all of Sami's weddings

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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I've lost track of all of Sami's weddings (actual and near-misses).

Let's make a list of of each and every time Sami has worn a wedding dress or stood before a minister/priest/judge.
I think there is 11. Here are the ones I can remember
Austin 2 or 3 times,
Lucas 2 times
Keep in mind there was a EJ one when she wore the black dress-
and now this time when she's wearing a pink-ish dress
Keep in mind there was a EJ one when she wore the black dress-
and now this time when she's wearing a pink-ish dress

I should've clarified that to mean any time she put on a dress for a wedding, and not just a "traditional" wedding gown.
So of the 11 weddings how many actually ended with an "I do"?
any of them that made it to "I do" ended in Sami needing someone else's man and throwing her baby maker at them to get them.

wait...that's Chloe....and Nicole.. hmmm. well, Sami has them beat by far, hands down.
oh yeah! the green wedding to Lucas!!! :( i loved that wedding so much... its too bad it didn't last...

ABSOLUTELY!! That was the best wedding of all. I can list the many things I liked about that wedding, and here I go:

Sami looked beautiful. And I don't think she always does. Especially in wedding attire, to be honest. Her gown was simple and elegant, her hair was sleek and beautiful (she looks better with her hair swept back, methinks), and I appreciated that she didn't bother with a veil.

The kiss she and Lucas shared -- the "you may now kiss the bride" kiss -- was especially long and intense. LOVED IT!!

Sami seems to fall down, tripping over herself as she runs from the altar in shame and embarrassment, and a lot of her failed weddings. At this wedding, she fell down again walking down the aisle, but this time Lucas was there to catch her, and all was well.

Marlena looked very happy, clapping in the pews. I loved it.

The looks exchanged between Lucas and Sami during their first dance. Sigh...

Lucas telling Sami to please, stand up, it's her wedding day (or something to that effect).

Kate got cake in the face.

EJ got a slap in the face (hello, Old Sami).

And, most of importantly, Lucas was there. Lucas. was. there. !!!

That marriage lasted all of, what, six months?? What the fudge, Days writers??!! Worst mistake ever. I still don't understand and am soo hurt, after rooting for this coupling since FOREVER, that I was rewarded with six months of togetherness that itself was monopolized by friggin' EJ and the figgin', ridiculous vendetta story line. Whatever.
That was another one where everyone tried to talk Sami out of marrying EJ but she wouldn't listen.

These were all disasters because of either her scheming or stupidity!
I'm confused. In post #5 the first time Lucas is mentioned it says "Lucas again." Then he is mentioned two more times. So, when was the first? And were their two, three, or four times with Lucas?

How many of Sami's weddings actually ended up with marriages that had to be dissolved or annulled?
Sami actually said I do to Austin in France (forced to marry by French authorities)
to Brandon
to Lucas (green wedding)
to EJ (black dress)

All four of these were annulled.
I'm confused. In post #5 the first time Lucas is mentioned it says "Lucas again." Then he is mentioned two more times. So, when was the first? And were their two, three, or four times with Lucas?

How many of Sami's weddings actually ended up with marriages that had to be dissolved or annulled?

I am not sure about the Lucas "again," but from my memory, there were three attempts with Lucas: the engagement that was ruined when Kate set Sami up, to make it look as if she had slept with Brandon. Then the Stan wedding, which Kate again sabotaged (well, I guess Sami really sabotaged that one, but I prefer to blame Kate). And the only successful wedding to Lucas, the Green Wedding (and that marriage only lasted 6 or so months. GRRRR!!!).

But I seem to remember something about Sami and Lucas attempting to be married by a JOP, but it was discovered her marriage from Brandon wasn't appropriately annulled?? I don't know, I may be making that one up. She has only had four "successful" weddings: Austin in France, Brandon (and that lasted a day or less, I think), Lucas green wedding, and EJ to end the vendetta.
Sami kind of reminds me of the movie I saw with Katherine Heigal(sp) it was called 27 Dresses. Except in the movie Katherine had been a bridesmade 27 times. Sami is catching up with her on being the bride.
Well, if she marries Rafe at some point, that's an even dozen and maybe it will stick.
Wonder if she will have a garage sale for the wedding dresses...or maybe put them up on e-bay. "worn for just 1 hour", excellent condition. Looks brand new. LOLOL
I think there was a scene before Lucas and Sami were getting married where she was making room in her closet and he joked about how many wedding dresses there were in there.
I think there was a scene before Lucas and Sami were getting married where she was making room in her closet and he joked about how many wedding dresses there were in there.

No, it wasn't Lucas. I think you are thinking of Austin after Sami's Stan Wedding (in Aug/Sept of 2005, when Kate revealed, in her usual discreet style -- except not really -- that Sami had been dressed in drag, posing as the terrorist Stan and working for Tony DiMera). He consoles/talks to her outside the church, and they return to her apartment. There he sees her closet-full of dresses and makes fun of Sami for being desperate and pathetic. Well, that is what I would have said/done!! But Austin basically scolds her for holding on to all these artifacts of her past, of the mistakes she's made, and for not growing up/changing. Funny how that advice can still be applied to her situation today. If I have to hear how much Sami has changed, or how much she hasn't changed, or how people have wanted to make her change to no avail, or how they were wrong to make her want to change, or how they would never ever ask her to change, etc. etc., I might just scream.

Also strange how Sami was able to find the closet-space to fit all those dresses. She could have made a tiny side career selling the used ones online -- they would definitely have been in barely-used, almost-new condition.

ETA: Oh, so sorry Poirot! I see you already beat me to that joke, and told it in a much better and funnier fashion than I. MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES!!!
Yes, whatsherface25... YES!!! Have been rooting for Lumi forever, and still hope it happens!!!!