookies and said he tasted better in a bag of Chips Ahoy. Victor didn't take the comment lightly.